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*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)

Posted By: hobie
Date: Friday, 24-Oct-2014 17:24:15

Hi, Folks -

Found at


10-24-14 TNT DINAR CC (Notes by Adept1):

Replay 805.399.1500, PIN CODE 409029#

Tony: Good morning, TNT! Today is Friday, October 24, 2014. As I said on the last call, anyone who actually wrote to politicians and received responses that were not posted online, us a scan or copy to:

Tony Renfrow, PO Box 9580 Oak Avenue Parkway #7, Folsom CA, 95630

We want the politicians to hear this directly from us – so we want to scan and put those responses in there. Some idiots and “fidiots” put in letters as well, because I want them to see what we have to go through as well – people making things up, how many times I supposedly put together groups, had heart attacks, got put in jail, died, all that nonsense.

DC: We are asking lots of people to write down their notes. This is one of the biggest financial decisions in history, with profound impact throughout the world, and will have an effect on everyone, not just the US or Iraq. So I want to put this in a research center or museum, to tell how this worked out from everyone’s perspective. So I’ve been asking people in the Bush and Obama administrations to write up what they thought and felt as all this was going on, including Iraqi and CBI folks. Our intent is to provide the book of what ordinary citizens have been experiencing this – we’ll give that to those helping us behind the scenes here, in England, Iraq, and several other countries.

Tony: The sooner the better, please! We have most of this put together, but I’d like to include those other parts. [call stopped] DC, nice to have you back!

DC: In Iraq, Parliament has been successful in moving many pieces of legislation over the past few weeks. It’s been very peaceful and inclusive as well, even when the parties disagree. Some of the key pieces: the 2014 and 2015 budget have been done and published in the Gazette, with the 2015 being polished up this weekend. That is another sign of a maturing democracy, because the politicians got together and worked out what needed to be done, including all the pieces that they wanted and needed for Iraq. It was a more mature way of negotiating that they have gone from screaming and yelling to advanced negotiations back and forth this quickly. It’s hard to do that with such disorder at the top [under M]. They have some changes in the defense ministry and utilities, and that has to do with fighting ISIL and also infrastructure.

Abadi took a road trip, and many senior ministers spent the past week flying to Iran, the US, Japan, China, and Turkey, shoring up military support against ISIL. The US helped, but Iraq is standing on their own, putting deals together. In many capitals, the discussion included “when are you getting the RV done?” and they have agreed to a timeline in the next couple of days. Part is to help fund the fight against ISIL, part is for utilities, and part is for the many contracts they are signing for infrastructure and power utilities, etc. They have new funding deadlines, and many are starting right away. A lot of have been announced this week, and more will be announced next week – from small real estate things to huge, multi-million dollar projects. That doesn’t happen without money and people feeling stable about ISIL and such. Lots is going forward right now.

Tony: With all the new contracts with over 80 countries and people coming into Iraq, they won’t do that without knowing those projects not being torn down. Iraq is saying that there IS stability, and of course, the other countries and companies want to see the money so that they can be secure as well. They cannot get started until there is money paid over. They need to know that the money will not be held up again.

DC: Iraq is saying they are just waiting on the perfect timing. It was supposed to go last night and two nights before as well. There are more celebrations scheduled in Iraq on Saturday, and there is a lot of pressure to get this done – not just for infrastructure and such, but also in the fight against ISIL. Everyone wants to get this done. The folks who have delayed this done now realize that promises have been made to get this done.

Tony: There are New Year celebrations on Saturday, too. The contracts need to be paid out starting on Monday…

DC: And they are all valued in dinar, not dollars or yuan.

Tony: These are entire billion-dinar value contracts, all in dinar. If someone’s doing a project, like a water plant, they are being paid four million dinar to do the project, and that is on Monday.

DC: That’s just one example we’ve heard about in the past week, and it doesn’t work without dinars being done. On television we hear about horrifying stories, so people are not going to put money towards Iraq unless they know it is safe. Those contracts are not going to be invested in until the security situation is done. We have heard about bad actions in Anbar province and a few in Baghdad, and those are still going on, but a lot of progress is going on as well in terms of fighting bad guys in certain locations. Some of ISIL is trained and battle-hardened, and we’re talking about a year-long process. It will take some time.

