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Reader: "Kim talks about the fracturization of our essence."

Posted By: hobie
Date: Saturday, 20-Aug-2022 02:52:28

In Response To: Reader, link: "Hobie, I thought your readers might be very interested in this latest update by Kim Goguen." (hobie)

(Thanks, MA. :)

Reader MA writes:


Re: Reader, link: 'Hobie, I thought your reade....

Kim talks about the fracturization of our essence.
This is in my own words, my interpretation of her video, with the brain I have, and the studies I have done, and the experiences I am aware of first hand, and the things I have seen and become aware of, and also own opinion-jarring someone to have their own, similar or different, but not the same.

She made a decision to "not play" their game, and caused something they need really, really bad to end.

I've not cared much for what Kim says, on most days, but even dis-information has information in it.

If you look at the movie "The Nines", you'd see the collapse of reality into the singularity, or all the fracture/fracturizations, come together as a whole again.

Kent Dunn said there are 100 million humans, the remaining billions are clones, droid, and robotoids.

It's very likely this writing is being read by a clone, droid, or robotoid, and the being doesn't know that it is not human, but may feel different, like it doesn't belong in its body.

But consider if you could the fiction of humans being the Nines, and everyone else being clones, droids, and robotoids.
That could take away the programmed fear of death for those that have that programmed deeply within their being.

Whatever she did, something is going to be cancelled.

Did she call the checkmate?

We have been told the game was over, there were a few moves left, and if the player doesn't make a mistake, the game is already won.

Maybe through some project looking glass thing, someone statistically thought raiding Trump, the puported 5D chess player who could not make a mistake, would change the game to make him make a mistake, and in the process of that raid, found out he communicates with Kim, and that she could call the checkmate.

For certain, a lot of people who are popular when they talk to us, they are talking to them.

They are giving their side information and we are watching thinking they are giving us good news and great intel, but nothing changes for us, and things get better for them.

Our insiders are inadvertently giving them things that should not have been disclosed, and they are getting on the air, disclosing it, and having patriots around the world cheering, all the while, making it public, keeps it from being private again, it's unsealed and they have acted on all the intel the boots on the ground people have given them that they make public and give to all of the people we are calling the powers that be, but they need us to be.

It seems artificial intelligence has no sense of reality.

It can't tell if someone is wearing a mask or is real.

So when the humans with a conscience, tell them someone is not real or a clone, or wearing a mask, they vet the source, find out it's true, and then take a different action.

If they don't know someone is dead or replaced, they need someone with discernment to tell them.

They took the vaccine not having any clue about reality and not trusting officials, they are programmed to believe in authority so they vote in the people the rest do not want to have in office, and they keep as celebrity people the rest know are no good for the real living men and women and children.

It makes no sense to say blood flows through our veins, as blood can be synthesized just like oil can be synthetic and have the same properties.

All I'm saying is, there is some discernment that lets me know she has "finally" said something that was worth her salt.

BTW, off topic, ever wonder why the planet is mostly seas, and salty seas at that, and if there are only 100 million humans or real living breathing people, all of us are told to stop using salt, when there are salt mines, and salty seas.

When a relative of mine stopped using salt because they didn't want to get high blood pressure, well you guessed it, they got high blood pressure.

They still trying to figure out if they got off the salt too late, rather than getting off the salt, made it impossible for the body to regulate the pressure of the blood, and now it has to be regulated artificially.

If there are 100 million humans, then what is this about the Georgia Guidestones maintaining 500 million humanity?

I'm not saying Kent Dunn is right, but if the rest are clones, droids, and robotoids, that's several billion and that can be reduced to 500 million.

Is a clone, droid, robotoid a life if it believes it's alive, or does it have to have a soul to be alive?

That's the question, because there is something about cloning people that means they can clone children.

And I don't want to get into the moral ethics of the fate of anything not human.

I have no issue with diversity, even with an alien species, as we have so much diversity of thought, language, skin color, body shapes, hair styles or lack of hair, facial hair shaving with beards, mustache, go-tee, or not, or any combination of, diversity of height, eye color, skin variations, etc.

Picking on someone for not being of this planet is like saying someone's nose is not the right size, it's something that can't be changed.

It's a shame, whoever is causing all the conflict and want to get rid of a species, make it extinct or go away, hasn't evolved to just "let it be" and let everyone have an experience without unwanted interference from everyone else.

Most of us will invite experiences into our lives, and those we don't like we leave, get away from, or tell the one causing the unwanted experience to "leave us alone", as Jordan Peterson told someone, who wants to be the new leader without question in the circles he travels.

One planet, if it's going into a singularity, it can only be a good thing.

I'm ready.
Thanks for posting.


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hobie -- Saturday, 20-Aug-2022 02:52:28
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