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Reader dsc sends - Hillary massive espionage - Jim Stone says the people need to insist this not be covered up....

Posted By: Infoeditor
Date: Wednesday, 19-Aug-2015 00:30:29

In Response To: The State of Things - Commissions, SS Numbers, Statuses, Criminal Corporate Government 8-18-15 - Response to reader's email (Infoeditor)

Re: The State of Things - Commissions, SS Numb....

Here is some really important info off of Jim Stone's website, Hillary has committed massive espionage & treason..the people need to insist this not be covered Jim says it would expose the the whole criminal cartel....everyone needs to hear this and insist on it being brought out in the open. I hope you'll publish it.

What you are hearing about coming out now is the proven classified documents they managed to extract from the written over portion of the original hard drive loaded into the forensic chassis, not what they knew straight up on day one
From the initial bust they knew on day one, just from text string checking - the step that did not even require a deep dredging of wiped data, they were able to conclude that Hillary had many many moles inside the NSA, who gave her the encryption keys for the NSA's own satellites, and they beamed her whatever
she wanted on request. Now proven to be over 17,000 documents in all. That most likely equals somewhere between 100,000 to a million pages of classified documents, all at the highest possible level. How many classified documents per day does that equal? Enough to solidly prove that Hillary was far into the
business of peddling classified data, and peg her as the #1 (known about) espionage agent in American history.

Now consider who Hillary represents: The Bolshevik communist tip of the spear luciferian Jewish "destroy and enslave the world" cult. She simply cannot get busted for what she did, or the entire house of satan might bite the dust over it. After all, if she did it, he did it, they did it, now the genie is out of
the bottle and the NSA knows it has been raped wholesale. If damage control cannot bury this, it is the end of a lot more than just Hillary. Would that be worth rodding China for, just for a simple topic diversion in the press? YES.
Would that be worth waking up a volcano in Japan? YES. And it would even be worth a world war for the depraved death cult, BET ON IT.



: The State of Things - Commissions, SS Numbers, Statuses,
: Criminal Corporate Government 8-18-15 - Response to
: reader's email

: August 18, 2015

: To the reader who emailed me -
: In keeping with your request I will not post your email, but
: will post the following so that others may benefit, also.

: Criminal Government

: I don't know what the "proper jurisdiction" which
: you mentioned would be. What I do believe is; since the
: corporate government is the fake substitute for a real de
: jure government, the hirelings and minions of the criminal
: corporate government are probably behind a lot of murders
: and suspicious deaths.

: I am saying this without having to look further than the
: number of observations available in the news and online
: news sites. In other words, many or most of those posing as
: government officials in this criminal corporate government
: may likely exert a one-on-one attack against any individual
: or group that appears to be challenging any of their
: pseudo-authority. Think of the bully at some illegal toll
: booth or the thug running a protection racket and you have
: a good parallel to that thug-official who demands full
: cover-up and no challenges to his/her office and
: pseudo-authority.

: In short, there are probably many who are aware of what is
: going on with this, but the few who attempt to step up and
: show the public are likely targets for immediate
: assassination.

: Just as police and other law officers have no right to
: structure a person's life, no right to structure a family's
: life, neither does a corporate pseudo-government have the
: right to structure lives, no right to issue edicts under
: color of law, and no right to force immunizations and
: vaccinations upon 'We, The Forgotten People'.

: But you don't see the pseudo-officials looking at it that way.
: Instead, they have recruited the powerful corporations,
: even phone companies, telecoms and DMVs to force customers
: to issue a Social Security number (therefore to take a
: number upon themselves) which indicates a 'status of
: credit' before customers can open accounts, drive a vehicle
: 'legally', etc.. It also applies to banking. Therefore, by
: forcing all onto a 'status of credit' and into the
: 'corporate subject' category, we are robbed of our actual
: rights, at least to an extent, on the face of things. They
: have despicably shoved Americans off a gangplank and into
: waters filled with sharks where belongings and properties
: are afloat to be seized and plundered. The criminal Supreme
: Court upholds the criminal presidents and criminal
: corporate government - UGH!

