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CGI's AZLew: 250 miles? In 2 hours? In a car? & Yes and the mind control is much worse now

Posted By: Susoni
Date: Friday, 19-Jun-2015 00:10:54

In Response To: 9 KILLED - DRUDGE LINK (Nemesis)

Fron CGI's AZLew

So there's an 8:15 AM time identified photo of the guy entering the church.

There's a statement that he was sitting in the back of the church for about a half hour before being asked to join the group.

Then he started shooting, for however long it takes to kill 9 people.

Then, 'shortly after 11' he is arrested in Shelby N.C. about 250 miles away.

250 miles? In 2 hours? In a car.

No wonder he was stopped for speeding! Speeders murder, right?


And of course, it's a false flag anyhow.

Sure are getting sloppy how they're putting the false flags, aren't they?

Lots of crazy stuff going on. Sure hope the good guys have their white horses saddled up and ready to go.

On the other hand, maybe it's just the REALLY crazy drum roll that just has to go on through the summer. Sure wouldn't want to interfere with those long summer holidays before getting back to work in the fall.

In the meantime, it does give a bit more time to get ready for when the SHTF really goes down.



From Reader Ted:


Re: Reader: I had no idea that we were mind co....

Yes and the mind control is much worse now. These young people in the military come from a society where they are subjected to countless hours of TV and Movies and 24/7 newscasts that flood their brains with images of death and mayhem. Then many of them play these computer games that get more realistic all the time. Once in the military most are given many different drugs that really messes up their brain chemistry. Then you add to that the intensive 8 weeks or more of boot camp and you usually end up with what they hoped to achieve: someone who is trained to kill and will do so without hesitation once given the order to do so. If that hasn't pushed them over the edge then spending time in a war zone surrounded by macho man cowboys will finish the process. When I was in Marine Corps boot camp way back in 1968, every time we made a move we were instructed to yell, kill! We were abused both mentally and physically. We even had a Drill Instructor break a recruit's back. We had a sham of an investigation during which we all knew that if we dared to tell the investigators the truth , as soon as they left we would have to face that Drill Instructor or one of his buddies and there would be hell to pay! My drill Instructor use to walk around with his right hand in a position similar to the way it would be if you were holding a coffee cup in it. I figured it was probably the result of an injury he received in Korea. That was until the recruit next to me thought the Drill Instructor had left the area for a moment and allowed his eyes to stop staring straight ahead and started looking around a bit. Unfortunately for him the Drill Instructor was only a few feet away and saw this. He sprang over by him in an instant and had that hand around his throat and took him like that to the ground and made him eat some dirt until he threw up. That hand was used for this type of thing countless times during the remainder of our training. I only saw my senior drill instructor smile once during the entire time we were in boot camp. The recruits that were being sent home because they failed to make it through boot camp for one reason or another were marching by us. They stood out like a sore thumb because they were dressed in civilian clothes. Some of the worst K-Mart leisure suits of that era.
One of them really lost it and started yelling and screaming while beating his head on the pavement. The MP's and Corpsman took him away. This is when I saw my senior drill instructor smile. It turned out that that particular recruit had dared to file charges against my senior drill instructor when he first came to boot camp. Boot camp was normally 8 weeks but you can be dropped back in the last week for any number of reasons, whether real or made up by the drill instructors. This particular recruit had this done to him over and over again by my drill instructor's friends who were also drill instructors. That poor guy had been passed around like this for almost 6 months before he was finally being sent home. Imagine being in boot camp for 6 months! It was just too much for him and on the very day he was suppose to go home he just lost it and had to be taken away. I never heard another thing about him but he probably ended up in mental hospital. Another funny thing about those platoons of guys being sent back because they were rejected from boot camp for one reason or another is that many of them couldn't even speak English. One guy actually arrived with a wooden leg. There was so much pressure on recruiters to meet or exceed their quotas that they would send just about anyone to boot camp. I could go on all night but the idea is that this whole process is designed to make you a robot who just does what he or she is told to do without question. It is usually only after having been a part of some horrific things in combat that you first begin to question what it is all for.


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