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CGI's Morgan: o Mimic the Sun in the Luminous Heart of Everyone

Posted By: Susoni
Date: Saturday, 26-Sep-2015 13:04:53

In Response To: CGI's Morgan: Dog Poet^^^The Pope Genuflects before The Father of Lies (Susoni)

Of course we like to keep Origami as at least metaphysical, if not downright spiritual; downright spiritual? That sounds a little weird. Moving right along; anyway the Warner Brother's Saturday Morning Cartoon Pope had the insane hypocritical gall to caution the listener against material comfort. Say what?... as he drove away to the Vatican digs on the Upper East Side ...and... they got these and more palatial spreads in most every country in the world. How many of the immigrants that the popester is insisting that the US and the rest of the world take in is the Vatican taking in?

Meanwhile... Obama “decided to invite transgender activists Mateo Williamson and Vivian Taylor, the first openly gay Episcopal bishop, Bishop Gene Robinson and Sister Simone Campbell, an activist nun who leads a group criticized by the Vatican for its silence on abortion and euthanasia.” to meet with the popester at the White House. Then the popester did this. As we have oft stated here, we could care less about what people get up to with each other in their fumbling efforts and antics, as they seek to discover themselves. All of our bumpings and grindings and flailing about in the darkness, are simply transiting phases on the way to self discovery. None of them are a portal into this mysterious land but... all of them serve as possibilities discarded at some point and so going through them is necessary somehow. Don't ask me why (grin). The true course of sexual passion is when it is channeled into spiritual aspiration and that is not for everyone, especially given the general consciousness and behavior patterns of the masses. Only a few in times of darkness are able to soldier on in this regard but... since reincarnation is a fact, no one gets lost although... there seems to be an indication in certain scriptures that some are able to make this happen through a darker passion of intransigence and of burning everything human out of themselves.

Here's something visible wrote back in the 70s and it is one of the many sterling efforts accomplished by the truly gifted Patrick Willis. Visible has not been a big fan of the papacy (that might be a past life thing) and after his kundalini experience he ran afoul of priests who popped out of the woodwork here and there. There was some kind of native antagonism at work; not understood by visible who for some reason is talking in the third person, probably because he knows that this annoys some people (grin).

Channeling the passions into the higher states of being is what inspired artists, mystics and various others, driven by some love for humanity or the divine, have done for a long, long time. Later in life it is especially important to be of such a mindset because, just as our physical body can weaken, our spiritual resolve can weaken and emotional and mental maladies can surface that were better contained in earlier times. A time comes in many people's lives when they just say, “fuck it.” and stop aspiring. In many cases this was never a feature anyway. The ravenous material world is as it is for the purpose of devouring its acolytes.

The strongest evidence that the Vatican is a habitation of demons is manifest in their sexual perversities. After that comes their sickening opulence and enormous wealth. At one point they were the largest property and landowner in the world. I don't know what present stats say. Hypocrisy is the mainstay of all established religions. They are travesties upon themselves but people need community and people seek religious associations in their communities. They want to and have to believe in something greater, given the seeming permanency of death. Some of us know that this is just the unseen side of the Mobius Strip The continuity of life goes on and on and on. It is the same life force in every living thing. It is just differently expressed. There's no telling what you might come back as, depending on what you got up to in any previous go round and that brings me to whatever it was that I was supposed to be writing about. This tends to happen in blog postings and in radio broadcasts. We start off talking about some version of current or recent, or long over events. Sometimes we are polite about it and sometimes not.

It 's hard to be polite about things that a possum should be able to see through but the human race is unable to recognize. If you will forgive me, I just spent some time I would rather have been doing other things with, trolling through fundie and conservative forums and the amount of blind and sarcastic ignorance is stunning and you can't break the surface of it because it appears that stupid is not skin deep. Like ugly, it seems to go all the way to the bone. No amount of reasonable argument or incontrovertible fact is equal to the task.

It appears that calamity is the only option for wider awakening, unless some necessary amount of grace is poured out of the celestial regions. That can't be counted out and if that is coming then all bets based on appearances would be off and as usual, it's always good to remember that appearances lie. So I am not going to let myself be sucked into the idea that gloom and doom are the only options. The power of the ineffable is greater by magnitude as a million suns would be by comparison with an ordinary flashlight. There is always the possibility that some given number of us will be in possession of an awareness that allows us to transcend in a quantum leap of consciousness, or it may be that the early birds are mere forerunners of a greater ascending mass. Whatever the case may be, let us operate with a wide compassion for all things because any higher level of awareness demands this and you will go nowhere without it.