Before we leave Iraq, there have been five different values of the dinar. Starting on 1st October, these cards started being loaded – most in the first few days, all at $3.58. It’s stilla pain that most three-zero notes are being removed from the economy plus forcing people use the lower denominations. However, is some locations, the prices are all over the place, in some it’s 1:1, and there is a huge black market issue that si causing everyone fits. It’s very frustrating for a lot of people, especially in the central parts of Iraq where they are still at 1166 rates with the lower denoms that don’t go very far. On the television they still say economic reform is still happening but it is pissing people off. Intelligence services are reporting back that this is unhealthy, especially with an insurgent issue. It’s causing hell over there.

Tony: Different rates in different regions. On the television, it is still saying “all economic issues are being addressed in the coming days”. How do the new 10K dinar notes help with combating the situation?

DC: By issuing new currency and taking the old currency out of the situation, that flushes the missing dinar out of the system. We know where the missing dinar is, and how do you deal with that? Issue new currency to invalidate the old currency. That is how to deal with the issues of counterfeiting and other bad people holding dinar. It doesn’t affect us in the US. It’s also there for high-value currency because in Iraq they recognize there are still people who need to be eased into using the card. For high-value purposes, you still need some high-value notes during transition.

Tony: This doesn’t affect our notes in any way – it’s in-country, tracking the higher denominations in the older currency.

DC: That’s right. In New York, the Security Council is leaning in and helping whatever is required to help defeat ISIL. In Washington, the IMF/BIS are still coordinating timing. They are cuing everyone up for that now. In Congress, all Democrats are pissed off that this is too late for this election. At the UST, there have been negotiating about timing, coordinating with IMF, BIS, BIS, GOI and the banks. The latter are running tests and are now antsy to get through this.

Tony: We went over the bank procedures, that we were briefed on those, step by step. Do you feel confident on how that has been set up?

DC: Yes, they are ready and have practiced almost too much. There will be problems. Remember, the banking people are now more frustrated than you are, so just be nice. They weren’t allowed to have this, so have a little compassion.

Tony: For years, we’ve been telling people to think before you open your mouth. Be sure what you are asking for is what you really want. There will be people in the room looking for that. Remember – it’s an EXCHANGE. Everyone is ready, otherwise.

DC: Some of our intel providers have recently become a bit agitated at us for doing and saying things. Unless we have at least two sources, we don’t talk about things. We have some high-level sources, and we want to protect those who are generous in sharing their information with us. So we confirm from several directions, and if it’s a small meeting we don’t talk about it.

Tony: There is a method to our madness! Let’s have some new callers.

248 caller: [Appreciation] This is going to change a lot of lives. I’m concerned about the NDA. If I don’t sign the NDA, and just take the international/market rate… I’m worried that there might be some hidden thing in the NDA. I will feel freer than I ever have in my life, and I don’t want some hidden thing handing over my head.

Tony: I was asking DC if we couldn’t have a copy of that NDA beforehand, but they are saying “Nope, you get it when you walk in the door”.

DC: We understand that there is no NDA on the international rate; it will be just like coming back from holiday and exchanging your pesos. I am told that the NDA for the contract rate is only four pages, and it simply tells you to be quiet about the dinar/dong. As a non-attorney, I can see it is simple and straightforward – just keep quiet about it. If you cannot be an adult and keep a secret, don’t sign the NDA!

Tony: At the contract rate, you are able to do something that others cannot do; it is above and beyond. With the international rate, you aren’t doing anything they couldn’t have done, they just didn’t do their homework. At contract rates, you got something above and beyond, and as long as you don’t write a book or make a movie about it, no problem.

Caller: Can I talk to my grown children about this that I’ve give dinar or dong to?

DC: You can talk as much as you like, as long as you don’t talk about the dinar and the contract rate. The NDA I’ve read says “all foreign currency investments”. Anything you got paid above market rate on, you have to be quiet about. Anything else you can talk about until the cows come home.

208 caller: Do we know exactly which currencies are in the basket?

Tony: DC can name all four or five of them, but they don’t’ want us to say which.

DC: The latest info I have is that there will only be two currencies in this initial basket, and the rest will be later, and we don’t know when ‘later’ is…

Caller: What about security?

DC: Banks have uniformed and plain clothes security, with law enforcement and marshals. Don’t make jokes, because they take security very seriously. I’m going to divide my currency into several different chunks. I’m pretty handy, but why take the risk? I don’t want to have to even think about that.

