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Reader, vataworld: "Is our hair really an extension of our nervous system?"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Saturday, 10-Oct-2015 23:35:02

In Response To: CGI's truth: Hair Is An Extension Of The Nervous System Why Indians Keep Their Hair Long (CGI_admin)

(Thanks, s. :)

Reader s. sends us this article, found here:


Is our hair really an extension of our nervous system?

I just read an interesting article on Native American trackers during the Vietnam War who lost their special abilities when their long hair was cut off. They reported losing the abilities to sense subtle changes in the environment, as well as their intuitive abilities.

It has been theorised by the scientists involved in the study that our hair (on the head, face and body) is an external part of the nervous system, and play an important part in helping us ‘sense’ what is happening around us:

“Hair is an extension of the nervous system, it can be correctly seen as exteriorized nerves, a type of highly-evolved ‘feelers’ or ‘antennae’ that transmit vast amounts of important information to the brainstem, the limbic system, and the neocortex. When hair is cut, receiving and sending transmissions to and from the environment are greatly hampered. This results in ‘numbing-out’.”

Intuitively this seems right, that our hair and nervous systems are intimately linked. When we sense danger, our hair will rise up on our necks and scalps. In the animal kingdom, dogs’ hackles rise when they are scared and preparing for an attack, and cat’s whiskers give them a lot of information about their environment, even in the dark. Conversely what is happening in our nervous system can effect our hair’s condition. Our hair can turn grey or even fall out when we have a big shock.

Ayurveda and the hair-nervous system connection

Ayurveda believes that there is a strong link between hair and the nervous system. Hair is seen as being a secondary vital tissue closely linked to both marrow and the central nervous system. The condition of the hair can show the state of balance of a person’s nervous system. Very dry, wild hair can be a sign of a vata imbalance, which also causes anxiety. Prematurely grey hair or balding are a sign of pitta imbalance, or high stress or anger. Interestingly, gray or silver hairs are not seen as problematic (unless premature) as they are supposed to increase energy and nutrients in the body to compensate for age. Calm kaphas will often have luxuriously full and thick hair.

Leaving hair to grow long as nature intended is seen as the ideal in Ayurveda. Hair is meant to be left to grow as long as is genetically possible, which will be different for everyone. It is believed that hair, as well as skin, absorbs solar energy (in the form of phosphorous, vitamin D and calcium), so must be kept long to maximise this. The natural oils in hair help with the absorption of vitamin D, which is important for the health of our central nervous system. We should be drying our hair in the sun to absorb the vitamin D, rather than using hairdryers. Additionally it is believed that if hair is continually cut, it needs lots of extra energy and nutrients to grow the hair, taking it from the body.

Ayurveda recommends tying the hair up on the top of the head during the day to better absorb solar energy, and being combed down with a wooden comb at night. Instead of cutting hair to remove split ends, the daily oiling of hair is recommended.

Hair as the receptor of subtle energies

But more than this, Ayurveda (and Kundalini yoga) sees the hair as absorbing and transmitting more subtle energies than that, acting as a sort of antennae for the energetic world around us. This relates to the loss of psychic abilities in the Native American trackers.

The hair is seen as an extension of the Shushumna, the etheric spine, acting as ‘antennae’ that take in prana, or the universal life force, increasing our vitality and intuition. When we cut our hair, we cut these antennaes off, depriving ourselves of energy and psychic abilities. The antennae take 3 years to reform, requiring lots of energy from our bodies to grow.

Long hair and culture

The ancient and native peoples all knew about this link between long hair, health and spirituality. They never cut their hair voluntarily. Short hair was a universal sign of slavery or defeat, a loss of power and identity. People would only cut their hair for mourning purposes, to retreat from the world (such as nuns) or for hygiene (such as in armies). It is a way of blocking out the energies of the world. Even Victorian women would let their hair grow as long as possible, tying it up in elaborate hair styles to keep it out of the way. It is only in modern times that both men and women cut their hair short on a regular basis, changing the lengths according to trends.

Rishi with long knotted hair

Rishi with long knotted hair

Many religions of the world recommend leaving hair to grow long to increase sensitivity and overall spirituality. The hair is an important part of our connection to our environment. The rishis of India leave their hair to grow long, knotting it up on the crown of their head in a rishi knot, or joora.

Many other religious groups never cut their hair as part of their beliefs, including Sikhs and Exclusive Brethren. They wear turbans or head scarves to keep the hair tidy and in order, as tangled hair is seen as tangling the energies received into the body.

Perhaps there is some truth in the Sampson and Delilah story after all, where Sampson loses all his power when Delilah cuts off his hair.



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