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Reader: "Watching this Styx episode makes me wonder..."

Posted By: hobie
Date: Tuesday, 31-Jan-2023 04:31:57

In Response To: Styx666: "Tyre Nichols MURDERED by the Memphis Cops (Rodney King 2.0)" [8:16 video (cc)] (hobie)

(Thanks, i8. :)

Reader i8 writes:


Re: Styx666: 'Tyre Nichols MURDERED by the Mem....

Hi Hobie,

Watching this Styx episode makes me wonder...

Question: Hasn't rumor had it? Yes. Rumor's had it. Truth's out.

Rumor's had it that city or town cops actually can lack the standing to charge any one with anything, let alone touch someone. Presumption of the right to touch... They would need at least a Sheriff for most of it. Under the Declaration of Independence they find consent of the governed. Under the Northwest Ordinance they find the territories. Under the Articles of Confederation they find the confederation of the States of America. Under their Constitution, these municipalities, they find their limits which put them in designated spaces to do 18 designated duties. Their corporate standing is property, sea and air and American's non-incorporated standing is land. Rumor has it. So they did plenty to make us theirs then. Problems solved.

Here we have a whole squad of guys do this. Felony assult, deadly force, armaments, pain compliance, colorable words. A resistant young man has deceased. It's all out of context. Nobody heard the first actual words of any exchange here. We have hearsay.

I'm even one who could maybe seem resistant too if any four did this to me! Self defense? The booms! That's coming from lttle me. No. I'm fraile and clumbsy too and I'd be hollered down too per protocol. I'd be seeming resistant too because of my bad hip and back and I'd run the risk of being misread as "subject lies" and "suspect me?"... "Oh, of course" "there to help, and to establish cause for me to be resistant, tell me to shut up, just to grab me, make me comply. Boots, knees, hard things. I'm harmless anyway. That is all legal for a cop to do to catch a suspect. Bit easy to get out of context. Who belongs to who? What belongs to what? Styx? Anybody?

Rumor has it Americans are told they lack standing to bring matters to court concerning their vote, (re: the brothers, Americans). Ok. Then who or what is a cop? An administrative thug cop. What crimes? What right does a cop not have? An arrested, fired cop? Their cop's felonys are what relieve them out of their standing. U.S. Citizen types plus their legal representative have standing in U. S. Courts but Americans court doesn't exist anymore unless the paperwork, empaneled jurists and administrative rules are all done just right.

Now it ramps up.

Note: Causing slavery "at the arrest level" is a felony. You're presumed to be lawfully making an arrest? Yes. But doing so for an 'administrative crime' isn't actually crime at all because "paperwork" doesn't harm anyone physically and damage your property. (except when a vehicle slams the squad car a cop may be in while doing paperwork). Having an arrest warrant out for failing to respond to and color-of-law administrative "crime" does not give an office a right to aptehend you and deprive your rights under color of law. But a Sheriff's deputy inside a court building can nab you physically. A judge can order it done on this spot. Statutory legislation and years of administrative precedent of opinion all amount to "color-of-law" and that is what means cops should know they lack standing when they are outside the property of their employer. Public streets aren't a municipal property. They rely on their training to shoot to kill in defense of themselves. They are also trained to know a people has a right to self defense and presumed armed to do so. At least more than we're told. Rumor has it the list of agencies working together looks like racketeering influenced and corrupt organizations. Its looking for any enemy to conflict with.

It needs to have its opposition in order to exist. Styx would tell you this.

At the end of the day, a good self-governing one is alwsys going to peacefully comply and then leverage all administrative due process soon thereafter.

To the cops:
(Community Oriented Public Servants)

Do cops lack the courage it takes to not suspect and subject the people they approach?... But if one "subject" matchest the immediate desciption of one suspect who hurt another, then we (no matter our politics) want police to take action to bring a perp to justice? Yes a good people would say.

Question: Hi Officer, do I match the description of some subject you are already investigating here today?

No? Great officer, then I am sure you will find me free to go.

Free to go? Tonight? Right now? Oh, no thank you sir. Im not one of yours. I'm not a voluntary transactor in commerce. I am not an employee on business. I'm not doing a task for gain. Me? I'd rather not anwser questions, dear officer. I know you mean well. Self-Government is our goal, to do no harm.. have you been told I've hurt someone? If im not that rank, I resign. Good day.


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Articles In This Thread

Styx666: "Tyre Nichols MURDERED by the Memphis Cops (Rodney King 2.0)" [8:16 video (cc)]
hobie -- Saturday, 28-Jan-2023 06:10:32
Styx666: "Ronna McDaniel Wins RNC Chair: Analysis" [6:27 video (cc)]
hobie -- Saturday, 28-Jan-2023 06:18:55
Reader: "Ronna is the niece of Mitt Romney"
hobie -- Sunday, 29-Jan-2023 06:35:07
Reader: "Watching this Styx episode makes me wonder..."
hobie -- Tuesday, 31-Jan-2023 04:31:57

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