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Posted By: Mr.Ed
Date: Wednesday, 19-Aug-2015 18:16:53

In Response To: Everything is Fake (part 1) (Mr.Ed)

Re: Everything is Fake (part 1)

This was posted by X hermes oh about 7yrs ago!

A few pages. Part1

FEAR Your Life A LIE

You say, “What! My life is not a lie, I have a great life, good job, wonderful children, I’m pretty healthy, and I have lots of trinkets, toys and a home!”
I say to you “All soon to pass away, to be lost or rusted or maybe stolen.”

So, IF all you’ve been taught, outside of your own insight, or by trial and error, has been a lie i.e. history in general, IF your so called ‘religion’ is a lie or, at least has also been manipulated for fear, control and greed, IF you have been led by wolves in sheep’s clothing, led to believe lies by MSM (Manipulators Steering Masses), then perhaps, you are living a lie.

You know the saying “ignorance is bliss”, just because you are not aware of something or have been lied too, does not mean it can not hurt you or cause you great loss. Acting like an ostrich sticking your head in the sand, does not seem too smart either, I wonder how many of those big birds have had their butts ate off by predators?

Many good hearted people will be going into shock, as they start to awaken to what our government has been up to. Let alone ‘Religion’, for the most part has been used for greed and control, rather than opening up simple spiritual truths, that would bring healing to each of us, and the planet.

The elitists however, will not allow that, they prefer to keep all the sheeples in line, and dumbed down. With their agenda of control, our enlightenment is their worst nightmare, and will be hampered at all cost.

Including war, poisons (in our water and food stuffs), fear, fear and more fear. According to them Pandemics aren’t a problem, they use our own tax dollars to finance big pharmaceuticals, and use media to spread fear. They own Hollywood, news, MSM(Main Stream Media), and about anything needed to keep the masses deluded.

“What is the answer?”

Some might look outside their self for an answer, maybe Jesus or some other person. Jesus said You have to believe. He could not save you if he wanted to, it is up to You, and You must follow after Him. He did his job showing You the way.

Some might look to another person for this answer, either a great speaker, or even a teacher or a guru. Which if they were so great they would tell you, ‘YOU are the answer’, the answer is found within You, it is like Ragu™ sauce, it is all in there, the kingdom of heaven is in You, it is a state of mind, consciousness.


You have the power to change your life. You have always had the power. The goal of the church, and the beast: the government has always been to hide this fact from you.
We All create something, some unconsciously; some more consciously. The goal is to create consciously, better yet CO-create, consciously. You have the power to change your life and the world. Put your hand on the steering wheel.

Lets go back to the Elitists for a bit, if they understand how creation works, and know the rules of universe they can steer the masses with fabrications, misinformation and lies, then they are using us to create their future, and our cage.

Remember, they own the mass media, they have bought and paid for or bribed or blackmailed ninety-three percent of all politicians and world leaders, they are steering the ship.

It is time for change; you say “how can I change all this crap?”

First, you change YOU! How can I change me, first realize there is need for change. You’ve heard the truth will set you free, well yes after it scares the hell out of you then pisses you off.

With all things being revealed now, with a great awakening taking place, and many epiphanies occurring; With the education and enlightenment of a much larger number of people over the world happening, we can take back the helm of the ship, and turn it around from a ship of fools, to a love boat.

Only through education and enlightenment(which now is happening) at the speed of light, so one at a time, we reach critical mass, and activate real change, which is a conscious shift: a true paradigm based on love instead of greed.

We each have our own belief system: our own paradigm. Which adds to the whole for a true global shift, and you know, ‘shift happens!’

It starts inside which is consciousness. Ultimately with a knowing, all consciousness is connected with one source of being, to be or not to be, that is the question and thank you for the question, for with out a question how can you have an answer?


Would you or even could you steal from your ‘self’, or cheat your ‘self’, or lie to your ‘self’, or even hurt your ‘self’? Well, I hope not. When you come to the realization that all life is connected, I believe you will start your real life paradigm change. All is ONE! ONE SOURCE!

“So can I actually help save the world?”

The answer is YES. YOUR world, creation, universe will push creation along. In fact, the only thing that is guaranteed is CHANGE. To consciously bring any kind of change we want, we have to begin, to change our mind.
First of all, what do you fear?

Fear is the most powerful tool the dark has. When you focus your attention on something negative, you draw it to You. Let me give you a fine example: in 1998 I was at my business, talking out front of my shop on my cell phone. My shop was on a busy four lane road, I heard a loud crash, boom, and turned around to see a large, loaded eighteen wheel grain truck slam a small compact car, which proceeded to fly about fifty yards. So I hung up called 911 and said bring the meat wagon, this is a bad one.

I proceeded to run across the street, the man driving was slumped over kind of choking, I put my hands on him and whispered help was on its way, to breathe easy, and said a simple prayer for him. I looked up and there was a lady helping the young girl in the passenger seat, actually taking her pulse, which I later found out, was a nurse from the hospital down the street. The ambulance showed up and we backed off, the nurse said it did not look good for the girl. Later we found out the eighteen year old girl did not make it to the hospital alive, but the man did.

The next day we found out the man was her father, and was three times the legal limit drunk, and had turned right in front of the big truck, on the way to his daughter’s friends.

The next day, when I got to work and while sitting in the office, looking out the window, I see a woman on her knees, with a white cross stuck in the grass where the car had ended up, crying. She actually came over and told me thanks for trying to help.

She told me it was her daughter, who had been visiting her dad. She lived about thirty five miles north of the city, and was divorced. For the next month almost every day the woman was there on her knees in that field crying, it hurt so bad watching her in her grief, I actually cried often.


