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Nothing’s Happening By Accident

Posted By: SpaceCommando
Date: Saturday, 23-Jul-2022 13:19:17

By Dr Vernon Coleman - July 23, 2022

All around the world, governments are crumbling. The only certainty is that the lies will be followed by more lies. Johnson has gone, drowned in a cess pit of his own design. Assassination in Japan. Sri Lanka’s Presidential palace burning.

Biden, Macron, Trudeau et al are all in deep trouble. As is that maniac in New Zealand. And is there anyone in charge in Australia?

It’s all leading us by our noses into the world government they’ve been planning for years. Schwab, Gates, Blair, Prince Charles, a Rothschild or two, a Rockefeller or two and so on.

Look around you these days and you’ll see an absence of hope in people’s eyes; despair and a sad acceptance of the manufactured reality; a willingness to do anything they are told to do.

Did you notice, by the way, that Blair, Britain’s best known war criminal, is trying to resurrect the ID card that was thrown out years ago? His unique selling point now is that it will thwart illegal immigrants, which has the virtue of being funny if nothing else.

They lied when they said there was a pandemic in 2020. There wasn’t one.

They lied when they said there was a pandemic in 2021. There wasn’t one.

They lied about the covid jabs. They didn’t work and they were toxic.

They lied about masks – which manage to be useless and dangerous at the same time.

They lied about the climate emergency. There isn’t one.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine was deliberately triggered by the west and never had anything more to do with us than the last Russian invasion of Ukraine a few years ago, or the wars currently killing hundreds of thousands in Yemen and Syria. The war in Russia is a designer war and was triggered because the conspirators knew it would result in oil and food shortages and hundreds of millions of deaths in Africa and Asia. Only fools and the BBC cannot see what is happening.

Nothing is happening by accident.

We are living in a totalitarian society. There is no more press freedom in the UK or America or Australia or Canada than there is in Russia, Hong Kong or those totalitarian communist regimes which cause so much heartache among members of Amnesty International and the even blinder readers of Bill Gates’ financially compromised chums at The Guardian newspaper. Freedom of speech is the basic building block of democracy but The Guardian, like the BBC distorts the truth without hesitation.

At least the BBC is honest about suppressing the truth. The Guardian is one of the most toxic supporters of the conspiracy. And whatever happened to the grandly named International Consortium of Investigative Journalists? Even if they can’t recognise the truth when they see it they should at least have the decency to ensure that doctors with an alternative point of view aren’t suppressed, silenced and demonised.

And where is Amnesty International when you need them? There is no free speech in Britain, America, the EU, Australasia or most of the rest of the world.

The conspirators deliberately created fear. The covid fraud was always about fear and compliance. And they are deliberating dividing young against old, men against women, black against white. They have manufactured stories about racism and sexism in order to create divisions and distrust. It makes us easier to control if we are fighting among ourselves.

And the unfathomable complaints about nicknames and childish nonsense result in endless wringing of hands, pathetic grovelling, bleatings and the eventual destruction of anything of cultural or historical value. They are even doing everything they can to ruin summer by pretending we’re living in some incredible heat wave. It’s summer. We get a bit of sunshine. It’s no hotter than usual.

You can tell when propaganda is inspired by the conspirators and the heat hoax is a good example. When critics of a hoax are hammered and demonised then you know that the hoax or fraud has been created by the conspirators – usually to try and push people into accepting the global warming confidence trick.

The constant onslaught of lies and uncertainty and the deliberate attempts to divide people by sex, by race and by age and by family have created uncertainty and emotional chaos. Big brother is training people to do exactly what they are told – just like that TV series.

The most important trick among magicians is to make people look the other way. And that’s the trick the conspirators are using. The media dazzles us with superficial nonsense – Harry and Meghan for example – knowing that while we are distracted they can magic away our freedom.

There is constant talk among millennial liberals of a four day week and the importance of work-life balance. But someone has to be prepared to work if the country is to be made to work. And most under 40s have no idea just how close we are to the edge of a cliff. There are nearly 1.5 million vacant jobs in the UK. And over five million people at home on benefits which the country cannot afford.

Farms everywhere are struggling with new regulations. Young people don’t want to work on farms because the work is too hard. In the UK the average age for farmers is 59. The average hill farmer grossed £15,000 last year. They’d have been better off on benefits.

