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Putin Prepared Remarks To The American People, Leaked Following Biden Call For Regime Change (Unverified)

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Monday, 28-Mar-2022 05:50:46

Here is my Solution to Stop Nuclear War Between the US and Russia

It is frustrating to see the world deceived by slick politicians as they weave a false narrative, and then demand action against the enemy of the month.

Putin was set up and he took the bait to invade Ukraine and now looks like the bad guy. The situation is so clearly against the Russians that there doesn't seem to be any moves they can make to reverse this level of propaganda.

Biden's speech was reminiscent of Reagan visiting the Berlin wall and saying: "Tear down this wall!"

Then cue in the children and their crying mothers bemoaning the fact they had to flee their homeland and leave their sons and husbands to an uncertain fate - and you have a slam dunk "hit me in the feels" moment for the global audience.

Then Biden mentions a little girl grabbing his leg in the crowd of Ukrainian refugees, and then he lifts a young girl up into his arms and talks to her through a translator. You have to hand it to the Biden regime team, they were hitting all the high marks. And no decent human being would now be against Biden's war that wants to rid the world of an invading savage army, now called the "butchers of Ukraine".

That speech by Biden was as timely, powerful and memorable as it gets. In response, Putin has tried to respond to Biden's speeches and accusations, but unfortunately, the globalist news media will not give him equal time on the air. It is a rigged game from start to finish and the Russians are on the losing end of the info-wars, the political war and the social and cultural war.

The Russian economy is in shambles, thousands of Russians are fleeing the country because they have concluded that defending Russia now is a lost cause.

What should Putin and the Russian leadership do? I have an answer to that question that I feel confident would be best and would work. However, my contacts who are retired government officials, told me not to contact Russia and share that solution.

But there are too many lives at stake in this global crisis, and I feel that by not sharing a solution I would be derelict in my duty as an American. In addition to that, there is a Bible verse that deals with a watchman on the wall warning the city of an enemy attack. If the watchman doesn't give the warning, the blood of those killed are on his head. But if he gives warning and no one heeded the warning, then the blood and guilt is on their heads for not listening.

If anyone can get this to Putin please do. First of all, no outside person can provide a clear view on what to do in a situation where only the local leaders and citizens would understand the situation best. So there is no perfect answer, especially when dealing with an enemy that is hell bent on your destruction - regardless what you do.

Having said that, this is the solution as see it: It takes more courage to chart a path of peace than it takes to wage war. A man must set aside all pride and justifications to defend their innocence against unscrupulous accusations, and focus on only one goal and that is peace.

Putin should announce an end to the military project in Ukraine, since all objectives of saving the the two republics have been achieved. He should immediately call for the return of all troops back to Russia.

Putin should welcome in any peace keeping troops into Ukraine from Nato countries.

He should announce the voluntary reduction of nuclear weapons to match nations like China, the UK or France, and plan on further reductions at a later date.

Putin should announce the beginning of a process of decommissioning all intercontinental missiles, and the measured reduction of missiles on submarines. There is to need to carry on a soviet style military program since the Soviet Union no longer exists.

Putin should do all of this and more without asking for the US or Nato to downsize in an equal manner. Why? Because a wise leader is only responsible for their own actions and behavior, and he leads to do what is right as an example, regardless what others do.

What should Putin do about the demands by Ukraine to return Crimea and the two Republics? At the beginning of these moves he makes no statements on that question, he will cross that bridge when he comes to it later.
The truth is the Russian people don't need any of them. The Russians in those areas already have the option to immigrate to Russia. And Russia is big enough in spirit and character that it doesn't need to fight for ground or a navy port.

Putin then makes a statement that the nation of Russia will be open to joint business ventures in logging, mining, industries, farming and new city developments.

Putin should also offer new lands for displaced Palestinians in south eastern Russia so they can start over without any connections to terrorist activity. They would be given free land, places to build their mosques, and material to build homes, schools and office buildings.

Putin should announce the development of safe thorium nuclear electric plants.

Putin should give free cars from their own factories to every family that needs one. Putin can stop building so many tanks and military equipment and turn those factories to make cars, farm tractors or manufactured homes for the people. Tanks are now outdated anyway.

Putin should offer free apprenticeships to young men and women from early high school years to enable them to have a good paying career earlier in life.

Putin should outlaw and prevent any Non-Governmental Organizations from taking root in Russia that only work to undermine the homeland political process.

Putin should not seek the expansion of diplomatic offices or diplomats in foreign countries that have worked against Russia. And, not allow unfriendly nations to set up diplomatic offices in Russia. They are only hotbeds for spy activity.

Putin should continue his defense and support of families and the raising of children to build a wholesome society.

