(Thanks, Anna. :)
Received via e-mail, Anna Von Reitz writes:
Charles Miller -- Common Ignorance Personified
Let it stand forevermore that this American Government is vested in the people of this country, not the persons of this country.
Anyone who is so indoctrinated and stubbornly ignorant as to continue to suggest otherwise, and who continues to accuse me of wrong-doing for asserting the above and acting upon it, is part of the problem, not the solution.
We have explained ad nauseum to people like Charles, that whether he was aware of it or not, he was human trafficked into the foreign jurisdiction of the British Territorial United States via a Birth Registration process while he was still a baby in his cradle.
As a result, he is not recognized as one of the "people" of this country, he is instead being counted as a foreign "person" operating in an equally foreign jurisdiction of the law.
Until he accepts the evidence and figures that out, he will continue to make completely wrong-headed assumptions about nearly everything, including his own inability to access the constitutional guarantees that he is in fact owed, and his own inability to function as one of the people of this country.
He can vote in foreign elections, but he can't elect as much as a dog-catcher in the government he is heir to.
He can continue to make ignorant statements and claims and to bad-mouth me and claim that our government has no authority, but then, he is in the dark about his own status and dilemma, so is in no position to judge anything at all about what we are doing and have done.
Anyone so clueless as to claim that "the United States of America" was ever our republic, and who fails to know the complexity of our government structure, and doesn't even know the actual names of The United States and The United States of America, is surely no guide to anyone about anything-- including basic grammar.
We have seized control of the foreign corporations under Operation of Law. If we hadn't done so, the property held by them would have been considered "abandoned property" and the Arab and Chinese secondary creditors would have shortly appeared on your doorsteps to collect --- while what you ignorantly consider "your" military, would have stood by with their thumbs up their rumps, told to stand down by the same men who would benefit from paying their debts with your lives, your homes, and your land.
That is the truth of the matter. Own it. Look at it. Smell it. While you have all slept on, these same criminals have ordered the opening of your borders.
And where is "your" military, the gutless wonders you pay to protect you? Taking their orders from foreign corporations, whose CEO's just happen to call themselves "Presidents".
We have also dealt with the problem of Federal Reserve Notes, which is long overdue. Federal Reserve Notes are a foreign private bank scrip domestic to the aforementioned British Territorial United States. They are, furthermore, funded by an undisclosed enslavement and peonage scheme which ruthlessly extracts the value of our labor. This is a criminal activity and those "notes" are funded by it, meaning that Federal Reserve Notes cannot and do not even qualify to be legal tender.
In order to keep the peace and protect the innocent, those "Notes" have to be redeemed by a government competent to do so. Our government is competent to do so and has by our actions and declarations expedited that process. The notes will be exchanged in this country for Silver Certificates. Internationally, they will be exchanged for either new Petro Dollars or gold-backed Unidollars.
On top of everything else, Obama ramped up an already well-established counterfeiting scheme by which trillions of dollars-worth of Federal Reserve Notes were printed offshore in other countries and/or airlifted on pallets to foreign countries, apparently as payola to those foreign governments. This so-called "helicopter" money was dropped by the billions in places like Iran and Mali and Monaco.
So to sum things up for the dumb driven cattle among us:
First--- the Federal Reserve Note is not our American money and never has been our money.
Second--- the Federal Reserve Note is not legal tender because it derives from criminal activities --- enslavement, peonage, and racketeering associated with these activities.
Third -- the Federal Reserve Note is vastly counterfeited.
Fourth -- as a result of items 1, 2, and 3 --- this mess has to be cleaned up by a competent government, which means you and me.
The brainless dead things known as corporations are incompetent by definition.
So, we are issuing actual asset-backed money in the three forms and two jurisdictions mentioned and we are paying for this using our own gold, silver, and oil assets ----and we are cleaning up the Federal Reserve Notes, which are all forfeit to our legitimate government.
As the FRN's are phased out, we will be keeping track and billing the Queen, the Pope, and the Lord Mayor of London for this expense and inconvenience.
In the meantime, we are taking the only sane action that can be taken in the face of such rampant criminality --- we are keeping the peace, protecting the innocent, and obeying both international and national Public Law.
Charles is so far behind the curve on all of this that his comments are inane and useless in the context of what we are facing at the State level and in the international forums. He doesn't know what the problem is, so he is totally incapable of fixing it or finding a way forward for anyone else to fix it.
We, meanwhile, are well on our way to solving the worst of it and getting America back on track. Join us and learn the facts.