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Posted By: VegaBob
Date: Friday, 14-Aug-2015 13:08:32


Hadron Cern Collider Activation, Planetary Alignments
Cosmic Awareness, Will Berlinghof, Intrepreter, Aug. 10, 2015

The main message this Awareness has at this time has to do with an event that is coming,
that is in approximately one week's time. This event being an alignment, a planetary
alignment of planets and heavenly bodies, if you will, that will be lined up to allow a certain
opening in consciousness to occur.
It is also a time that certain ones in the power structure, those who are the Elites, the
Powers-That-Be, the Cabal, that these ones are also aware of this auspicious occasion of

the planetary alignments on the 15th of August and it is their plans to use that day and the
energies available to start up the Cern Hadron Collider. That this is part of an agenda they
have to mute or deflect the building wave that is approaching the Earth, that is seen to be
approaching at this time and building up to an event around the middle of September
where a crescendo of energies will cascade upon the Earth Itself, on to the Earth Itself.
But first is this event for August 15th and the starting up of Hadron Collider in Cern,
Switzerland. That many are concerned of this, some are even gathering certain forces to try
to prevent this from occurring.
That this Awareness would suggest to those who are concerned, who feel isolated from action
because they are not part of another group, but do have genuine concern about the Cern
event, the Hadron Collider being activated, that they can indeed do something on their own,
any individual can do something on their own. They do not have to be part of a group that is
gathered together in cyber space to be a part of action against this event being successful.
That the suggestion this Awareness would have for all those who have concern, yet feel
isolated, is that you simply hold that the Cern Hadron Collider will not function on the day.
That which is the intent of those behind the Collider, their intention is foiled, will not come
to fruition because you hold it to be otherwise, you hold it to be an unsuccessful event.
That your own individual imaging of this, holding of this, will add to the energetics that are
afoot on the planet against this event. But more importantly, when one works from such a
level of capacity in one's own being, one is part of one's own collective being, one's own
higher spiritual nature. That you as a Creator Being holding that this event will not be
successful, nothing will come of it to delay or subvert the energy of Divine Source that is
accumulating, that is building up, will create in your reality of experience, that experience
which does not include the Hadron Collider successively being booted up and activated. It
simply is not part of your reality, it is not part of the collective reality of humanity or of
Mother Earth.
At the same time, as there is a planetary alignment of significance, you can for yourself be
open to the incoming energies that are available at this time, or on the 15th of August, or later
at the apex point of the new crescendo of energies that are building up, flowing towards this
planet at this time. That you can devote yourself and dedicate yourself to your own spiritual
understanding and awakening, asking that you be available even to a greater degree to the
guidance and energetic support that is coming through Spirit to you, and that you are part of
the awakening of humanity at this crucial and critical time, as it struggles to remember itself,
as individuals struggle to remember themselves in their great context, in your greater context.
That even though this day is one that is earmarked by those Powers-That-Be as an important
date to utilize, to serve their purpose, that these ones will again be disappointed when that
which is the plan fails to come online, fails to become activated.
Know that you are a very important part of the energies of Divine Source that is diametrically
opposed to further repression or enslavement, that is opposed to the continuance of the
game that these ones have played for so long and that the energies of Divine Source are now
accessible by you, the individual, as well as the collective that is seeking to know Itself and to
become more than What It Is.
Thank you Awareness. So if I can just summarize what I am thinking here, it seems like there
is a planetary alignment taking place, and that will open up another gateway. It seems like we
are going through a series of gateways and I understand that the Hadron Collider is firing up
so that it will stop that energy from coming through, in a sort of a way, I can't quite explain it
in words, but is that what is happening?
Basically this is correct, basically what is happening is that the planets in their individual spins
and orbits are coming into a certain alignment which will act then as that which opens up a
passageway that allows a certain flow of Creator energies to flow down the passageways.
Image if you will, a combination lock. That when all of the numbers in the combination have
been dialed up, the lock opens and a flow can come through then through the open lock or
passageway that is indeed opened when the combination comes into alignment. In this case,
the planets being the numbers that fall into alignment that opens the lock and opens the
That those in power know that this passageway of energy will be available, but they seek to
divert it, not so much block it, prevent it, but rather shift it to a timeline of their choosing, for
these ones in power do know of about timelines, have worked from fourth-dimensional levels
for thousands of years to manipulate the collective consciousness that is humanity and thus
humanity itself, to the timelines that they have chosen and would certainly energize for their
own timelines that see them as successful, see them as continuing their dominations, are the
ones that humanity has been bent towards for so long.