Tony: There will be multiple security in the bank and parking lot. I don’t plan on telling anyone where and when my appointment is, so they don’t know when I’m going in. I don’t know if you can get a second appointment (apart from reserves). I’m not as concerned because I’m not telling anybody. I might tell them after I leave…

Caller: When you say “second basket”, do you know when that will show up?

DC: If there is a second basket, which they are thinking about after a year of everything in the first basket, the earliest they are talking about in January. I’m planning on years; I’ll just put that in a safe deposit box and forget about it until it comes up.

Caller: Can I go with my sister?

DC: I believe you can bring one person in with you, especially if you are disabled in some way and need the help. You cannot go in a group.

520 caller: I believe the GCR + RV are both inevitable. If we have had politicians trying to help us, why have some people been able to exchange for over a year, and we cannot.

Tony: People are at different levels and contracts from different levels – personal contracts with different countries. All Americans are not equal and never will be.

Caller: But banks cannot do currency exchanges without the UST allowing it. So we have allowed this without protest for a year now – so we are dreaming if we think we can get the contract rate, because it’s been consumed during that year.

Tony: Listen and understand what’s really going on. The politicians got paid last winter, then for months NOBODY got paid. In the last month, people started getting paid again because we were close to being paid. Yes, Iraq has been loaned money so make payments, but the masses will not be paid until the RV has been finalized. Yes, it has been trickling out at rates of $5 or $10, or the contracts they agreed to, and they are everyday people like us. Nobody can be madder than we are, because we know that people are being paid and we know how much. We also know that there is money left for us, and we know that people are checking the system. There are also some internal things going on in the Middle East and over here. There are bad guys doing some bad things that they are setting up the system for [to catch them]. We ARE going to get paid part of that contract rate and will go on with our lives. When things are happening outside that contract rate, I can’t jump and down because that makes sense. I know you want to get upset about it, but if anyone should be upset, it should be me and DC!

Caller: [more of the same whining and anger] We’ve been very patient, we haven’t taken our protests to the UST, but enough is enough!

Tony: We are not here to force our government to do anything unless they are doing something absolutely wrong! Now they are doing some things that are about our whole economy and negotiations with other countries such as military issues – that is not our place to get involved in that and tell them to give me the money, not matter what you’re working on. We do NOT have the same situation today that we had in November, February and April. What has not been changed is that we are still getting the contract rate, as determined by our benefactor in February. I don’t want to be Eric Snowden or Ollie North; it’s not my responsibility to reveal who is holding this up. I’m not going to put my head on the chopping block when it has nothing to do with us. I am willing to do that if it is something that affects US. They are not paying politicians; they are paying a few ordinary people like us, just a few people so they can test the system. Yes, we are next. They do say “it’s 48 hours” over and over, and they want to get all of us done in 72 hours so that we are all done. I heard in the last two days that they will allow me to put a group together to make this work. I wish we were paid yesterday or four weeks ago, but if these delays are not about us, I don’t know why people think we can demand something from governments who are trying to work this out for the entire work. If we exchange and days later the currency goes down in value, that doesn’t make sense. This why we explain things to you! There are negotiations between governments to put pieces into place that will make it worthwhile 20 years from now.

DC: I feel your frustration because I feel that as well, to the point where I’ve been told to back off myself. The inherent unfairness of people going in the winter is blatant, and that is why we did the Twitter campaign. Because of the success of that Twitter campaign, the pools of the contract rates are being held for ordinary folks like us – because we all took part in that campaign and other good people helped us with that. I’ve had personal financial struggles this could have been solved long ago, so yes, I’m frustrated. All we can do is shine a light on the process and keep people involved as long as possible. We never told you to buy more currency, we tried to keep you in the game! It’s frustrating and aggravating that some people think they are so far above us they can exchange a year in advance. All we want is for people to stay in the game, get on with their lives, give to their charities, and all the rest. If the delays are about military strategies and/or major changes to the global economy, that is up to the elected officials who run those countries. There is nothing we can do about that. I do get the frustration, but there it is.

