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Kisses to Rebekah Roth. Mr Cheney, Come Out with Your Hands Up. Mossad Agents, Do Israel a Favor: Surrender and Ask for Mercy

Posted By: MaryMaxwell
Date: Monday, 14-Sep-2015 18:25:55

Kisses to Rebekah Roth. Mr Cheney, Come Out with Your Hands Up. Mossad Agents, Do Israel a Favor: Surrender and Ask for Mercy
by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB

Here is my reaction to the one-hour-14-minute interview by Rebekah Roth at I think she is completely believable and her sources are solid. I wish she would not use phrases like “This will blow you away,” but maybe the American audience requires that kind of excitement.

Fact is, she has nailed Cheney and Halliburton.

I repeat: SHE HAS NAILED CHENEY. So, the important thing to think about now is how to separate him and his co-conspirators, and in general the Mossad and the military-industrial biggies, from the weapons which they will now be planning to use on us. I mean we always knew there must be a Plan B if these guys got caught. They are now all but caught. Let’s catch them gently and come out of this alive.

Westover, Ten Four

To come to Rebekah Roth’s main point, she has figured out that all four planes on 9-11 landed at Westover Air Force base in Massachusetts shortly after take-off. The alleged phone calls were made from the ground there -- a point already made by Elias Davidsson, based on FBI exhibits from the Moussaoui trial. Yes, the FBI has its uses. (Never thought I'd say that!)

A very key point is that Promis software was used to befuddle the radar. Wow. Promis can do just about anything; messing up radar is child’s play.

Let me quote Paul, administrator at Project Avalon describing Roth’s first book “Methodical Illusion.” (Her new one is “Methodical Deception,” available on Kindle). Paul says:

“Rebekah is also very well-informed on the financial aspects of 9/11 -- the movement of massive amounts of gold out of the World Trade Center, the destruction of the $240 billion in Brady Bonds, the insurance fraud. Also interesting will be getting more detail on something else she claims to have run into -- references to the next big event, which will be taking place in many cities sometime next May.”

(As to that last bit, Folks, it's not going to happen. We are fairly stupid, but we’re not that stupid, right?)

I hope no truthers will feel sad to be upstaged by this newcomer, Rebekah Roth, a retired airline hostess and purser. The fact is, hundreds of people have worked their hearts out to get at the reality of 9-11, and she couldn’t have succeeded without them. (Note: Dean Hartwell had “no planes” down to a science years ago.)

Thank You Mr Murdoch, You Poor Bugger

Incidentally, I want to thank Rupert Murdoch for helping me realize that the planes shown on TV were photo-shopped. I rarely mention my belief in “fake planes” as my friends get disgusted, but on the very day, Rupe pulled a cute trick on us in Oz. (To be exact, it was an Australian Broadcasting Corporation clip, but I assume they got the goods from NewsCorp.)

So what am I referring to? I am referring to the fact that, for us peons in Adelaide, the hitting of the towers was done differently than was shown elsewhere. Our 7pm ABC News showed, over and over, a plane going in one side of the building and coming out the other. It was still shaped like a jumbo jet when it came out, undamaged except for looking a bit ghostlike. Then we saw it instantly vaporize. Isn’t that clever? I did not doubt my eyes. I believed it. (Wasn’t clued in till 2005).

A friend of mine in China saw yet another version on 9-11. She said the plane hit the side of the building and fell to the ground – it did not enter the building. Seems like quite a big effort to prepare all that, but it’s peanuts when you think of the other ways in which the Guys In Charge have been fooling us for a century or more.

Performing the Arrests, Or the Negotiations

It astonishes me that all along the truth movement has been concentrating on something as meek as “getting a new investigation.” Once we knew the Arab hijacker story was fake, we should have manned up to the next move, which is to use the law as it should be used -- and as it is there waiting pregnantly to be used. Please see my book, “Prosecution for Treason” (which is a free download).

We in Oz, and we in the Great Republic, can handle this whole affair without so much as a new law or any constitutional amendment. There is no need for a revolution, heck we don’t even require a special election. We have a functioning justice system (misbehaving, to be sure, but so what.) Now that the truth is out, the misbehavers will want to head for the hills. I’ll bet they’ve got a suitcase packed.