An astonishing four million European farms have shut in recent years – encouraged by EU regulations designed to destroy farming and make the way for laboratory food. Farmers in the UK have cut food production because their costs have soared. And the climate change nutters still want a third of all our land to be covered with ragwort, hogweed, brambles, nettles and Japanese knotweed.

They call it rewilding. Actually, there is no other conceivable explanation for rewilding than that it is planned to kill billions of people.

For centuries the amount of land used for producing crops and livestock has been steadily rising. Now the figure is going the other way. Global agricultural land in use more than quadrupled between 1700 and 1960, when the conspirators began working, and it has been declining steadily since the start of the millennium. The dreaded Gates, chum of Epstein and financial partner with the treacherous BBC is buying up more and more of America. I wonder why.

Talking of climate change nutters I see that Prince Charles took more than 20 private flights within the UK to avoid being struck in traffic. That was when he wasn’t collecting a couple of million quid in plastic bags. Why do we put up with this?

Oh, and in case you missed it, the UK Government received a report advising that all UK airports must close before the end of this decade and that all new building construction must stop in the same time frame. And there can be no beef or lamb. They didn’t ask you to vote for any of that, did they?

It’s not surprising that food shortages are coming very fast. Within the EU there is already talk of food rationing. Food and fuel rationing are inevitable. And they’ll be controlled by an App. Electricity supplies will be controlled with the smart meters so many have in their homes.

Cash is being demonised and many shops now refuse to accept cash. Citizens are forced to do everything via an App. Schools are introducing social credit points schemes to control students. We are only a few months away from a society which will be just as oppressive as China’s. A dear friend tried to buy a ticket for a cricket match. They wanted to know his ethnicity and his gender because he wanted to watch a cricket match. Maybe they want to limit ticket sales to white men. Who knows.

If you buy a BMW and want a heated seat they will charge you a subscription of £15 a month. If you want a heated steering wheel they’ll want another tenner a month. If they can do that then I bet they can turn off your engine when it takes their fancy.

And the media lies and suppression of the truth continues.

I have been banned from all mainstream medium for two and a half years now. The suppression of truths is getting worse. Government agencies prevented me from appearing on TNT radio with Dolores Cahill because they were frightened of the truths I was planning to share.

Isn’t that incredible?

When I tried to talk to Dolores Cahill on her radio show, my telephone was suddenly blocked. I got through to the studio but couldn’t speak to Dolores on the radio. Not once – but three times. The security services really have been working overtime – paid by us, of course. It’s by no means the first time it’s happened, by the way.

I cannot see any of it because I’m banned from accessing all social media but I hear that social media is now full of fake news (controlled by governments and secret services), hate speech (much of it put there by governments and secret services), extremism (much of it put there by governments and secret services), trolling (organised by governments and secret services) and bullying (run by governments and secret services). The big search engines and internet sites belong to the conspirators just as much as the mainstream media.

A BBC presenter apparently complained that he’d been terribly upset by unpleasant accusations about him on social media. Well poor him. I’ve been slaughtered on social media and in the mainstream media for two and a half years and I’m completely banned from social media and the mainstream media so I cannot defend myself.

The BBC apparently sneered and smeared me but I’m not allowed to defend myself because the BBC doesn’t allow doctors onto its programmes if they have truths about vaccines to share. They can attack us but we have no right to reply.

I am not only banned from putting videos on YouTube I am even banned from looking at other people’s videos on YouTube. If I try I get a rather pathetic message from them telling me that I’m suspended.

Too many people accept it all without a murmur.

The collective silence will be our undoing.

They are picking us off one at a time.

I estimate that we’ve got just months of freedom left unless we fight this war with more determination . . .



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Articles In This Thread

Nothing’s Happening By Accident
SpaceCommando -- Saturday, 23-Jul-2022 13:19:17
I Agree & Why I Have Been Taking Such a Strong Stance--With The Word NO,NO,NO, Want my ID, NO
CrystalRiver -- Saturday, 23-Jul-2022 15:00:21
The Part In The Triangle That is So Relevant
CrystalRiver -- Saturday, 23-Jul-2022 13:51:56
The_Fox -- Saturday, 23-Jul-2022 22:44:55
Thank You Fox! *NM*
CrystalRiver -- Saturday, 23-Jul-2022 22:44:55

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