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Mr.Ed provides some answers...

Posted By: Mr.Ed
Date: Wednesday, 22-Oct-2014 04:00:16

In Response To: With 3 Days in a Light Chamber for each Earthling Many Will Not Live Long Enough to Partake of Said Chamber (CapnGriff)

Mr.Ed provides some answers...

Ok...I will try to explain some of this to answer your questions. However I suggest you spend some time researching all the free material found on youtube (and the PAO website) as it appears you have many questions. I have posted a couple links (below) that will get you started as there is much to cover.

First of all...let me say that we live a life here of lies and illusion. Almost everything you know and have been taught is not at all the reality. This is enforced / brainwashed into your consciousness via TV and all forms of media. You must have an open mind and look outside the box. (matrix)

So consider this:

The earth is well all planets in the universe.
The universe is teeming with life...(intelligent life) and human beings dominate it.
There is no hell.
There is no death.
We are immortal.
None of us are from here...and our true family is from space and we as well are galactics.

Truly we live on a prison planet as Cobra has made clear (if you follow his material) as we are stuck in a recycle existence via reincarnation.
We are in the lowest of 23 dimensions here in 3rd...or 3D. Only in the lowest level do we experience a life where we are veiled of our memory of past lives...and can not ascend naturally as the creator intended. (in this grand experiment of free will and learning via experience)

There are dark forces in control of this system and go way back to almost the beginning when we entered this cycle in time. (27,500 years or 13 millennia)
We had angelic abilities and are a spark of the creator as we are spiritual beings...and you can't kill spirit. These abilities are to be returned and as well your memory of all past lives and your galactic family.
Because of the dark forces in control here we can never ascend naturally so the creator and heaven have decided to assist in the return of our former selves and catch up from lost time due to the delays the dark have placed on mankind to keep them in control of their slaves. (us)

This will be done via light technology in the light chambers you are now familiar with. These light and sound (frequency) chambers are advanced technology from galactic races advanced of us by millions of years and they use it all the time to keep themselves in good physical shape and for healing. getting back to the topic...once you leave this lowest of never experience death as we know it...and the death as we know it is not death at all, but a natural (or unnatural) recycle of life called reincarnation...which the satanic vatican conveniently left out of the bible to keep you in fear of mortality and death...and don't forget hell fire forever and eternity.

So as soon as you go to the next are alive forever as you always have been. We are special and this is why some dark soulless alien races have abducted humans to cross breed to try and catch that spark of immortality which makes us god-like and in fact the bible says we were made in his image. (this is what it was talking about)

Now...back to hollow earth and all planets (including our sun which is a portal to other dimensions) all planets on the outer surface (as we live) are 3rd dimension. All inner planets are 5th dimension. Earth is hollow and the population of our inner earth are 5th dimensional or not unlike angelic beings. They are known as Agarthans as they live in a large crystal city named Agartha. They are related to us and tall like 7 feet. (we will be meeting them soon)

So nobody is going to miss the boat as you might fear in your comments...and remember this: "Fear is the lack of understanding". Fear is your worse enemy. You can not ascend if you live in fear...nor will you enter a light chamber if you are in fear.

You know CapnGriff...I find it quite ironic as I read your comments, as I have been telling of these things to come for many decades and I have run across many like yourself who are based in fear and say they will never enter a light chamber because it is prolly a trick to cook you in a microwave or some other silly stuff they come up with. So I made a public statement years ago that I would like to be first to enter a light chamber to show others there is nothing to fear. What are you afraid of if you are immortal? The only fear would be the fear you carry from the mind control you have accepted as truth. (and many have not bothered to find out)

During this incarnation...I have experienced a short period (or peek behind the veil) of full consciousness. This gift (or experience) allowed me to have some abilities that I took for granted (as if I always knew) like reading minds or thoughts of others (telepathy) and I had the answers to any question you could think of and it was instant. (access to the Akashic Records) I did not recall any of my past lives but I astral traveled the galaxy and the universe and found harmony and all in control and from that time forward I lost all fear of death or anything for that matter. I realized there is way more to this all than we know...there is a plan and it is all good in the end. is impossible to leave the body to astral travel if you have any fear at all.

So what I am here to tell you is...all of the things the light chamber will do for us is real and I know from my own experience that these things (abilities) are real and we had them prior...but just forgot.

This means that when you exit the light will be a 5th dimensional galactic human with a crystal based body (instead of carbon based) and once again become immortal with angelic abilities.

The light chambers are located in the crystal cities of Agartha and more are in place on many motherships near earth right now. It depends on where your galactic family is from as far as if you will be going to inner earth or aboard a ship to get this transformation completed.

The earth is alive and mother earth is ascending with everybody on her from 3rd to 5th...and free will is still the game rules here so you can stay onboard and ascend along with the earth or you can decide that fear is not allowing you to accept this yet so you will remain in lower 3rd but be removed from this planet to another similar (I understand that Mars is being terra-formed now for this purpose and souls not ready to ascend with gaia will go to Mars outer) to continue your evolution until you are ready to awaken and ascend back where you came from.

There is no soul more or less important than another and God will wait for each and every one of us to return to source. ( never die so where did you think you would end up?)

Oh...there is no waiting to do this as there is a custom built chamber set up just for you with your specific needs in mind as no 2 humans are on the same path or alike as they scan you while you sleep for your aura...your chakras...your DNA...your light quotient and more. (no waiting or sharing light chambers. I wonder where you came up with that one?) ??? Oh...BTW...the chambers are well the ships.

So I will link you to some info about the GFL fleets and their duties as they are all here to assist us in this time as humanity overcomes the prison planet of the dark and ascends to higher realms.

This marks the end of duality and the beginning of the golden age. (1000 years of heaven on earth as spoken of in the bible, which is really the return of mankind to 4th & 5th dimension)

* Please read every word of this so you can grasp the scope of things at hand. >>>

GALACTIC FEDERATION FLEETS - Ashtar Command - Spiritual Community Network

In summary...your fears are unfounded and you need to immerse yourself in the Sheldan Nidle material which I have been doing for years. I have attended all his webinars...but no matter what I know...I can not do it for you. It is a personal journey in discovery of yourself and when your time is will seek the answers.

I will however be glad to continue to answer your questions but I am not willing to rehash material that Sheldan has spent his lifetime explaining now available for free. (much of it)

Regards Mr.Ed :)

More here...

Sheldan Nidle PAO Webinar: Galactic Humans 101

For some of your answers...begin at mark (1 hr 17 min)

For more free webinars go here: >>>

sheldan nidle webinar - YouTube

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Articles In This Thread

Update by Sheldan Nidle for the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation 10/21/2014
Mr.Ed -- Tuesday, 21-Oct-2014 20:38:17
With 3 Days in a Light Chamber for each Earthling Many Will Not Live Long Enough to Partake of Said Chamber
CapnGriff -- Tuesday, 21-Oct-2014 23:06:38
Mr.Ed provides some answers...
Mr.Ed -- Wednesday, 22-Oct-2014 04:00:16

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