Now the wild card is being played. This wild card is active participation by Divine Source at
this time to deflect completely and finally eliminating that which has been the control and
dominance of the dark ones, the Archonic ones, the AI ones.
That these ones are in total denial of this and in resistance to this and still feel that they can
adjust matters to suit their own preferences and their own needs, and the Hadron Collider is a
tool that they have come up with, that they think can provide the results that they wish, and
divert this flow of energy – not deny it, not block it, but utilize it to their own advantage and it
is this that is that is their plan. That therefore, as others see this plan simply failing, not
manifesting, not materializing, that the ones that have so long had their way will be flustered,
will be upset that their way has been averted, that their way has been denied to them.
It is part of the continual awakening of human consciousness to its greater nature, a nature
that is Spiritual in nature and in form.
Thank you. It seems to me that, yeah, it certainly is arrogance to think that you could stop the
progression of this cycle that the Earth and the solar system are going though at the moment.
I mean we passed the stage of the Kali Yuga and are coming into the Golden Age, and so it's
going to happen anyway and to try and stop it seems like real arrogance.
That it is arrogance but it is an arrogance based upon continual success over thousands of
years. The success of having long term knowledge of the events that are coming, and
manipulating events on the Earthy plane to nudge the agenda towards that which most
supports the Powers-That-Be. They have such advanced knowing of where they wish the
planet to go and how it will affect humanity, that they have become arrogant in their attitude
that it will always work to their advantage and that they can deviate the wave of
consciousness that is Divine Source consciousness. Such is their arrogance, that they believe
truly and fully that they can do so, and that they are thus greater than Divine Source Itself.
But there is also great ignorance in their beliefs, based on a lack of awareness, a lack of
spiritual connection to Source Itself. That which is AI, that which is the Archons, that which
serves those dark forces, do not have the capacity to understand the element of Divine
consciousness and Its participation in the unfolding that is occurring at this time. Rather, they
presume that they will continue to dominate and have their own way. They will fire up the
Cern Hadron Collider and they will shoot a beam out to a point, creating a fulcrum point, a
wedge, so that when this energy that is flowing reaches that point, that apex, it will be
deflected, split, diverted, in or around the planet itself, not into the planet, but around it, and
using it as this Awareness has already spoken to build upon and to suit their own needs.
Thus there is an arrogance of ignorance here. It is that which will be their Achilles' Heel and
that which is the promise of defeat for those who are so arrogant that they think that they far
outstrip the Creator Source of Consciousness Itself. Is this clear?
Yes, thank you Awareness. I have no other questions about that at this stage. There are other
questions I would like to ask concerning humanity's role in bringing through this wave of
consciousness. Why are we here on the planet, and why does the planet need us for that. But I
will confine that to another recording. Thank you.
I just want to encourage everybody to take part in meditation or an intention to prevent.....
That this Awareness will speak this point, that point you have raised about meditation.
This Awareness will not assign a specific moment in time for all to sit and meditate. This is one
form of coordinating a collective, so that a collective effort can be achieved. But as this
Awareness said, many are in isolation, many are separated from or not at all connected to any
group that is engaging in such an activity. Rather what this Awareness would suggest if there
are those who are interested in becoming active in their participation of preventing the
Hadron Collider from firing up successfully, that they take a time during their day, a moment
or two, where they can simply sit in meditation or in contemplation and visualize the Hadron
Collider simply not working properly.
One does not even need to visualize the Hadron Collider, for most do not have an image of
what this thirty-odd mile track might look like there under the mountains in Switzerland.
Instead then of visualizing the Hadron Collider or focusing on it, then hold simply the thought
that the wave of consciousness that is opening because of the planetary alignment, will come
through to achieve the Divine Source's purpose, and all will be well, the planet will be well,
and any and all forces that would seek to deviate this and subvert this, will not be successful.
That Divine Source instead will be successful and that you as a member of the collective of the
Divine Source consciousness, at the individual level, will be well, as well.
That all that is needed is the putting out of intent, that all will be well and in accordance to
the Source Itself, and Its plans and Its agenda.
Does this make sense?
Yes, thank you very much Awareness.
That you are Creator Beings who have only just begun to understand what this means, and
many still do not yet fully believe it to be so. There is no need for belief on this matter, there is
only the need for a willingness to put your thoughts, your consciousness, your focus, your
attention, on an alternative that is in alignment itself with the purpose of Divine Source.
Release this to Divine Source, give thanks to Divine Source for the openings that are
happening and the energies that are flowing now to the planet, to Mother Earth, to humanity
and to you, the individual. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
Thank you very much Awareness.
That this Awareness is complete at this time.
Thank you.