I know that most of the people who come here are earnest about succeeding in the possession of higher consciousness. Some of us have skills in this area and some of us have game plans and some of us have only a burning need. It can be said that there are many applications that have some degree of effectiveness. I'm not going to analyze or judge the efficacy of any of them. I merely wish to submit that Love is the most certain, direct and powerful of all the antidotes for evil in any form. In the exercise of this, I fall back on a simple formula and that is to love the ineffable to the limits of my capacity and in every life circumstance that presents itself. Basically, I recognize the power of the sun in my heart and the nuclear force of it is Love. This power has a source and that source is the true self within. This self is ordinarily hindered in it's operations by the dark shield of the false self ...but with the cooperation of the soul and the necessary fiery trials provided, the true aspirant, or initiate, as you prefer; this shield of resistance is burned away. For each of us... the required steps and circumstances vary because our ability for persistence, or determination, as you prefer, varies but... each of us are capable to the end result. We CAN do this. I hate to sound like some cheerleader utilizing flowery phrases but I assure you I am dead serious and sincere in what I say and if this is all the words I have to say it in then they will have to do.

It does not matter what the world outside may do or say. Greater hearts and minds than our own have been scorned by those captivated in the worldly thrall. We are expected only to do our best. We are not expected to be Milarepa or Hercules, Lord Krishna or the Amitabha Buddha, unless we are them. Hear this. There is a hidden reservoir in each of us that is capable of everything that the divine within is capable of, we simply have to be in resonance with it and that is achieved by exercising the greatest commandment and that one other commandment that the master mentioned, following his recommendation of the first commandment. I suggest we take this to heart.

I mentioned recently that I suddenly felt the reality of this in my heart and that I began practicing it, especially at night before sleeping and it logically follows that this would also begin to happen in the morning upon awakening. The degree to which this is beginning to work is suggestive of divine intercession and the dream work in the night is off the charts. Since there is a long standing resonance that exists between this writer and some number of the readers, it stands to reason that anything which is possible for me is possible for you. Take that as you wish. I remind you of all the many times that things got said here that you were just thinking about and I know that there will be 'some number' of you that will remember this happening more times than we can remember. There's a reason for that and it's got nothing to do with me. It's something to do with all of us being here and all of us playing critical roles wherever it is that we are. To the extent that each of us rises to the challenge, to that extent it becomes easier for all of the rest of us.

Love and the generation of greater and greater intensities of love, is made vastly more easy by understanding what it is we love ...and why ...and although we can never hope to understand this in anything approaching totality, once we get even a glimmer of what it is we love, that force of recognition becomes both intoxicating and overwhelming, while at the same time a 'driving' force. It imbues us with exponential amounts of those qualities that are so important to the effectiveness of our efforts; courage and fearlessness, certitude, determination, strength, endurance and others and the secure possession of any one of these brings about the emergence of others through sympathetic vibration. We are closer than we think and it is later than we know. Like the Bible says; “He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.” This doesn't mean we give up on anyone, what it means is that we persist in our efforts for the sake of everyone. Just as a given body in space will attract other bodies by the force of its rotation and mass, or a comet might sweep other things along in its following tail... or submit any analogies you wish for that matter... what we do affects each other and given this, what we do is very important.

We are like pearls in a strand around the neck of an unknown god. That this god exists is a certainty, just as it is a certainty that this god will remain unknown but... we ourselves? We can become known and it is love that will reveal us to ourselves. Love is the magical cord that links us to godhead and love is the magnetic force that travels along that cord and it is love that transforms itself into every necessary permutation and idea that works toward the fulfillment of the perfection of love. It's not something we do. It is something that gets done in us. Put yourself in the way of it.

"True, without falsehood, certain and most true, that which is above is as that which is below, and that which is below is as that which is above, for the performance of the miracles of the One Thing. And as all things are from One, by the mediation of One, so all things have their birth from this One Thing by adaptation. The Sun is its father, the Moon its mother, and the Wind carries it in its belly, its nurse is the Earth. This is the father of all perfection, or consummation of the whole world. Its power is integrating, if it be turned into earth.

Thou shalt separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross, suavely, and with great ingenuity. It ascends from earth to heaven and descends again to earth, and receives the power of the superiors and of the inferiors. So thou hast the glory of the whole world; therefore let all obscurity flee before thee. This is the strong force of all forces, overcoming every subtle and penetrating every solid thing. So the world was created. Hence were all wonderful adaptations, of which this is the manner. Therefore am I called Hermes Trismegistus, having the three parts of the philosophy of the whole world. What I have to tell is completed, concerning the Operation of the Sun."

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Articles In This Thread

CGI's Morgan: Dog Poet^^^The Pope Genuflects before The Father of Lies
Susoni -- Friday, 25-Sep-2015 15:12:01
Transcript: Pope Francis’s speech to Congress
NaturalWisdom -- Friday, 25-Sep-2015 16:42:03
CGI's Morgan: o Mimic the Sun in the Luminous Heart of Everyone
Susoni -- Saturday, 26-Sep-2015 13:04:53

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