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: Putin Updates Trump on Ukraine Cleansing & LIVE CAM in
: UKRAINE - See For Yourself What is Really Going On There
: By Michael Baxter
: March 17, 2022
: The mainstream media yesterday went abuzz when Russian leader
: Vladimir Putin said he had the might and will to put
: Western governments “in their place,” but instead of
: framing the statement in proper context, news agencies
: across the world again accused Putin of threatening nuclear
: war—a cataclysmic calamity Putin has told President Trump
: he will not instigate.
: As reported previously, they—Putin and Trump—have had several
: telephone conversations on which Putin outlined his true
: goals—destroying Western-funded bioweapon labs and
: “crushing” pedophile rings—and updated Trump on military
: progress. On a Wednesday evening call he repeated his
: mission statement and said the criminal Biden regime was
: mischaracterizing and distorting his statements, and often
: omitting key translations, to further paint him as a
: maniacal madman hell bent on conquest and world domination,
: a Mar-a-Lago source told Real Raw News.
: “Like many world leaders, Putin doesn’t see Biden as the
: rightful president of the U.S. That’s why he won’t talk to
: him—only Trump. Putin’s said several times he won’t be the
: one to trigger a nuclear Armageddon, but Team Biden wants
: the world to believe he’ll do just that. At least according
: to Putin, he’s been ridding the Ukraine of what he’s called
: Western ‘pestilence,’ and won’t stop until he’s absolutely
: certain all biological research centers and storage
: facilities are accounted for and wiped out, and he’s
: destroyed all the pedophile dens across Ukraine. That and
: he’s still hunting down Western bio scientists in hiding,”
: our source said
: As of Putin’s last update, the Russian military had tracked
: down and “eliminated” 7 of 19 bioweapon engineers, and
: Spetznas had freed over 5,000 child trafficking victims.
: “This is a mission that must be done, President Trump. These
: scum must be stopped,” Putin reportedly told Trump. “You do
: believe me, don’t you, President Trump.”
: “My inclination is believing the opposite of whatever
: craziness the Deep State says,” Trump replied.
: Moreover, our source said Putin’s kindness toward American
: children has cemented Trump’s belief that Putin’s mission,
: at least in part, is righteous and just. Five American
: children who had been imprisoned in Ukrainian child
: trafficking camps have returned home, reunited with their
: families. Additionally, Putin has given Trump irrefutable
: evidence that Russian forces had selectively targeted
: bioweapon storage buildings while taking great pains to
: avoid causing civilian casualties. That evidence is said to
: include photographs and videos that the MSM refuses to air.
: Although Putin claimed he has no interest in harming
: Americans—unless they’ve taken up arms on behalf of
: Zelenskyy—the same does not apply to the criminal regimes
: of Joseph Biden and Boris Johnson.
: “Putin told Trump point blank he’d issued a ‘kill-on-sight’
: edict for members of the U.S. and U.K. administrations. If
: any of them are spotted in Russia or Ukraine—it’s open
: season,” our source said.
: RRN is an independent publisher that relies on reader support.
: We fight for truth and freedom of the press in an oppressed
: society. We use GiveSendGo, a Christian-based fundraising
: company, through which to collect donations. Please do not
: give your hard-earned money to sites or channels that
: copy/paste our intellectual property. We spend countless
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: Putin Updates Trump on Ukraine Cleansing - Real Raw News
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