Caller: A lot of the gurus are keeping us sedated with opium for over a year now. [more]

Tony: If you don’t want to be in the moment – they just came out of parliament or a meeting, and this what happened, the banks are ready, this is what happened and then someone decided they wanted more – we live that every day. You live it three times a week when we have a call, but we get it X times a day. They said it should got last night and then we were put on alert this morning. We want to know the plan, and we then tell you. Some can’t handle that fluidity. We don’t tell you everything. There are 44 countries on the is call, and we cannot tell you everything, but it could go at a moment’s notice, and we believe that. The banks are telling us that everyone is restricted, so everyone is living that! But it’s only for those willing to live in the moment. Everyone should just wait for that final call or tweet.
340 caller: [Appreciation] It was a long year and it’s coming to an end, so thanks – especially to DC! [laughter] My question is this: I’m in the Virgin Islands and we have no banks willing to exchange dinar. Will that be a problem if I want contract rates?

DC: My understanding is that if your address is the US Virgin Islands and you are a US citizen, you will have to hop a plane to Miami to exchange.

Caller: You will all be millionaires very soon, and you should come to St Thomas for a vacation! Will it be a problem for my cousins to change in the US?

DC: It may be a problem for foreign nationals, even those with US bank accounts, or with family members in the US. We don’t’ have the details yet because we don’t’ have the package, but I understand they have thought that through. I do love St Thomas – it’s incredible. [Ray loves it, too.]

352 caller: Mtn Goat says nothing is happening until HCL is done.

Tony: It has been done for a year and a half now…

DC: They tweaked HCL, which is an evolving document. They voted on it again a few weeks ago, so that it isn’t linked to Maliki any longer.

Tony: They agreed on 17% two weeks ago and it was published, so that is old news.
DC: I talk to people in Parliament who say “oh, we did that a while ago and it was put in the Gazette on Wednesday” or whatever. We talk to different sources, and some times it takes a little longer for information to get to people, or they are protecting their sources. There are certain shysters out there, but most of us are trying to give what information we can to trying to help the process.

Tony: Most are trying to help; some are trying to take your money later on.

Caller: You said the government was complete, and a week later, she said the same.

Tony: You know, Mtn Goat is not a ‘she’. You know who we are, and that is better than hiding behind a false name or persona. All these delays have nothing to do with us, or to do with me. I could settle all these issues in an hour, but it doesn’t work that way! It’s not about us. There are things in the world bigger than us!

Caller: I want this to happen as much as anyone, but it’s about Iraq, and nothing to do with us.

Tony: When Bush and Cheney put this plan together, it was not about us either, it was about the economy and some privileged people. We are involved now, though. I keep telling people that we are just doing our part, and you like it or you don’t like it. We have 30-40 sources so we can come to our own conclusions. You should listen to the other gurus, see what makes sense, and come to your own conclusions. You’re going to have all this money and you’ll have to make some decisions on your own. YOU decide which pieces of pie to take – that’s what we have to do!

Caller: You keep saying that you don’t make money off this, but if you can make off this, then you should!

Tony: You shouldn’t gamble with money you cannot afford to gamble with – as with reserves. You shouldn’t skip your house or car payment to buy currency. I have never, ever worked for Sterling or any other dinar company, exchanger or dealer, not ever, and they have never paid me anything. I like Sterling because I’ve talked to several exchangers and Sterling’s plans made the most sense to me and I think they will do what they say they will do. They offered to advertise on our site, and I said NO because some idiot will say that I only like Sterling because they advertise with us. I would have done it for free, but I didn’t’ want anyone to be able to say that. So if people say it’s my fault they bought dinar – no, I didn’t! I tell you what’s going on, but I never told you to buy anything! I still feel positive about giving you what we are getting, and if you can’t handle it, then turn the channel.

DC: I like making money. I got into business to make money. I’m in this as a volunteer work, because I happen to know some folks involved in the RV process. I asked how I could help, they said “Tony is less full of shoot than the rest” so here I am. There is nothing wrong with advertising, but if I’m getting paid, I’ll tell you. If we were making money from this, why would we be telling you NOT to buy reserves? I thought it was hysterically funny because someone put out a video saying I was connected to Sterling because we both have residences in Austin – a city of millions! None of us is getting paid – we’re just trying to help. It was supposed to be two weeks, and that was 18 months ago. I think making money is fine, and I am not embarrassed by making money, but in this case we are not. Some folks just have to put slander out there about us, but that is the job of law enforcement to look into all that. I don’t care.

Tony: I got suckered into this – it was supposed to be one week for me!

816 caller: We were told that this should happen by tomorrow by the Iraqi New Year, which is tomorrow. Is that still the case? I heard it has changed to next week… and you just said “two or more days”.

