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SORCHA 12/14: "Something Very Bad And Very Evil Is Happening As Global Elite Suffer Colossal Loss In Covid War"

Posted By: MrFusion
Date: Tuesday, 14-Dec-2021 13:05:37



December 14, 2021

Something Very Bad And Very Evil Is Happening As Global Elite Suffer Colossal Loss In Covid War

By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers

A chilling new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today first noting Russia yesterday vetoing a draft United Nations Security Council resolution linking climate change to security threats, says in explanation Permanent Representative Vassily Nebenzia stated: “As a responsible member of the United Nations and its Security Council, the Russian Federation along with India and China does not share such an approach imposed by the Western nations that have already made a significant number of countries expecting assistance believe in it”—and between Russia, China and India, these three countries opposing this Western climate change insanity are home to close to 40% of the world's population.

Security Council Members in this transcript discussing this issue note that after the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan by Supreme Socialist Leader Joe Biden, the stunning article “Biden Is Betting Americans Will Forget About Afghanistan” was published, wherein it revealed: “People in and around the White House are relying on Americans’ notoriously short-term memory”—is stunning because it reveals how the American people are thought of by their elite socialist leaders and leftist media propagandists—and is worthy of notice because this insane climate change draft resolution the Americans tried to force through the UN Security Council occurred on 13 December, which was the 13th Anniversary of the 13 December 2008 declaration made by former socialist leader Vice President Al Gore that the North Polar Ice Cap would be completely ice-free in 2013—that never happened, but on that date the global warming hysteria began.

Now joining this “Climate Change Religion”, that the Wall Street Journal factually documents is “based on beliefs, not science”, this report continues, is yet another socialist-globalist manufactured hysteria using Covid—a mass hysteria pitting so-called “free democraticWestern governments against their own citizens, both vaccinated, who are forced to wear masks and take endless jabs, and unvaccinated that are persecuted, cut off from society, and are now being thrown into concentration camps—are Western nations enraged at President Putin because he opted for persuasion rather than compulsion concerning vaccination—but whose real truth about is revealed in articles like “Elites Double Down On COVID Quagmire Despite Obvious Signs Of Failure”, wherein it notes such true facts like: “With 99.6% of adults partially vaccinated and 92.2% fully vaccinated, vaccine passports and additional restrictions, cases in Portugal are higher than they’ve been since early February...The commitment of politicians to pointless and destructive interventions is absolutely astonishing”.

To understand the “destructive interventions” employed by Western nations to sustain their Covid mass hysteria, this report details, it is best exampled in the American leftist propaganda media article “Brazil's Tragic Ivermectin Frenzy Is A Warning To The US, Experts Say”, wherein the only “expert” cited was an unnamed Brazilian doctor this lying screed reported saying: “We Brazilians had to learn in the hardest way that ivermectin didn't work”—in factual reality though, a team of researchers spanning several Brazilian institutes, the University of Toronto, and Columbia's EAFIT concluded in their massive study of over 200,000 patients infected with Covid that hospitalization and mortality rates were cut in half among those taking Ivermectin—an effective treatment added to last week when the Russian Health Ministry proved a new plasma treatment to treat Covid was effective—an effective Covid treatment developed with the assistance of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), that the socialist Biden Regime quickly slammed restrictions and sanctions on, after which President Putin stated: “What we can state is that these restrictions and sanctions are being introduced on the grounds of ensuring the security of the United States…How does this institute threaten the security of the United States?...This is complete nonsense”.

Along with lying about effective Covid treatments and sanctioning those who develop them, this report notes, this past week a Biden Regime email was accidentally sent to independent journalist Alex Berenson as part of an unrelated Freedom of Information Act request that revealed the FDA pressured a lobbyist at Google to delete a YouTube video that explained the potential of a new monoclonal antibody treatment for Covid—and is a banning of truth that saw YouTube also censoring the scientific documentary proving that PCR tests for Covid are deceptive, if not outright fraudulent.

Also being kept from the knowledge of the American people by the socialist Biden Regime and leftist media propagandists, this report continues, was the Japanese Health Ministry issuing a dire warning last week that experimental Covid vaccines can be especially dangerous to the hearts of young men—a dire warning joined by a review in the most recent issue of Med Check, a bimonthly bulletin published by the Japan Institute of Pharmacovigilance as a member of the International Society of Drug Bulletins, that found that the death risk of experimental Covid vaccines may even be as high as 40 times greater for young people—a beyond shocking finding that explains why CEO Ugur Sahin, the head and co-founder of BioNTech, that produces one of the most widely used Covid jabs Pfizer, stunningly revealed that he and his family have not been vaccinated—and more than explains why Australian lawmaker Queensland Senator Pauline Hanson just defiantly declared: “I haven't had the jab...I don’t intend to have the jab...I'm not putting that shit in my body”.

