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Reader: "Mass Layoffs at Banks - Rant"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Wednesday, 2-Sep-2015 03:50:39

In Response To: Reader: Mass Layoffs To Hit Banking Industry As Consumers Ditch Big Box Banking (Susoni)

(Thanks, R. :)

Reader R. writes:


People need to wake up. All these new APPS, Cell Phones, Smart TV, ATM machines, New Insurance structures, advertised Government Mortgage buy backs, Wage direct deposit, Medical coverage, Taxes, Free trade, utilities, Smart meters.

Are all designed and manufactured to take your money. and jobs. Think about it.

Smart TV flat screens, new invention, lighter more compact, why ? what was wrong with the old system ? what did BIG GOV tell us. Needed to create more band width for more people and faster service. why ? so that your Gov could sell more bands, that they use to spy on you. and you paid for it. They are the reason for the slow internet.

Cell Phones - new invention , Why ? New industry ? how many people out there have 1 cell and home phone, how many have 2 or more cells using additional air waves, band width .see the connection.

Apps basically for everything for your convenience right, wrong, these are tied to cell tied to internet, tied to corporate Government spy agency. and you pay for it.

ATM machines new invention, convenience for its customers why ? easy access to withdraw money pay bills right, wrong they were to get you to use them to lay off tellers. who profits the banks. oh now use your cell with your new app and pay a bill, lay off more people. Get up go to the banks withdraw your money go pay your bills or write a check. use the mail system. You are eliminating these jobs.

Insurance - for cars boats trailers snowmobiles sea doos trucks etc.

home insurance now gotta have mortgage insurance, life insurance just to be safe, life insurance for family,
insurance for home contents, jewelry, furs, etc. insured up the butt right.

Medical coverage - is this not insurance Bet your life it is, cannot have you collect on a policy for a broken arm know can we. and because of that broken arm now you can't work, who pays your wage, the insurance man, who pays his wage, the company, who pays the company you do through your benefits that are charged back to you through yep uncle SAM IRS. added to your income. so who wins BIG GOV twice medical coverage and wages. see the connection.

Gov Mortgage buy backs, I love this one, they claim it is a way for the owners to stay in their homes after retirement and the Gov pays back your mortgage at a set fair market value each and every month great sounds good right NOT.

1st you paid for the home.
2nd you still have to keep the home up
now can you slide on the insurance since it is paid for, nope now you have to insure it because you signed an agreement to repo it to GOV.
so Gov gives you say 500 month to stay in your home, will you ever see the true value returned to you not likely so who reaps the profits, uncle SAM

Wages and taxes - go hand in hand - in 1 hand out the other, In Canada we are taxed on wages by earnings, over 40 grand puts you in the 43% class. But how far does that take you, fill up the car with gas, 83 cents on every litre of gas is taxed and at 1.07 per litre thats a lot of tax dollars lets just say on an 70 dollar fill up tax is 58 dollars. ouch But at todays dollar per gallon we should be around 60 cents a litre but GOV gotta there share because the TAR sands is losing money.

Why are taxes so high because of free trade, when NAFTA was implimented Gas prices doubled immediately. prices of all commodities shot up, Free trade is not free, and as prices rise so do taxes and with the invasion of IRAN, Iraq Gas prices have continued to rise why you ask because of more free trade and a monopoly OPEC GOV deals.

So now what ever happened to service stations, They got rid of all those jobs because you agreed to pump your own gas, did that save you anything at the pump.

Smart meters - they eliminated meter readers, Utility companies have become big business, their was a time when you were mailed a meter card and had to write you meter reading on it and send it in. all those jobs gone.

Now we pay for water usage, and we pay to dump the water in the drain. Utilities have gone from local control to GOV control and they are selling are trying to sell them to private corporations so you pay more for less.

I have only touched on a few things here people but I guarantee if you do not throw away your cell phones, if you do not start going to the banks, if you continue to accept every little thing that comes out you will put yourself and every other person out of work, all because we have become complacent.

Wake up time is running out.


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