DC: I cringe when someone says “it has to be done by X”, because they always seem to blow through it. That always seems to change. They have put that in articles, that they want to have the RV to start out their New Year. A lot would like it for the New Year celebrations, and we’re hoping to God it does get done by then. Let’s wait and see. Don’t’ go out and buy anything; it does look really good. They have told their contractors they will get paid on Monday.

Caller: In the first basket…

DC: As part of the negotiation tactics, the US and a few others got together and said that the dinar and dong are the only ones to go together. But for the last year it was supposed to be the four together. But it could change again. We have to wait and see. They have changed their minds so many times. I’m not saying NO, they are just not on the right screens right now.

405 caller: I cannot get signed in to the website. We want to do some children’s ministry for after school, setting up funds so this can last for a long time. Is there a way I can post this on the site, or is the forum closed now? Or can I send it to the address you have.

DC: That’s a question for Pam.

Tony: Let me think about that… maybe volume 3 of the book, later. We did get 3-4,000 responses, which is plenty. It makes a book that’s 6” thick! I do want this to be part of history. We did create a second forum where anyone could sign in and post whatever. Let’s see what happens after this weekend.

Caller: If we make a donation, do we get a receipt for that?

Tony: PayPal will send you a receipt immediately, so keep track of that.

312 caller: I’ve heard you say that some private groups have gone through and exchanged. Can you elaborate? You said on the last call that you know no one from the Admiral’s group has gone through; would that kick off the public side?

Tony: There are over 200 groups out there. There are tiny groups of 10-20 people; there are groups that arranged to be paid anything from 50 cents to $20. There are groups that we’ve talked about for years who are no longer groups. There are groups who paid their money in a long time ago and exchanged for SKRs, and others waiting to be called. Have some gone through and got their rates? Yes, and some also got debit cards, or more SKRs. Some have gone through and they got authorizations to get so X dollars every day. There aren’t thousands of people, just select people trying to do the slow rollout in the last three weeks. It’s about how many can they get through without exposing this thing. They are everyday people like you and me, and we don’t understand why we aren’t getting paid! That is not being unfair, because these are everyday people getting paid, folks on this phone call, and some are getting actual cash.

DC: Some are getting cash, and some are getting SKRs or credit cars, or a monthly stipend. It’s been negotiated many different ways.

Tony: We know this for a fact, and we are not getting paid, haven’t been paid, so think about how frustrated WE are! But it’s not like they are cutting us off, so we still come here give you the information. Our agreement is still in place, we will be paid, and we are here.

Caller: Things being methodically rolled out, and you have the lay of the land, DC, do you see this going beyond 10-15 days past boots on the ground?

DC: I think it will be a shorter timeline because they have negotiated the help but it doesn’t look good when you’re not helping yourself. The coalition countries are all saying, “When are you actually going to get this RV done?”

Caller: Most dinarians are frustrated, everyone’s on this roller coaster ride, and when are we going to get to the end of this ride? Do you see this going past Thanksgiving?

Tony: I don’t see it going past mid-November. What’s holding it up has nothing to do with the RV itself – it’s outside stuff. Now it’s about who protects the territory, who supplies the boots on the ground, let’s make sure we understand this before everyone gets paid. There are many things being put in place before this big announcement is made. All those agreements have been made and now we are waiting for the release itself. They don’t have another month to put up with ISIL. They are saying every day that this is being done, and every day this doesn’t happen, it increases ISIL power over the people because ISIL is paying the people. So these delays are costing Iraq and its people!

Caller: [Appreciation] This is a blessing and most understand that. Things have to be worked out, and it’s worked to our advantage in terms of education and more currency. It’s a thankless job, but when history unfolds, you’ll see you’ve played a pivotal role in the largest financial shift in history of mankind.

818 caller: [can’t understand this caller] I’ve been following you for a long time. I have good connections in another government, and I don’t see it coming any time soon.

Tony: We’re not talking about stuff we’re just reading, we’re talking about stuff that people in our government, in other countries, in the Iraqi Parliament, the CBI, in Congress, the UST, the people in the banks… not what we think might happen, but what is actually happening. Where are you from?

Caller: I was born in the Middle East and I speak Arabic.