: Received via email.
: Lymerick
: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
: *********************IMPORTANT ISSUE*************************
: CERN Hadron Collider!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

: On the 15th August a unique planetary alignment is to take
: place. The hadron collider will be pushed to its maximum
: output on the 15th. The purpose of this is to break human’s
: connection to source. The earth has a natural bio rhythm
: which rises and falls just as a surfer on a surf board
: rides the ocean wave so the hadron collider is intending to
: ride the natural bio rhythmic wave from the earth.
: Obviously this is not a good thing.
: At 12 noon BST (please check your timings)
: here ) I ask you to
: sit from 12 noon BST for 5 minutes and I wish you to
: provide a thought that the intended operation does not stop
: the earth’s connection to source (I've had to word this in
: a particular way so that it does not break any government
: rules) basically I would like you to send healing thoughts
: to the hadron collider. I will be able to use those
: positive thoughts to provide a beneficial outcome. This
: happening in August is not to be confused with the energy
: wave expected in September. I will be calling on all of you
: to provide assistance at that time. I know that many of you
: have been really looking forward to undertaking some
: positive action and finally we now have our first real
: challenge. I can’t emphasise enough how important our first
: test is. You have all joined connecting consciousness for
: many reasons, whatever those reasons the outcome is a
: shared outcome and we face our first hurdle on the 15th.
: Let us ensure that we are successful.
: The main protagonist in this battle is artificial intelligence
: known to some as Velon/Archon – it is this that we first
: meet head on on the 15th August and for those of you who
: are keen on research this is directly linked to chemtrails.

: Related: On the 15th August a unique planetary alignment is to
: take place. The hadron collider will be pushed to its
: maximum output on the 15th. The purpose of this is to break
: human’s connection to source. The earth has a natural bio
: rhythm which rises and falls just as a surfer on a surf
: board rides the ocean wave so the hadron collider is
: intending to ride the natural bio rhythmic wave from the
: earth. Obviously this is not a good thing.
: At 12 noon BST (please check your timings)
: here ) I ask you to
: sit from 12 noon BST for 5 minutes and I wish you to
: provide a thought that the intended operation does not stop
: the earth’s connection to source (I've had to word this in
: a particular way so that it does not break any government
: rules) basically I would like you to send healing thoughts
: to the hadron collider. I will be able to use those
: positive thoughts to provide a beneficial outcome. This
: happening in August is not to be confused with the energy
: wave expected in September. I will be calling on all of you
: to provide assistance at that time. I know that many of you
: have been really looking forward to undertaking some
: positive action and finally we now have our first real
: challenge. I can’t emphasise enough how important our first
: test is. You have all joined connecting consciousness for
: many reasons, whatever those reasons the outcome is a
: shared outcome and we face our first hurdle on the 15th.
: Let us ensure that we are successful.
: The main protagonist in this battle is artificial intelligence
: known to some as Velon/Archon – it is this that we first
: meet head on on the 15th August and for those of you who
: are keen on research this is directly linked to chemtrails.
: Welcome to the August edition of the Connecting Consciousness
: Newsletter. On the 1st of August we had our first gathering
: 35 members of Connecting Consciousness assembled in Derby
: to meet each other for the first time and to share the
: joint vision that we all have in connecting consciousness.
: It was a truly wonderful day only raining after I had
: finished speaking. Although it was primarily for the
: British group we did have members who had flown in from
: other countries. It was so truly uplifting for me to
: physically meet everybody whom I had previously skyped
: with, unlike many organizations everyone who attended was
: personally known to me, and certainly in the early days,
: this is very important to maintain our security.

