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Posted By: The_Fox
Date: Sunday, 6-Feb-2022 13:08:55

I believe so, and below is one book I plan on purchasing.

For anyone familiar with the work of David Paulides and his Missing 411 project, the similarities between now and words written over 100 years ago, are simply beyond amazing.

Tales and belief in entities known as 'The Little People,' have been with man since time began. These entities in modern times are known as Fairies, (Fae) Gnomes, Pixies, Goblins, Sprites Elves,Trolls and other.

Unfortunately and by design I guess, Walt Disney has laid waste to anyone ever being able to be taken seriously when talking about fairies etc.

It is told that many of these 'creatures' are able to shapeshift as well as to plant thoughts in the unwary, should they feel that you have in someway disrespected either them or their territory. This can be brought about by something as simple as urinating upon their habitat, or picking berries.

Just recently a 62 year old woman was with 4 friends on a mountain near my home, picking berries and excused herself to answer the call of nature. She was never seen alive again.

Her body was found in water, miles distant many months later.

This mountain (one of many) is visible from my balcony and often in the evening/night and early morning I can see a ball of intense white light either motionless or moving far quicker than anyone could if holding a bright flashlight.

I plan to investigate and camp in this area sometime during the summer. As a tobacco smoker(not cigarettes, I hate the things) I plan also to leave gifts of tobacco, love candy also, so will be sure to leave some as well. Should I go missing, then I doubt that I'll be writing about it here on RMN.

Fairy tales may in fact be quite the opposite as to how we usually think of them, - truth in plain sight.

If you should go down to the woods today, careful and show some respect.

The fairy-faith in Celtic countries
by Evans-Wentz, Walter Yeeling

Publication date 1911


After reading many of these cases, both from the book and others not covered by David Paulides (namely from other places with many disappearances like Norway and Ireland), I'm inclined to believe that a majority of these cases (probably 80% or so) involve the work of the fae.

Now before you write this off, you have to realize that faeries are not what the mainstream media have shown us in childhood. Most of them are not tiny creatures composed of light fluttering around sparkling in pixie dust ala Tinkerbell. These beings are very much real with some human-like qualities. They can range anywhere from 4 inches to 7 feet tall. They are a very diverse group of creatures, much like humans.

I will raise a couple of parallels from David Paulides’ cases and from a book I highly recommend this sub-reddit reads. It’s called “The Fairy-Faith in Celtic Countries by W.Y. Evans-Wentz. Mind you, this book was published in 1910, way before any of Paulides’ work (over a full century ago). I believe this book holds a key to understanding what is going on. Quoted is text from the book.

People tend to disappear near boulder fields

“Fairy Preserves.—“A heap of stones in a field should not be disturbed, though needed for building--especially if they are part of an ancient tumulus. The fairies are said to live inside the pile, and to move the stones would be most unfortunate.” (pg.38)

Where Fairies Live.—“When I asked Patsy where the fairies live, he turned half around, and pointing in the direction of Dun Aengus, which was in full view on the sharp sky-line of Aranmore, said that there, in a large tumulus on the hillside below it, they had one of their favourite abodes. But, he added, 'The rocks are full of them, and they are small fellows.’” (pg. 41)

People tend to disappear near berry bushes

“A Girl Recovered from Faerie.--'One day, just before sunset in midsummer, and I a boy then, my brother and cousin and myself were gathering bilberries (whortleberries) up by the rocks at the back of here, when all at once we heard music. We hurried round the rocks, and there we were within a few hundred feet of six or eight of the gentle folk, and they dancing. When they saw us, a little woman dressed all in red came running out from them towards us, and she struck my cousin across the face with what seemed to be a green rush. We ran for home as hard as we could, and when my cousin reached the house she fell dead. Father saddled a horse and went for Father Ryan. When Father Ryan arrived, he put a stole about his neck and began praying over my cousin and reading psalms and striking her with the stole; and in that way brought her back. He said if she had not caught hold of my brother, she would have been taken for ever.'” (pg. 72)

The Fairy Procession.--'We were told as children, that, as soon as night fell, the fairies from Rath Ringlestown would form in a procession, across Tara road, pass round certain bushes which have not been disturbed for ages, and join the gangkena (?) or host of industrious folk, the red fairies. We were afraid, and our nurses always brought us home before the advent of the fairy procession. One of the passes used by this procession happened to be between two mud-wall houses; and it is said that a man went out of one of these houses at the wrong time, for when found he was dead: the fairies had taken him because he interfered with their procession.' (pg.33)

After the 31st of October [or after Halloween] the blackberries are not fit to eat, for the pixies have then been over them' (p.179)

Abrupt weather changes after a person disappears

Where Fairies Live – “…in a spot near Oak Quarter, another place was pointed out where the fairies are often seen dancing. The name of it is Moneen an Damhsa, 'the Little Bog of the Dance.' Other sorts of fairies live in the sea; and some of them who live on Aranmore (probably in conjunction with those in the sea) go out over the water and cause storms and wind.” (Pg. 41)