: My Common Law book states that the Social Security number and
: the use of is foreign to the U.S. Constitution and
: Constitutional Law and "grants jurisdiction" ( to
: prosecute! ).

: The criminal government position appears to be - there's a
: dungeon or grave for you if you do not wish to comply,
: otherwise no one is forcing you to drive, and for that
: matter no one is forcing you to open a bank account, have a
: place to live, be able to communicate, hold a job, and live
: a basically normal life.

: I once paid a rather large traffic fine which was more than
: three decades old. The criminal corporate government
: intends to wring every cent they can force out of 'We, The
: Forgotten People'. They are, in effect, turning those of us
: who are poor, crippled, older, etc., upside down with the
: rest of society and emptying our pockets. The ones who
: assist it are the dispatchers sitting over there behind the
: emergency services consoles. They probably smirk at the
: evil they've done over the weeks as they accept their
: paychecks.

: Some filthy operator sends another phony derogatory statement
: in about a disabled person who wouldn't harm anyone and the
: dispatcher probably jumps right on it and logs it down as
: real, not challenging it in court, with no oversight as
: though the subject of the report is already 'guilty as
: charged'. Then the subject can be further irradiated with
: so-called surveillance frequencies, made ill and
: eliminated. After all, the dispatcher doesn't care about
: the possible culpability of the subject, just the paycheck
: she, the dispatcher, receives.

: My roof was blown up again ( shingles blasted into a conical
: configuration - ruined ) in one area of my roof - with law
: enforcement present on or about in the neighborhood, and in
: full view of neighborhood watch and the special infra-red
: cams on the utility poles, the 'electric eyes'. It happened
: immediately following outages of both my internet devices
: after I posted about the man killed in the Dallas County
: Jail Lobby. If you file that stuff you may become suddenly
: aware that someone is checking you out, so you would want
: to go in groups. With their artificial intel computers and
: other stooges they have an industry just to track and
: assess each and every person. They do not have the right to
: gather such critical data on each and every citizen, and
: especially not while illegal immigrants run loose and
: murder people! They spend zillions of our so-called tax
: dollars for this domestic spying and whatever else they
: want, be it child porn or child prostitutes or adult porn
: and adult prostitutes and they are evil beyond your wildest
: imagination.

: One lady who filed a bunch of paperwork against officials up
: in one state recently drew seven years in prison. That is
: likely the result of the criminal corporate government's
: refusal to recognize Common Law. One clerk of court in
: Louisiana allegedly committed suicide rather than continue
: following a judge's order to ignore Common Law filings. He
: just couldn't take the injustice of it any longer. So the
: bottom line is; those who are telling the truth about this
: stuff are paying a horrible price, and those who may
: develop a 'sudden attack of honesty' may pay the ultimate
: 'final' price.

: Best Regards,

: Infoeditor

: 14 Doctors Now Dead Or Missing In The Past 6 Weeks. What Is
: The Connection? [VIDEO]

: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Articles In This Thread

The State of Things - Commissions, SS Numbers, Statuses, Criminal Corporate Government 8-18-15 - Response to reader's email
Infoeditor -- Tuesday, 18-Aug-2015 13:50:24
Reader dsc sends - Hillary massive espionage - Jim Stone says the people need to insist this not be covered up....
Infoeditor -- Wednesday, 19-Aug-2015 00:30:29
Agreed! This will show the general criminal pattern of Clint-Bush, A BUST
Infoeditor -- Wednesday, 19-Aug-2015 00:59:26
Reader sends - Thank you, Got the message.
Infoeditor -- Wednesday, 19-Aug-2015 00:44:18
Come Out of Her also refers to leaving the Babylonian World Money System
Infoeditor -- Wednesday, 19-Aug-2015 00:47:28

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