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Posted By: hobie
Date: Monday, 19-Sep-2022 04:48:37

In Response To: Reader Charles: "Please find below duly served process from the position of employer to employees President Donald Trump, and Governor Ron DeSantis." (hobie)

(Thanks, C. :)

Reader Charles Miller writes;



Dear Hobie.

I was sent the below linked video from August 24, 22, and asked to comment.

Thus this email.

We are all in this mess together.

This email is intended to act as a caution.

I support the caution with common sense, facts and definitions of both words and positions known for a very very long time.

The six minuets cited in my report is as far as I could go.

Spending time chasing the defects for the rest of the video means I do not I have that amount of time to spend on actually working on and perfecting solutions.

I know at least two of the individuals involved.

One, I have no doubt about the honorable intent to return to lawful government.

I do have first hand knowledge that advisories that defective positions were given in both in general and very specific terms citing principles, facts, laws and procedures.

No comment on the other individuals.

More to the point, correct facts, laws and procedures were provided with full verifying references from credible sources, particularly open public records, providing tools to apply the fundamental “right stuff” that many Americans will support and take action under were provided over months prior to the August 24 video.

What surprised me was the misleading nature of the presentation and how easy it is to find facts that void every thing that follows the six minutes I watched.

The principle here is very easy to understand.

Any thing built on a defective foundation means the house built on it is defective and dangerous.

First 2 min.

Acting Governor of what state?

The State of California created 1849, or the non existent California state cited in their documents.

What kind of trust are they speaking of?

Is that determination relevant and if so how much?

Trust indenture by or of beneficiary. How is that possible?

Explaining that should be interesting

Merriam-Webster: indenture;noun; a( 1): a document or a section of a document that is indented; (2): a formal or official document usually executed in two or more copies

(3): a contract binding one person to work for another for a given period of time —often used in plural. Verb; : to bind (someone, such as an apprentice) by or as if by indentures.

Beneficiary; : a person or thing that receives help or an advantage from something : one that benefits from something.

Trust being an artificial person must have a written and agreed upon specific power for a beneficiary to operate the trust. Where is that act authorized in the California constitution?

Identifying the trust by name , the res, property of the trust, those receiving benefits from the trust, identifying the parties in what position, serving or benefiting from the trust, are critical elements to ALL trust operations.

Assumptions have no value in law, particularly trust law which is very specific and precise.

Drawing conclusions from assumptions is always a serious mistake.

Law, particularly trust law is always specific and precise which requires proper words used correctly and in proper context.

Min 3.

What is an organic constitution?

As opposed to an original constitution?

Are they different.

Is that distinction relevant?

Min 4.

Public office is not emolument.

Merriam-Webster: Payment for an office or employment; compensation.

The profit arising from office or employment; that which is received as a compensation for services, or which is annexed to the possession of office, as salary, fees, and perquisites.

Profit; advantage; gain in general; that which promotes the good of any person or thing.

Mixing up the term emolument, payment, as a fundamental operational requirement of a trust causes all acts taken under the term to be void. Voidable means it might not be valid. Void = no validity possible.

Fatal defect at the beginning guarantees defective product at the end.

Min 5

Abandoned property takings has required a specific process for thousands of years.

The rules are found in every jurisdiction and venue.

Merriam-Webster: Property that is found in such a state as to make it likely that the original owner has intentionally given up all dominion and control over the property, with no intent of returning to or recovering the property.

This is the key element, the act of the owner.

Where are the owners identified and who are they?

Where is the record establishing intent?

How did the People ever give up dominion and control over the property in trust?

What is the property in the trust?

Negligence is not abandonment nor is usurping.

Failing to even identify the owner(s) and their intent is a fatal defect that may only be overcome by production of certified records testifying to identification of the trust, execution of the life, action of, of the trust, the parties in what positions and specifically the res, or property of the trust.

This point is particularly relevant and material in this context when it is understood that the People are creators, settlors of the public trust identified as governments.

The creator of anything is always the owner until the creation is sold, gifted or bargained away.

How many Californians intended to abandon their owners as creators positions since 1849?

How many Californians have been asked the relevant questions in context of this video and being deemed abandoning grantors to the public trusts?

NOTE. 26 CODE IF FEDERAL REGULATIONS Part 2635, defining government service as the public trust seems pretty conclusive as to authority, particularly when the foot notes are reviewed exposing how many presidents signed the order to all government employees.

§ 2635.101 Basic obligation of public service.

(a) Public service is a public trust. Each employee has a responsibility to the United StatesGovernment and its citizens to place loyalty to the Constitution, laws and ethical principles above private gain. To ensure that every citizen can have complete confidence in the integrity of the Federal Government, each employee shall respect and adhere to the principles of ethical conduct set forth in this section, as well as the implementing standards contained in this part and in supplemental agency regulations.“.

Is the public trust a two way street with obligations owed by both public servants and the People? If not why not?

Min 6.

Merriam-Webster; Claim: noun;

: a demand for something due or believed to be due

an insurance claim: a right to something

specifically :b : an assertion open to challenge.

In order for a claim to be considered valid there must be legal relationship creating obligations.

No claim is valid until the obligations are identified. Then the call on the obligations is required. Three times is required.

There is thousands of year old process to default a party and take judgement. Any one watching the foreclosure on a mortgage witnessed the process.

There is no identification of the obligations of any public servant to respond to the claim, particularly given the other fatal defects exposed in the first six minuets of the video.

These definitions took less than 10 minutes to source on line.

Please, anyone and everyone contemplating giving credibility to the incomplete and defective information, be very very careful.

We have enough confusion in the country at the moment and we surely do not need more.


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Articles In This Thread

Reader Charles: "Please find below duly served process from the position of employer to employees President Donald Trump, and Governor Ron DeSantis."
hobie -- Monday, 19-Sep-2022 04:48:37
hobie -- Monday, 19-Sep-2022 04:48:37

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