Choose Some Small Targets

It has always been my bias to arrest some small fry first. It is asking American cops a lot to go to the home of, say, Rumsfeld, or any Pentagon-connected person. They can instead go for a lowly reporter at the New York Times -- or the Concord (NH) Monitor for that matter! Such persons have committed the crime of obstruction of justice, which is a federal felony, and may be a felony in most states.

It isn’t even necessary for the person to be charged with a crime. In the US there has been a Material Witness law since the days of George Washington. It enables the arrest and detention of anyone who has important information.

18 USC 3144: “If it appears from an affidavit filed by a party that the testimony of a person is material in a criminal proceeding, and if it is shown that it may become impracticable to secure the presence of the person by subpoena, a judicial officer may order the arrest of the person.”

We used the Material Witness law left, right, and center against Muslim Americans in late 2001, for the not too subtle purpose of driving home to Christian Americans the idea that somehow every person with a name like Abdul needed to be rounded up. (Oo, it’s so embarrassing to remember those days.)

Whatever You Do, At Least Do Something

Actually, the cops of your town could arrest some relevant persons right now for loitering or whatever. Trust me, there is never an inability to capture a wanted person. They finished Danny Casalaro off in a motel room when he was getting the downlow about Promis software. But I mean it can be done legally. Ted Olson wants to have his Miranda’s read to him? OK, read him his Miranda’s. Why not.

Trust me when I say that you and your local dog-owners club, or your local amateur symphony orchestra, can right now hold a “Clarendon assize meeting” (look it up). That noble little bunch of citizens can send a demand to any public servant to ask – politely at first – that they bring forward what they know about such-and-such.

Or, if you want to say goodbye to $400, just sashay into your US District Court and spend it on filing a civil RICO suit against the racketeers. I show you how to do it in Chapter 23 of my new book “Fraud Upon the Court.” Email me if you need that chapter today. But really it’s better to meet with friends and just decide to stop being wet rags.

What about Israel?

I have no idea what resources the people of Israel have for dealing with their thugs. There has always been a major movement in Israel, OPPOSED TO the mistreatment of Palestinians, albeit it came to naught. I have no suggestions as to how they can make law work for them today. Maybe ask a rabbi.

As for dual-citizen Israelis in the US who aided the bombing of the WTC, they should, in my opinion, not be treated as a foreign enemy but as American criminals. Most of the players on 9-11 were clearly as American as apple pie, e.g., Rumsfeld, Bush, and Ashcroft. I say treat Dov Zakheim no different. He was born in New York (oh, massive shame on him).

We now know that Congress made the wrong move to declare war on Afghanistan, 27 days after 9-11, saying it was because that country was harboring the big 9-11 guy, Bin Laden. I mean not just wrong because we had the wrong fellow, but because you don’t kill millions of people to get a few.

Similarly, it would be a mistake, and a mess, to declare war on Israel, even if persons from Israel were all over the doings on 9-11 – and Rebekah Roth seems to have proof that they were. We need to separate the wheat from the chaff.

As in Israel, so in Europe and everywhere – “governments” screwed their people. We have been idiots to put up with this. Starting today – what ho, the very day “Jade Helm” has ended -- we can get back to normalcy.

Citizens, please note, it’s up to you to let your state or local government know it is their duty to act. They are marvelously unlikely to initiate anything, if for no other reason than they are in the habit of turning a blind eye to what is going on in treasonville. Just give them a hand. This is a great day. Don't let it slip away!

A Time for Every Purpose under Heaven

In short, it is time to rejoice, as that which was lost has been found. As it says in Luke 15:6, “Rejoice with me. I have found my lost sheep.”

And as it says in Luke 10:19, “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you.”

Let the next generation proclaim:

-- Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB, formerly a children’s choir director, is one very happy camper today. She provides weekly articles at in Australia, some of which she cannot believe she gets away with, as in the one linked below. Her new book, “Fraud Upon the Court,” is at Amazon today for the price of $7 USD. And is it ever hot!

Link to “I was in prison and you did not visit me”

Link to “I was in prison and you did not visit me.”

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Articles In This Thread

Kisses to Rebekah Roth. Mr Cheney, Come Out with Your Hands Up. Mossad Agents, Do Israel a Favor: Surrender and Ask for Mercy
MaryMaxwell -- Monday, 14-Sep-2015 18:25:55
links to two Rebekah Roth interviews
hobie -- Tuesday, 15-Sep-2015 00:33:58

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