Putin should stand against gay lifestyles since they are part of deviant behavior and fetishes that should not be allowed to corrupt a wholesome society with so called equal rights.

The future strength of the nation is in the industrial power they will eventually create, just as China did after the meeting with Nixon.

And lastly, Putin should release all known information on UFOs, aliens and extraterrestrial contacts. That will drive the globalists mad, but will enlighten an educate the world and change history for the better.

Will this cause the other nations to treat them fairly and no longer demonize Russia? No, not a chance. The globalists will keep saying lies about Russia and make decisions to try and destroy Russia. They might even try false flags to entice Russia into a war. But this is to be expected anyway from such psychopaths. No one can satisfy or appease evil leaders.

So, why should Putin do all those things, when the globalists will still try to take them down? Because it gives the Russian people a fighting chance to duplicate what China did, and work towards becoming an economic powerhouse. It also saves millions of lives and the Russian Christian culture - and those two things are priceless.

Making these moves also buys time until the US can vote in new leadership that is more representative of the values America used to stand for and would be more favorable to Russia.

Putin's moves would be revolutionary, preemptive, unprecedented, statesman like, unselfish and a sign of true courage and wisdom.

Won't the foreign businesses try to take advantage of the new companies? Yes, of course, but the law of the land and the wise creation of fair contracts will keep that in check and in the favor of Russia.

Should Russian politicians then try as soon as possible to rally foreign nation support and join all the international groups to promote Russian businesses? No, there should be no rush to do any of those things. The focus must be on domestic issues and self sufficiency. In time when certain companies come to Russia to discuss developments, they should only be carefully considered by Russia to see if there is a good fit for both sides.

The Russians should never trust foreign politicians, the globalist and those that did unfriendly things to them. If they betrayed them once they will do it again. The bottom line that should be remembered is: evil will self destruct. Nations that are being ruled by bad leaders will eventually collapse. The important thing is to simply let that happen, and stay clear of the chaos.

It is only when a nation exercises good principles and rejects corruption that they have a chance at prosperity and peace. The western nations led by the globalists will eventually collapse like third world banana republics. Their money will become worthless, there will be famine in the land and massive unemployment. Russia will be fortunate not to be a part of that outcome and dark time.

The US, and all of Europe are being overrun by minority migrant invaders into their cities. Nothing good can come of that.

Putin has an opportunity to turn things around and no longer be manipulated by the globalists into war.

The true strength of the Russian people is not in tanks, guns and nukes - it is in their inner stature of principled lifestyles that endure from one generation to the next.

What if in a few years Ukraine places nuclear missiles on the Russian border, what should Putin do then?

How do the Russians know if those kind of missiles are already on the border and on subs and ships that can reach Russian cities in minutes?
Maybe there are nukes in a stationary orbit over Russian cities that can hit the cities in 3 minutes right now?
We can play the "what if" game forever and drive ourselves insane with paranoia.

But, Putin can cross that bridge when he comes to it. If Ukraine does get nukes or in a few years has Nato nukes, it is possible they would place missiles on the Russian border. But if that happens, Putin doesn't have to do anything about it right now. He can always destroy them with one push of a button without warning.

He already warned them for years, words are wasted on evil rulers. They are like pigs wallowing in the mud of power, lies and self delusion. They don't deserve an explanation, a meeting, a conference, a summit, or even peace talks. They are nothing more than crafty demons shrewdly scheming their next war and plague to kill off millions and become wealthy from it as well. You can't talk about peace with killers. They have chosen the path they're on and will never turn from that path until they have destroyed themselves.

The key to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is to stand for what is right and avoid alliances with bad governments. It may not be easy to do, but it is the right thing to do, and will pay off in the end. George Eaton

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

Putin Prepared Remarks To The American People, Leaked Following Biden Call For Regime Change (Unverified)
GeorgeEaton -- Monday, 28-Mar-2022 05:50:46
Reader: "I cannot understand why anyone would want to post this view, which sounds like it is DS."
hobie -- Monday, 28-Mar-2022 00:37:43
Reader: "I too was totally shocked by George Eaton's post as to what he thinks Putin should do about the Ukraine issue."
hobie -- Tuesday, 29-Mar-2022 00:31:37
GeorgeEaton: "My opinion and attitude towards Putin has not changed. I feel he has been wrongfully accused."
hobie -- Thursday, 2-Jun-2022 03:12:20
Liberty_Lady: "I don't always agree with George's assessment of a situation. But I certainly respect the work and thought he puts into them."
hobie -- Tuesday, 29-Mar-2022 23:46:36
Reader, link to video: "I myself, like George Eaton, have not eaten of the MSM "poison apple". I find no fault in what Putin has done."
hobie -- Thursday, 2-Jun-2022 03:12:20

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