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Another 4chan anon responded to the above with a video link, and another series of post from 4chan 5 years ago

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Wednesday, 23-Feb-2022 19:43:20

In Response To: Dream description found at 4chan: An "Ascension" that is not quite what New Agers are imagining (MrFusion)


The above had links to two videos, both about skinwalker myths, one in Spanish, and the other which I will post here:

Also in the post at the top was a link to screen grab of a series of 4chan posts from five years ago. Instead of posting the screen grab, I found the source which I will post as text:


Text from the four posts:
I don't normally comment on x, just lurk most of the time, but i saw this thread and figured why the fuck not I'll post.

I had 3 different events, might have to post them separately, might not post all of them if i get tired of typing, i suck at green-text btw so I'll just type it out.

The first event i had was when i was a kiddo, although i didn't realize it until i was older, but my parents and schoolteachers did.

Before 9/11 i was always (ALWAYS) drawing cities, and would put the twin towers in them burning, although i was like 4 at the time and i had never even seen them or heard of them, i did this in my agenda notebook, on the desk, on paper at home, all the time, nobody thought anything of it until 9/11 happened and then everyone was very quiet around me, they would try to be really nice to me, they wanted me to draw something other than burning towers, they never told me what, they just told me to draw whatever i wanted, don't really remember much beyond that though.

Fast forward about a decade and a half, i find my old agenda notebooks in the closet, and see 9/11 scribbles all over them from time periods far before 9/11, i finally went and asked my parents about it and they were extremely squirmy on the subject, but finally they had told me that i was drawing all of this before 9/11 and that they were hoping i would just forget, they had told me that my mother apparently predicted a bunch of plane crashes between the 60's and the 80's to excruciating detail (down to the exact locations they would hit) although she lost this ability when i was born.

Apparently my grandmother and my great grandmother had the same ability to varying other degrees, it's really made me question a lot of shit ever since though, to the extent that i seriously worry about my own thoughts.

Story #2

Significantly after this, but before re-discovering this weird life event of mine, i had another incident take place.

I had the day off and had gone to sleep, although once i had awoken in my dream i didn't realize i was asleep.

I lived out day after day, week after week, month after month in this dream that i didn't even know was a dream, however it was not a good one.

Eventually at some distant future point the space station was de-orbited, i do not know if this was intentional, or if it was normal orbital decay, or if it was even the ISS and not just one of the Chinese stations, however, shortly after this there was a limited nuclear exchange in which 36 nuclear weapons were detonated in the Texas gulf region, i am unsure what happened with the rest of the country though but i imagine it was catastrophic, services never came back.

Shortly after this came airstrikes, no idea from who, it honestly looked like some variant of Su-30 Russian plane, only a few however before those too eventually stopped.

About a week after this it got horrific, there were a bunch of anvil clouds that seemingly developed out of nowhere and large spacecraft were seen in them, not emerging independence day style, but as if the cloud itself was some kind of portal and these ships were sort of halfway loitering halfway in/out of the portal, the ships were large angular brick shaped, but had no real texture to speak of, they were a sort of solid stone/slate gray, and just sat there.

We never saw anything come out of them, all we remembered were screams, from everywhere, and these monsters that would peel the skin from children and parents and wear their skin, and they were capable of perfectly imitating the voices of the people whose skin they took, they did this to lure people out of their hiding spots and take them, killing yourself to escape them would not work, they could reanimate the dead

If you killed yourself to escape, it wouldn't work, they could reanimate the dead and keep you on some sort of life support for the sake of experimentation, i don't know why or how but somehow i knew that if they took you that you were theirs forever, there was no escape.

However they also had large facilities on the earth, they looked like normal warehouses but the ones who wore people's skin were inside these, they would liquefy humans in here and keep them in devices that looked similar to dryers, and each liquified human was kept in their own, and we had a hand scanner we could use to find where our person's remains were so we could steal them so that they couldn't re-constitute their remains and make them suffer, somehow we could reconstruct the entire person back to what they were with this liquid.

However the ones who wore people's skin had these large pools ringed with symbols that looked similar to zoroastrian dakhmas ( i don't know the spelling) and they would fill these pools with the people's liquefied remains and bathe in them, and their children would bathe in them and drink them, and they would try throwing people in and if you fell in then you were one of them.

This went on until most of the human race had been wiped out, i do not remember most of what happened as this was a single dream spanning almost 72 years, eventually though their spacecraft were destroyed, most of the life on earth was destroyed, it had become a large desert, i remember there were still alligators though, and whatever had transpired had killed the sun, it was slowly dying, as if perhaps they had siphoned energy from it to escape, i don't know if anyone intervened on our behalf but i think someone did, but i remember i was walking with a girl in a blue dress, she was my wife (i don't have a wife in real life mind you).

But anyways me and my wife in the blue dress were walking down the road, there was a small ditch on the left side, with a few alligators in it, and a line of trees on the other following the ditch, we were walking home, and there were bits of these spacecraft everywhere, the sun looked like it was setting but it wasn't (damaged or something as i stated in previous post) But we finally got home it was getting close to nighttime.

I then remember her whispering to me very quietly, "we need to be quiet and turn all the lights off or they'll see us", we did this, and saw lights on the horizon slowly blinking out one by one by one, i don't know if the lights were really close enough or not, but i could swear i heard distant screaming, like there was a reason their lights were going off, as though even in our victory we were still being hunted, i do not know what our enemy was, we all just called it "Them"

I woke up after this, and realized i had been asleep for almost 14 hours, (normally i sleep 7 and a half) and that this 72 years of mine had all somehow been a complex fabrication of my imagination.

However, every single event leading up to this has happened so far again, every single last one, and i fear that either i am once again in the long dream, or that it has become reality this time, and we are about to see tribulation.


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Articles In This Thread

Dream description found at 4chan: An "Ascension" that is not quite what New Agers are imagining
MrFusion -- Thursday, 24-Feb-2022 17:27:25
Reader responses to the "Ascension" nightmare
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 23-Feb-2022 19:29:51
Another 4chan anon responded to the above with a video link, and another series of post from 4chan 5 years ago
MrFusion -- Wednesday, 23-Feb-2022 19:43:20
Another reader responds
MrFusion -- Thursday, 24-Feb-2022 17:27:25

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