Tony: People in the Middle East are watching television and they are hearing/watching things in the mosque, and they are being told these same things 10-20 things in a row. There are people who don’t believe what they are hearing and want proof. We know someone who sold his dinar two weeks ago because someone in the Middle East told him it wouldn’t happen for five years. There are many different versions out there, just like anything else in the news. For some, this seems so farfetched that they don’t believe it until they see it on the news. They don’t’ have the insight we have, or the knowledge of meetings going on in governments and agencies. Everybody doesn’t have access to that. That’s why we are different and why we’re saying what we’re saying.

Caller: I am from Israel, and my brother is high in the government there. I like to follow you because you’re very entertaining and you say a lot of good things. I hold a lot of dinar, and a change has to come, but I think we have to get rid of a lot of things in Iraq before this RV can be released. People are being killed there on a daily basis!

Tony: Money will change a lot of that – whether people will fight for a loaf of bread or just buy a loaf of bread. People’s lives have to change first before they can change their mindset to a democracy.

DC: A lot of people are seeing things on television, both wonderful and horrible things in Iraq. You can’t get to a utopian state there, so you have to say “What is good enough?” And they have changed the goal posts several times. One of our sources is in the Israeli government, and they are highly involved in what’s going on. That is equally true here in the US. Not everyone in the UST, US government or CIA knows about the dinar. You can’t keep this kind of secret forever, so it leaks or you have to bring someone else to solve a problem. So I guarantee there are people in the Israeli government who know about this. And I’m sorry I laughed about the other part.

Tony: The other thing is that in terms of turmoil, every day there are killings here in the US, in all the big cities. If you look nationwide, there are hundreds of people killed every month, and it doesn’t make the nightly news. WE cannot wait for everything to change for this to happen.

DC: Once the insurgents really got started in 2003, people got sensitive to numbers of people dying in Iraq, so we used to have a running total. We put it up there to put everything in perspective. They would put up the number of people killed in Baghdad, and also in New York, Chicago and LA… and Baghdad was usually less. It is horrible that people blow themselves up in the mosques, and that grabs the headlines, but most of Baghdad is relatively safe. It’s not unlike every other big city – these things happen. It’s sad, but it happens. It was a great idea to gain perspective on what was going on.

Bottom line: everything looks really good. Parliament has made tremendous strides. The 2014 Budget is done and published and 2015’s will follow this weekend. Celebrations have been planned for this weekend for the New Year AND the RV. Many are leaning on Iraq and other countries to get this done now – so that Iraq can show they are solving their own problems. I have got 4-5 comments on this just today, that world leaders want this done now. Several callers are frustrated with delays, but our elected leaders have to make those choices, and we don’t fully appreciate all the points in those decisions. Everyone is ready and eager for this to get done. It was great ot have some new callers, so thanks for insisting on that, Pam!

Tony: She’s a tyrant, alright!

Pam: Hey, my family listens to these calls – and they probably agree with you. It can get ugly in the chat room, and sometimes I get tired of people complaining, too. We have amazing Mods who donate their time as long as we’ve had the forum. I remember telling one that it would only be for a week or so… I ‘voluntold’ him! We thank the transcribers and guest Mods – we couldn’t do this without you guys. We have members who go above and beyond answering questions and helping others in the forum. We hope this is over, but if not, we will be here for the next call, and if you don’t like it, don’t call in!

Ray: I’m putting in my two day notice! Enjoy this Fabulous Friday, enjoy the weekend and you know where to find me post-RV.

Tony: It’s been a great week. We are hearing the contracts will be paid on Tuesday in revalued currency and that the RV will go prior to that. I am excited, somewhat – we’ve heard all this before. They are fighting to get done, but it’s not over until it’s over. They are prepared, and we know the rates, and what we expect to happen. People have been paid in the last few days. It is frustrating for me, DC, Pam and Ray, just like for all of you. We said, “What about us?!” but were told, “It’s not your turn”. We do know there is a plan in place, we have the procedures to walk through it at the bank, and we are just this close now. There is a reason they are doing what they’re doing, and there is a reason why the weekend makes sense to me. All the same, we have to pay our bills, even if we think it’s coming tomorrow. We have to keep living every day until it happens, and then we will put our new life plan into motion. It could happen any moment, and I’m happy to skip the drinks and cigars if it goes tonight and we can have THE call. DC and I have a get – he owes me Louis [brandy] at $150 a shot if it happens tonight! Enjoy the rest of the day, the weekend, and hopefully we’ll be back!


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