In a chilling move to keep Covid truths hidden from the American people, this report notes, the socialist Biden Regime activated the Counter Network Division of the Department of Homeland Security to secretly monitor journalists—a move slammed by Executive Director Julie Pace of the Associated Press, who demands answers for this outrage and stated: “This is a flagrant example of a federal agency using its power to examine the contacts of journalists”—sees this outrage against press freedom coming at the same the Biden Regime is preparing to explain to a US Federal Court why it wants to keep experimental Covid vaccine documents hidden for the next 76-years, until 2097—and whose reason for hiding this information from Americans until long after they’re all dead, is based on the preliminary secret documents forced out of the Biden Regime that beyond shockingly reveal:

The first tranche of documents reveal that, as of February 2021, when Pfizer’s shot was being rolled out worldwide on an emergency basis, the drugmaker had compiled more than 42,000 case reports detailing nearly 160,000 adverse reactions to the jab.

These reactions ranged from the mild to the severe, and 1,223 were fatal.

The majority of these case reports involved people aged between 31 and 50 in the United States.

More than 25,000 nervous system disorders were reported, along with 17,000 musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders and 14,000 gastrointestinal disorders.

A range of different autoimmune conditions were reported, along with some peculiar maladies, including 270 spontaneous abortions, and incidences of herpes, epilepsy, heart failure and strokes, among thousands of others.

Among the very few American journalists still reporting the truth, this report continues, is frequent Fox News guest and best-selling conservative author Wayne Allyn Root, who in his just released gobsmacking investigative document “If The Vaccine Is So Great, Why Are So Many People Dropping Dead?” reveals:

All over America, and all over the world, cardiac arrest, heart inflammation and heart attack deaths are exploding.

Young athletes are dropping right on the field; star soccer players in Europe are dropping dead in the middle of games; referees, coaches and even fans in the stands are having cardiac emergencies. It's something no one has ever seen before. It's an epidemic.

What do all these victims have in common? They've all been vaccinated.

In America, the media is filled with reports of hospital emergency rooms and intensive care units overwhelmed with seriously ill patients.

From coast to coast, there are so many sick people lined up that there aren't enough beds or nurses. Sick patients are lying on gurneys along the hallways. Doctors and medical experts call it a “mystery” why so many Americans are sick. They can't understand what's happening.

But it's not just in the USA. It's happening everywhere. In the U.K., the Evening Standard newspaper reports up to 300,000 British citizens are facing sudden heart related illness and cardiac arrest.

The VAERS system is reporting a number of adverse effects possibly linked to the vaccines -- including tens of thousands of hospitalizations, crippling injuries and permanent disabilities.

That's just in America. The EU numbers are even higher.

Now let me let you in on a terrible secret. My insider health care sources are reporting so many victims are filing reports with VAERS that the system is hopelessly overwhelmed and backed up.

There may be 20,000 or 40,000 or 60,000 more deaths waiting to be processed into the VAERS system. They tell me the numbers are staggering.

Now you know why hospital ERs and ICUs are overwhelmed with people who are seriously ill.

So, my question is, shouldn't someone be investigating this escalating health disaster? Shouldn't someone in the media be reporting on this unimaginable tragedy? Should politicians be protecting us?

One thing I know: Something very bad and very evil is happening.

With it being credibly warned that demonic socialist-globalist elites like Bill Gates and George Soros are using Covid to impose “total control”, this report concludes, it bears noticing that yesterday socialist New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Arder signed an order approving sexual orgies of up to 25 people as part of her new Covid rules—a demonic Covid order joined by Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison laughingly comparing his country’s vaccinated citizens to sheep he’s “leading through the gate”, presumably to slaughter—in a rare example of real journalism, today sees the leftist New York Times publishing the article “Across the World, Covid Anxiety and Depression Take Hold”, wherein it grimly notes: “It is still unclear how much of a threat the fast-spreading Omicron variant poses, but fear and a sudden revival of restrictions have added to an epidemic of loneliness”—though for the real truth underlying what’s now occurring, sees it being plainly stated in factual articles like “Elites Double Down On COVID Quagmire Despite Obvious Signs Of Failure”, wherein it reveals:

The masks failed. The lockdowns failed. Every single overhaul of society to accommodate the Safety Regime failed.

The result is now clear.

The war on COVID-19 is over and it has resulted in colossal loss.

Not a single battle was won.

They lost the war, they know they lost the war, and now the losing side of the war — the global “elite” — is attempting to cover up this reality by any means necessary, even if it means dragging the entirety of humanity down with them.

[Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]

Translation of above from French to English: “I am here for the fifth shot because of the third wave...Or vice versa”.

December 14, 2021 © EU and US all rights reserved. Permission to use this report in its entirety is granted under the condition it is linked to its original source at WhatDoesItMean.Com.

RMN is an RA production.

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