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What Took Him So Long?

Posted By: Liberty_Lady
Date: Monday, 7-Feb-2022 02:44:45

Does anyone else remember the upsurge in mass shootings as soon as Obama took office? Part of his plan was to create a reason for 'common sense' gun control. That worked well in other countries, like the UK, Australia, and New Zealand. "Just turn in your guns Aussies and we, your benevolent government, will take care of you and keep you safe." How's that working out for you, Australia?

Obama was in for a big surprise in this country. Just about every time there was a mass shooting, Americans bought even more guns. Most attempts to water down our 2nd. amendment were DOA. We were having none of it.

It surprises me that Biden, with Obama chirping directions in his ear, has taken so long to start up the false flag shooting sprees again so he can push for tougher gun control laws. Maybe they had to wait until a whole new batch of recruits graduated from MKULTRA training.

At any rate, now the loony tune in the White House is going on a rampage against Glocks? WTH? Maybe that is part of the Libtard strategy for de-funding the police. The Glock is a standard issue for most of the law enforcement. Is he having dreams of police showing up at a crime scene with a slingshot? I suppose that is possible in blue cities. The police already have had their hands tied in so many ways, I'm surprised there are any people left who want to join the force.

Has this place-holder president done any research on gun violence? His own FBI could enlighten him that over 90% of the violent crimes in this country do not involve guns. In fact, statistics show a decrease in gun violence. So why is he going after guns? I promise you it isn't to ensure your safety.

If Biden is so respectful of law enforcement, why didn't he show up in NYC a day earlier to honor the latest fallen officers, Jason Rivera and Wilbert Mora killed in the line of duty? It was safer to show up a day later and make a big show with the NYC Mayor.

Then, after saying he wasn't in favor of defunding the police but was instead for making sure they had everything they needed to do their job, he waffled into blue city speak of "We need more social workers, mental health workers."

First of all, none of the social workers I know are suicidal enough to insert themselves, unarmed, into an ongoing dangerous situation, even if law enforcement would allow it.

Secondly, whenever these government idiots are looking to cut the budget, the first thing they cut is mental health programs. I know that firsthand as the facility I trained at closed their doors for that reason and dumped the in-house patients on our county sheriff's department.

Thirdly, our local PD had one of the best officers who was a natural at defusing a situation that could have escalated into violence easily. I watched him in action. He was really an asset to the department. As an aside, he was a black guy. The town kids had a great deal of respect for him. The city fathers couldn't run him off fast enough. I think they were jealous of his popularity. Their loss. Another local town's gain.

And fourth, one place to start to clean up crime would be our southern border. Stop letting more criminals into our country. Let the Border Patrol and ICE do their jobs. Now there is a novel thought!

Finally, we need to clean up our court system. I know any number of police and sheriff's deputies who do their job as best they can. They arrest someone then watch as the judge barely gives the criminal a slap on the wrist and releases them to show up later in court. A good number of them, even multiple offenders, don't bother to show up and are only caught again either at their next crime scene or because of a moving violation. You would think they'd be bright enough to keep their vehicle in good shape to avoid the attention. But criminals generally aren't too bright.

Maybe they could run for president. It apparently doesn't take all that many brain cells to land that job if Baby Bush and Biden are any examples. I would say the majority of Americans will hang onto their guns no matter how many unconstitutional mandates and executive orders are signed.

If it does come to a true gun confiscation attempt, I hope the military, law enforcement, or National Guard they send around to do it are smarter than the ones in government seeking to disarm the people. And, I would tell them, if I were in one of those organizations, "You first! I took an oath to uphold the Constitution."

Every time Biden opens his mouth, he reminds me of my favorite Mark Twain quote.

"It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought an idiot, that to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

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Articles In This Thread

What Took Him So Long?
Liberty_Lady -- Monday, 7-Feb-2022 02:44:45
had to wait for a new batch of MKULTRA trainees...LOL!
jensingr -- Monday, 7-Feb-2022 02:44:45

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