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Anna Von Reitz, 12/4: "Can It Get Any Crazier?"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Wednesday, 7-Dec-2022 03:49:00

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: "About Lloyd Austin --- And Joe Biden, Too" (hobie)

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Sunday, December 4, 2022

Can It Get Any Crazier?

By Anna Von Reitz

Look at this one: U.S. prepares for full-scale invasion of Haiti, one of the poorest countries on the planet, our long-suffering neighbor in the Caribbean, plagued with tropical storms, earthquakes, drought, locusts, more torrential rains, mudslides, more drought, more earthquakes....

People in Haiti starve on a regular basis, and if we had any sense and if the British Government (which is more responsible for the conditions in Haiti than we are) had any mercy, compassion, or sense, we'd be sending meaningful help. Not plotting out how to do a palace coup proxy war.

As it is, we send a lot of money-laundering NGO's to Haiti, organizations that steal the foreign aid relief money and send it back to political party PACS and the "Foundations" of certain political figures in this country.

The recent scandals and revelations of FTX's role in precisely this sort of money laundering scheme designed to defraud investors and siphon away foreign aid to Ukraine is just one example among many.

And everyone acts so shocked, but it has been going on for decades.

Remember when that crony pal of John McCain's showed up at the pier in Lagos, Nigeria, with a boatload of moldy WWII Surplus Army blankets? That the American people paid for, plus shipping and handling?

We are talking about crooks, and not even smart crooks. (If he'd been a smart crook, he'd have dumped that cargo at sea, and the American people wouldn't have had a glimpse of what passes for "foreign aid" and wouldn't have deduced who really benefits from it.)

Remember, I told you that 98% of all Foreign Aid appropriated by Congress never gets to its purported target population? Now, you begin to see why.

And in some cases like the moldy blankets and the twenty-years past the "use by" date cans of military grade Spam, it's a good thing that this garbage we pay for to reimburse defense contractors in the name of "foreign aid" ---doesn't reach its destination. Instead, it's illegally dumped at sea or in landfills, late at night. At public expense.

How about all the crates of "food" being hauled aboard U.S. Navy ships that are clearly marked, "Not for Human Consumption"? Care to guess what that's about?

So, Haiti is among the Top Ten most impoverished countries in this Hemisphere, and the Big Bad Ridiculous U.S. is preparing to invade.

In the name of God, what for?

To destroy records showing how Haitian children have been stolen for decades, whereabouts unknown? To overwhelm the Haitian Government and use the island as a pirate haven?

If the nutcases in charge of the White House Office, Incorporated, go through with this one, nobody will believe a word they say, and nobody in their right mind will support it.

As we speak, "the" U.S. is trying to use Canada and Brazil (???) to do the invasion for them. They would normally use the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces --- but doing what mercenaries do --- the UN Peacekeepers have been caught raping and pillaging and stealing and causing far more harm than help. And that wouldn't support the narrative that this invasion and overthrow is meant as a philanthropic effort.

Just like the philanthropic overthrow and invasion of Ethiopia. And Somalia. And Mali. And Zimbabwe. And, and, and....

These cretins are always so busy spreading their democracy that they can never settle down and try for a 51% mandate to do any of this crap, but then, they don't actually practice or respect any form of government.

Bear in mind --- we are not talking about America here. America is not a democracy. America has a republican form of government. Instead, we are talking about the British Territorial United States Government, and their democracy, which until recently was headquartered in Puerto Rico.

You didn't know about that, either, did you?

Yes, Puerto Rico is a member of the Commonwealth. That's how their IRS had access to the Spanish Law of the Inquisition to prosecute Taxpayers in this country, and now they have moved their operations to the Ladrones, aka, Mariana Islands, in anticipation of doing the same thing to over a billion Chinese from the safety of another misadminstered U.S. Possession.

Even if you sat up all night and really, really tried.... and yet, it all makes sense if you know the history of the Income Tax --- as far back as 1135 AD. It's a war tax to help the Church pay for the Crusades.