Now I started thinking about car crashes, and my beautiful daughter who was just about to get her license to drive. I allowed fear to get a hold on me; often thinking about big trucks, car crashes, when I would see the woman over in the field it killed me. This ate at me for about a month and a half.

One day a friend, was at the shop helping me get ready for a change in the weather, it was November. We were going to a building supply house to get some things for winterizing. Pete was driving his old Chevy pickup truck, I was sitting on the right side, we where at a light, in the right side turn lane, had one car in front of us.

The light turned green, the guy in front of us pulled up and had already turned right, we proceeded to turn right and Bang! the lights went out. Never saw it coming. When I woke up, I was lying on my back in the liquor store parking lot about forty to fifty yards away.

I opened my eyes and mumbled “what happened?”

A city cop and a few people where standing around me, one said, “this guy just pulled you out of a burning truck.”

Still dazed, I simply said “thank you, can I get your phone number”, as they put me in the meat wagon.

Later in the hospital, I found out that a very large four axle dump truck fully loaded ran the light a slammed us going about forty five miles an hour. Pete had been pulled out of the burning pickup by about four people, the truck was almost broke in half. He was in a coma for six weeks and had all his fingers burnt half off, his entire left arm was burnt down to the muscle. His left ear was gone, and right ear looked like Spocks, while both his shoulders were also burnt very badly. He did manage to survive a couple more years.

As for me, no one knew I was in the truck because I had been knocked out by the impact, and was in a fetal position on the floor of the pickup. A young guy sitting in a van watching, later told me, something told him to go help. He came up to the burning truck looked in and saw me on the floor; he said I thought you were dead but did not want you to burn up in case you had kids. Then he said the right side door would not open, so he stood back and kicked it, and it popped open. He proceeded to crab me and pull me out, and then the city cop ran over and helped pull me away. I still have his burnt finger print under my right arm.


I ended up with my skin on my left hand cooked off, repaired with skin from my right leg grafted on. Three finger print burns on my right arm, previously mentioned. The skin on my face from my nose to my hair line was third degree, which by the way healed nicely almost like baby skin and no more wrinkly brow lines for a long time, and a couple of gashes in my head, the doctor said looked like Mick Jagers lips!

All right enough with the graphics already, what is the lesson? Well, here is one more point, while in the hospital for two weeks, with many nurses and doctors asking ‘how can you be so happy and positive after being in this terrible crash, and burned?’

I simply said “I am still alive!”. About three days passed in the hospital and a good friend came to visit, he brought me a book to read. He said that he and his wife were having a hard time with what the book was saying, but knowing me, thought I would like the book because of a life long passion for world religions and philosophy.

The book was Conversations with God: Book One. By the second or third chapter it was talking about why supposed bad things happen to good people, and said,” I did not ask to get hit by this truck,” I about lost it!

Okidoki fear, fear and more fear, did I mess up by constantly letting this fear attack me?

Could have I refused to let this fill my mind, with negative thoughts? A nice old lady once told me, you can’t stop a bird from flying over your head, but you can keep it from making a nest in your hair!

Where do thoughts come from? Do you have to listen to bad thoughts? Are thoughts like birds flying by? Are you your thoughts? We are actually the observer of thoughts, you allow yourself to get caught up! If you don’t like something change your mind!

You say “how can I do that?”

Just like anything else it takes practice. There are many techniques for centering yourself, pick a word any word, make it your power word. Maybe light or love or thanks or happy, and learn to concentrate on that word, train your mind. Now there is a part of your lower ego that may not want to surrender too easily.


When you get caught up in the squawking of the mind, simply go back to your centering word, or mantra. We are each trying to tap into a part in us which is the one watching, the Observer. “No mind never matter, never matter no mind.” Your soul is your mind, your will, your emotion, but the real you, it is even deeper, the Observer is connected to your higher self. Your higher self.

Now, if fear is the real enemy, then what are you afraid of?

Is it the merchants of fear, mainly the church and the government? According to them if you are a bad boy you will go to hell, when you die.

War, war and more war, terror, pandemic, die, death, kill, that is about all you hear any more.

Are you afraid to die, to lose that carcass you have been walking around in? Do you think that the body you’re wearing is the real you and only you? If you think that it is all of you, you will be dead soon enough! Do you have insurance or assurance?

So, we must conquer fear, or you will never find lasting peace if you fear death. If you die to self, you will be born again in spirit. The old man has to go, one way or the other.

You will like this: you have to lose your mind!

Let this mind be in you, that was also in Christ Jesus, remember he was a way shower, not the only one. The Bible says, we have to let this mind be in us, WE have to let it! You can not have the old and the new, sorry won’t work. You cannot serve two masters. Christ mind, Kristos, anointed mind, Christ consciousness, SPIRIT, they that are led by the spirit are the sons.

Lately I have been noticing a lot of people saying they are sensing something or asking ‘what’s going on?”.

A change in frequency is going on, or a higher vibration, more energy is available. There are many theories, photon belt, galactic center, cyclic changes; well not everyone is in a position to understand all the ins and out’s of vast cycles of so called time.


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Articles In This Thread

Everything is Fake (part 1)
Mr.Ed -- Wednesday, 19-Aug-2015 04:29:24
Re: Everything is Fake (part 2)
Mr.Ed -- Wednesday, 19-Aug-2015 04:30:44
Re: Everything is Fake (part 3)
Mr.Ed -- Wednesday, 19-Aug-2015 04:32:22
Re: Everything is Fake (part 4)
Mr.Ed -- Wednesday, 19-Aug-2015 04:33:40
Reader Mot comments
Mr.Ed -- Wednesday, 19-Aug-2015 18:16:53

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