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Reader: "Maybe we’re the monsters?"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Saturday, 5-Feb-2022 03:12:14

In Response To: CGI' PhantomsMonsters: "Monsters in the Bible - Is it a Credible Source?" (hobie)

(Thanks, M. :)

Reader M. offers:


Re: CGI' PhantomsMonsters: 'Monsters in the Bi....

Maybe we’re the monsters?

Supposedly, God made us to “organize the world”!

This is based on the statement of Senator Beveridge on the floor of the US Senate about how “God has not been preparing the English-speaking and Teutonic peoples for a thousand years for nothing but vain and idle self-contemplation and self-admiration. No! He has made us the master organizers of the world to establish system where chaos reigns” (Seavey, 2017).

With “Teutonic” meaning relating to the Teutons, denoting the Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family.

But what if it was not God but, the Fallen Angels who prepared the English-speaking and Teutonic peoples for a thousand years to organize the world and establish system to comprehensively destroy its air, water, land and inhabitants?

What if we were designed to “organize the world” for its destruction and terraforming in preparation for takeover by an ET species?

Would we know it?

Would we be able to stop ourselves?

Maybe the other species on this planet view us as the monsters?

After all, we’re the ones who create so much garbage that we no longer have any place to put it?

We’re the ones who have poisoned the air, water and soil.

We’re the ones dropping bombs on people so that we can take their natural resources.

We’re the ones creating an artificial environment devoid of connection and respect for nature.

We’re the ones who can’t learn from indigenous people because we always have to “lead in organizing” even when we don’t know what we’re doing and our errors cause irreparable harm and damage.

We’re the ones who are so attached to and puffed up by our so called “advancements” that we’d rather be wrong for 100 years and let those who suffer be dammed rather than admit we aren’t as smart as we’d like to think.

Did they show us the movie US to rub it in our faces?

How many real humans are on the surface of this planet?

If the natural state of humans is peace and harmony, why is there so much violence and disharmony?

And far as that whole Jew/Hebrew thing is called, have you ever heard of the 2012 John Hopkins University DNA Study of the Jewish race, which was conducted by an Israeli scientists? It concluded that they are NOT Jews at all. So, Whoopi was right about the Holocaust being between two groups of White people. But will the Khazars EVER let America discuss the DNA science or will they continue forcing America to be the “King who wore no clothes” on this issue until the whole world erupts in war because the Khazars are only willing to return to Ukraine if they can wrest control from Putin? No wonder they now have to register in the Ukraine.

By the way, have you ever read Revelation 2:9 and 3:9?
Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Sounds like someone saw this whole 2012 John Hopkins DNA Study thing coming. I guess religion as we know it ended in 2012 with the revealing that the people occupying Jerusalem are Gentiles and Roman Catholicism made up the Christmas holiday to entice followers of Saturnalia to join the Church.

Clearly some parts of the Bible are true and some parts of the Bible are false. This is to be expected when a book is created by copying other more ancient text.

The Bible is NOT an original piece of work and people need to understand that. It is NOT infallible.

God told Satan: “Her seed shall bruise your head and you shall bruise His heel”. (Genesis 3:15) This was the first mention – or prophecy – of the Messiah


The Book of Enoch pre-dates ALL known copies of the Bible and was THE FIRST TO EVER PROPHECY OF THE SON OF MAN and exactly how he would return at the end of this age.

But this is what is wrong with relying on the Bible. It has so many copied passages, if you have not devoted significant time learning HOW the Bible was created, it simply is not worth the time to take any of it seriously. More Ancient text help identify what was inserted, changed and deleted. But that's a lot of work.

It is misleading to state that Jesus warned against‘Intergalactic Belief’ without defining what is meant since the Book of Ezekiel clearly describes UFOs and the figure with the inkwell matches precisely to other stories of the entity known as Thoth. Also, Enoch clearly speaks of beings we now call ET.

Being programmed to organize, we expect to always lead. We cannot follow and this is a self-destructing mechanism of the programming as many would prefer to perish rather than be led by any not fitting the description of English Speaking Teutonic peoples. This appears also to be the very thought of the Fallen Angels as they knew that examining the programming would cause much guilt and shame and thus avoiding examination ensures continued performance of the plan of destruction until the earth is finally destroyed or Divine Intervention occurs.

The stories of the Kali Yuga, The Book of Enoch and the Hopi Indian Prophecy Rock ALL TELL OF DIVINE SUPERNATURAL INTERVENTION.

In fact, this reality has demonstrated all of the 15 signs of the Kali Yuga ending that hail divine intervention.


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Articles In This Thread

CGI' PhantomsMonsters: "Monsters in the Bible - Is it a Credible Source?"
hobie -- Saturday, 5-Feb-2022 03:12:14
Reader: "Entirely possible. Here's a link for the Book of Enoch ..."
hobie -- Saturday, 5-Feb-2022 03:07:23
Reader: "Maybe we’re the monsters?"
hobie -- Saturday, 5-Feb-2022 03:12:14

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