If a military invasion is a philanthropic effort, why not just say it's all about philanthropy and send the Mennonites? Or the Salvation Army? Why not send in the Army Corps of Engineers with the simple directive: "Drain this lake full of sewage."

People, we've got to end this romp through Crazyland, USA. For our sake and for the sake of the whole world.

So listen up:

Things got too hot for the British Crown operations here and about forty years ago, the parasites began making preparations to find a new Host in China. They had collaborators in China via the Bank of Shanghai known as HSBC, a Chinese-British Bank. In 2017, Prince Philip received $950 Trillion in credit for Britain's part in this criminal breach of trust, brokered by the GOVERNOR of OTTAWA --- another "independent international city state" --- and the Vatican loaned our gold to China so that China could buy out the other creditors of the bankrupt UNITED STATES, INC.

China bought the brand name and trademarks of the UNITED STATES, INC. and Joe Biden became their puppet manager. That's why he is called CHINA Joe, peeps. That's why he does whatever China wants him to do. He works for them, literally.

And while it is blatantly illegal for any British Corporation subject to the Companies Act to use assets of the victims to buy out their own interests, the Vatican has no such qualms, limits, or moral considerations.

As we write, the Nazi UN Corp is on the move again, probably looking for a new base of operations from which to distribute seventeen different kinds of weaponized pathogens.

Ah, so now we have our answer. Just like the cretins contracted with a Chinese laboratory to develop the illegal Covid 19 crud, and then attempted to blame the Chinese for it, they are looking for a place to release all those deadly pathogens --- and where better than poor, old, suffering Haiti?

Haiti is already famous for having cases of ancient diseases like bubonic plague as well as more updated plagues of smallpox, cholera, hemorrhagic fever, etc. If you wanted to find a plausible place to release seventeen vile pathogens at once, without raising too many eyebrows, where would you go?

Haiti. Nigeria. India. In more or less that order. So, if, all of a sudden, you hear of plagues in these places and the hue and cry begins blaming these victims, you will know what to think.

Government of Canada? Government of Brazil? If you let the rats talk you into participating in any of this, it's your soldiers who will come back infected with this crap.

Government of India --- you already know what the Raj is like and you've already experienced Bill Gates and his "vaccines". You know what we are saying is true, and that your people and your country will be targeted if you don't get busy and help stamp out the Vermin once and for all.

And yes, every American and Canadian who isn't brain dead -- think.

They want to release these pathogens close to the open American Southern Border in hopes of killing a maximum number of Americans as we are the only ones with a helluva lot of guns and ammo.

We have a better suggestion.

Arrest the Lords of the Admiralty.

Arrest all agents of HSBC.

And shut down the Municipal "World Health Organization" --- WHO, INC.

These are the real sources of the problem. If you want this illegal mercenary war to stop, we have to get to the root of it and put an end to it before hundreds of millions of innocent people are destroyed for no reason beyond the greed, power-mongering, and stupidity of the so-called elites.

No phony war to save the Haitians by killing them.

No using Haiti as the mule to deliver all the filthy bio-engineered pathogens to the rest of the world.

No more Satanic bull crap and crime.

And no more open southern border, no matter what Fruit Loops says.


See this article and over 3800 others on Anna's website here:


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Articles In This Thread

Anna Von Reitz: "About Lloyd Austin --- And Joe Biden, Too"
hobie -- Wednesday, 7-Dec-2022 03:42:00
Anna Von Reitz, 12/4: "Can It Get Any Crazier?"
hobie -- Wednesday, 7-Dec-2022 03:49:00
Anna Von Reitz, 12/4: "Enough of the Filipino Claims"
hobie -- Wednesday, 7-Dec-2022 03:59:35
Anna Von Reitz, 12/4: "Land Swindles and Swindlers"
hobie -- Wednesday, 7-Dec-2022 03:59:35

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