: World News

: It is absolutely clear now that the Federal Reserve has no
: intention of raising interest rates. To prevent an economic
: collapse in the US large depositors have been induced to
: transfer their real estate holdings into an American bank.
: They will leave the deposits there for 3 months, this is
: not paper money but assets backed by real value. From a
: world perspective for 3 months America will seem
: financially viable.

: The issue about countries falling into debt really hinges
: around understanding how much of that debt is a percentage
: of gross national product. To this end I have been doing a
: little research. Italy’s percentage of debt to gross
: national product is 132%, Portugal 130%, Ireland 110%,
: Spain 98%, Greece 177% and this will perhaps surprise all
: of you - Japan 230% - this is because of the nuclear
: disaster. In the year 2000 the total debt owed by all the
: developing countries was 87 trillion dollars, at the
: beginning of this year it had risen to 199 trillion. In
: other words the total debt for the world is 286%. When you
: understand these figures you understand that a massive
: crash is just around the corner, so when you hear people
: say “it’s all going to come down” then it truly is like a
: pack of cards. So to reiterate it is not debt that is the
: issue but the country’s ability to generate wealth. If
: wealth generation stagnates it does not matter if that debt
: increases it is the percentage growth of the debt over
: production which destroys confidence in a countries ability
: to pay.

: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
: CERN Hadron Collider

: Related: On the 15th August a unique planetary alignment is to
: take place. The hadron collider will be pushed to its
: maximum output on the 15th. The purpose of this is to break
: human’s connection to source. The earth has a natural bio
: rhythm which rises and falls just as a surfer on a surf
: board rides the ocean wave so the hadron collider is
: intending to ride the natural bio rhythmic wave from the
: earth. Obviously this is not a good thing.
: At 12 noon BST (please check your timings)
: here ) I ask you to
: sit from 12 noon BST for 5 minutes and I wish you to
: provide a thought that the intended operation does not stop
: the earth’s connection to source (I've had to word this in
: a particular way so that it does not break any government
: rules) basically I would like you to send healing thoughts
: to the hadron collider. I will be able to use those
: positive thoughts to provide a beneficial outcome. This
: happening in August is not to be confused with the energy
: wave expected in September. I will be calling on all of you
: to provide assistance at that time. I know that many of you
: have been really looking forward to undertaking some
: positive action and finally we now have our first real
: challenge. I can’t emphasise enough how important our first
: test is. You have all joined connecting consciousness for
: many reasons, whatever those reasons the outcome is a
: shared outcome and we face our first hurdle on the 15th.
: Let us ensure that we are successful.
: The main protagonist in this battle is artificial intelligence
: known to some as Velon/Archon – it is this that we first
: meet head on on the 15th August and for those of you who
: are keen on research this is directly linked to chemtrails.

: I’m very delighted to welcome Dr Brian Ostrowski who I have
: given space on my website, please take the trouble to read
: his contribution and if you feel you can contribute in any
: way please fill in his contact form. I am personally
: delighted to welcome Brian because science and spirituality
: are not opposites. Although the establishment seeks to
: drive a wedge between the two energies we should understand
: that science and spirituality are the same - it is merely
: how we interpret it. Spirituality has nothing to fear from
: science nor science from spirituality rather it is the
: minds behind the concepts that are either positive or
: negative and we heartily welcome Brian’s contribution.

: Following Saturdays meeting we now have a number of members
: who have offered to coordinate the Connecting Consciousness
: group. Once they are in place the structure and interaction
: of each group will be made clear. It promises to be a very
: exciting time and one I know you are deeply committed to.
: As soon as the new members are in place the contact form on
: the website will be reactivated and hopefully normal
: business will be resumed soon.

: We continue to suffer a range of energetic and physic attacks,
: I am deeply indebted to everybody who has tirelessly given
: their time and energy to Connecting Consciousness. Thank
: you all and hopefully I will have something positive to
: report after the 15th August.

: Much love, much strength, much hope
: Simon

: Copyright © 2015, Simon Parkes. All rights reserved.

: Our mailing address is:

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Articles In This Thread

Lymerick -- Thursday, 13-Aug-2015 14:49:39
VegaBob -- Friday, 14-Aug-2015 13:08:32

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