“Along the Rance the inhabitants tell about fées who appear during storms. These storm-fairies are dressed in the colours of the rainbow, and pass along following a most beautiful fée who is mounted in a boat made from a nautilus of the southern seas… In Upper Brittany, as in Lower Brittany, the fées generally had their abodes in tumuli, in dolmens, in forests, in waste lands where there are great rocks, or about menhirs (standing stones); and many other kinds of spirits lived in the sea and troubled sailors and fisher-folk. Like all fairy-folk of Celtic countries, those of Upper Brittany were given to stealing children.” (p.204)

“In the New World, we find in the North American Red Men a race as much given as the Celts are to a belief in various spirits like fairies. They believe that there are spirits in lakes, in rivers and in waterfalls, in rocks and trees, in the earth and in the air; and that these beings produce storms, droughts, good and bad harvests, abundance and scarcity of game, disease, and the varying fortunes of men.” (p.228)

Young (typically athletic) men are taken

“Mr. J. C. Lawson, who has very carefully investigated the folk-lore of modern Greece, says: 'The nereids are conceived as women half-divine yet not immortal, always young, always beautiful, capricious at best, and at their worst cruel. Their presence is suspected everywhere… Like Celtic fairies, these Greek nereids have their queens; they dance all night, disappearing at cock-crow; they can cast spells on animals or maladies on men and women; they can shift their shape; they take children in death and make changelings; and they fall in love with young men. Among the Roumain peoples the widespread belief in the lele shows in other ways equally marked parallels with the Fairy-Faith of the Celts. These lele wait at cross-roads and near dwellings, or at village fountains or in fields and woods, where they can best cast on men and women various maladies. Sometimes they fall in love with beautiful young men and women, and have on such occasions even been controlled by their mortal lovers.” (p.230)

“This brings us directly to the way in which the Sidhe or Tuatha De Danann of the olden times took fine-looking young men and maidens. ..Perhaps one of the earliest and most famous literary accounts of such a taking is that concerning Aedh, son of Eochaid Lethderg son of 'the King of Leinster, who is represented as contemporary with Patrick. While Aedh was enjoying a game of hurley with his boy companions near the sídh of Liamhain Softsmock, two of the sídh-women, who loved the young prince, very suddenly appeared, and as suddenly took him away with them into a fairy palace and kept him there three years.” (p.293)

Smart, intellectually gifted people are taken

The 'Gentry' Described.--In response to my wish, this description of the 'gentry' was given:--'The folk are the grandest I have ever seen. They are far superior to us, and that is why they are called the gentry. They are not a working class, but a military-aristocratic class, tall and noble-appearing. They are a distinct race between our own and that of spirits, as they have told me. Their qualifications are tremendous. "We could cut off half the human race, but would not," they said, "for we are expecting salvation." And I knew a man three or four years ago whom they struck down with paralysis. Their sight is so penetrating that I think they could see through the earth. They have a silvery voice, quick and sweet. The music they play is most beautiful. They take the whole body and soul of young and intellectual people who are interesting, transmuting the body to a body like their own. I asked them once if they ever died, and they said, "No; we are always kept young." Once they take you and you taste food in their palace you cannot come back. You are changed to one of them, and live with them forever. (p.46)

People who come back are sometimes in a state of extreme confusion

Those who Return from Faerie.--'Persons in a short trance-state of two or three days' duration are said to be away with the fairies enjoying a festival. The festival may be very material in its nature, or it may be purely spiritual. Sometimes one may thus go to Faerie for an hour or two; or one may remain there for seven, fourteen, or twenty-one years. The mind of a person coming out of Fairyland is usually a blank as to what has been seen and done there. Another idea is that the person knows well enough all about Fairyland, but is prevented from communicating the knowledge. A certain woman of whom I knew said she had forgotten all about her experiences in Faerie, but a friend who heard her objected, and said she did remember, and wouldn't tell. A man may remain awake at night to watch one who has been to Fairyland to see if that one holds communication with the fairies. Others say in such a case that the fairies know you are on the alert, and will not be discovered.'(pg 39)

The biggest cluster of strange disappearances in the Unites States is located in Yosemite National Park

“I have been told by a friend in California, who is a student of psychical sciences, that there exist in certain parts of that state, notably in the Yosemite Valley, as the Red Men seem to have known, according to their traditions, invisible races exactly comparable to the 'gentry' …These California races are said to exist now, as the Irish and Scotch invisible races are said to exist now, by seers who can behold them; and, like the latter races, are described as a distinct order of beings who have never been in physical embodiments. If we follow the traditions of the Red Men, the Yosemite invisible tribes are probably but a few of many such tribes scattered throughout the North American continent; and equally with their Celtic relatives they are described as a warlike race with more than human powers over physical nature, and as able to subject or destroy men.” (Footnote: 47:1)


To order;

PDF versions of this book are available;

With audio option.

David Paulides Canam Missing Project;



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The_Fox -- Sunday, 6-Feb-2022 13:08:55
The_Fox -- Sunday, 6-Feb-2022 14:20:24
jensingr -- Sunday, 6-Feb-2022 14:20:24

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