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Anna Von Reitz: "The Mirror and the Violet Flame"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Monday, 6-Dec-2021 03:09:22

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: "Not Rocket Science -- They Are Giving You AIDS" (hobie)

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Sunday, December 5, 2021

The Mirror and the Violet Flame

By Anna Von Reitz

In recent days, in addition to explaining the history and principles and structure of the American Government ---as opposed to the US Government, I have also found myself having to explain and teach the basics of religious history and shine light on the practices and corruption of practices of religion in the Western World.

My Letter to Cardinal George (former Archbishop of Chicago) which is the very first Article on my website, , mentions my "blood oath' versus his blood oath, and that has caused no end of flutter among Christians who have never realized that Communion is a blood oath sealed by the Apostle's Creed.

It amazes me that anyone could stand there and hear the words, "The body of Christ given for you, the blood of Christ shed for you" and then eat and drink of this offering, and not only mistake the nature of the sacrament, but its two possible interpretations --- either a mystical binding of our body and blood to the body and blood of Jesus, or an act of cannibalism.

We have literally billions of people on this planet calling themselves "Christians" who are totally unaware of (1) what they are doing when they take Communion, and (2) unaware that there is a dark side to the sacrament.

Like everything else in this mirrored world which the ancient occultists summed up --- "As above, so below." --- there is an evil created for every good, a shadow partner image lurking just beyond the range of sight, and we must somehow become truly, fully, aware of this.

We have the beloved history of the American Government, counterbalanced by the evil history of the US Government. We have the solid good of unincorporated businesses and the evil of incorporated business structures. We have living people and we have persons, presented side by side, one the actuality and one the image. We have physically defined States of the Union and we have Confederate "States"--- which are State-of-State business organizations.

Until you become aware of this fundamental duality hidden in plain sight, and learn to discern between the fact and the image of the fact, you are prey to all manner of deceptions and evil contracting processes. You cannot live like this, in a stupor, unaware of the world around you.

This is why I cry, "Wake up!"

Last night, I awakened in the wee hours and as I often do, I lay awake thinking of many things, and I began to pray. I asked for the spirit of God to fill me with strength and peace to endure the day ahead and as I prayed, I saw my image standing in front of me, enveloped in a red-purple flame, which wrapped itself around me like a robe, and waves of emotion swept over me and chills ran up my spine--- and when the vision ended, I was left humble and at peace and at the same time, exalted.

It was the strangest feeling I have ever experienced, to be at one and the same time, so humble and so exalted. The dichotomy held me perfectly balanced as if I stood on the edge of a knife.

We are both so humble in our mortal form, and so exalted in the spirit.

As I slowly sank back into my normal framework of perception, I began to think again, as rational thought is impossible in such a transcendent state of being, and I began to assess the experience.

I prayed for the spirit of God to fill me with strength and peace to endure the trials of the day ahead ---- was this violet flame lapping around me and running up my spine, filling me with this strange feeling, the spirit of God?

Be careful what you ask for. According to what you can receive, you will be given it.

I have been told that I am the literal heir of St. Germain (British name St. Albans) because of my familial lineage --- the von Reitzensteins are part of the von Speck clan, and "Speck" means bacon in German, as in Sir Francis Bacon. But I never meditated or studied the teachings of St. Germain. Never believed or disbelieved in the Violet Flame.

Like many things that are somewhat occult, I steered away, not having the time or energy to invest in additional spiritual and intellectual disciplines.... so, I didn't know what to think about the "Violet Flame" and had never directly encountered it, until today, December 5, 2021.

There is no doubt that the "flame" that embraced me today was a distinctly bright and lively shade of violet purple --- a red-purple color -- and though it had all the dancing and fluttering form of a flame, it was refreshing and cool, not hot.

Today, I feel that I have been baptized by this mysterious flame, and I know that I can never be the same. Like a tree becoming aware of its own roots and its own leaves fluttering in the breeze, I am more whole and more fully aware than I have ever been.

It's as if all the chips and dents and scars have been filled in, the missing pieces of my soul returned, all the ravages of my many battle wounds healed, and when I breathe, I breathe with my entire self. I am like a fish returned to water.

Truly, something miraculous happened today, very quietly and unexpectedly. I am pondering it as we all must ponder miracles in our hearts, knowing that there are so many things about this world that we don't understand.

This much I can tell you for sure: my simple prayer unlocked a door in the realm of the spirit and allowed this violet colored "flame" to come to me, and I have never felt more alive or uplifted in my life.


See this article and over 3400 others on Anna's website here:


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Articles In This Thread

Anna Von Reitz: "For the LAST Time...."
hobie -- Sunday, 5-Dec-2021 23:28:58
Anna Von Reitz: "A Letter Back"
hobie -- Sunday, 5-Dec-2021 23:14:34
Anna Von Reitz: "Think, People"
hobie -- Sunday, 5-Dec-2021 23:19:32
Anna Von Reitz: "Listen Up, Campers...."
hobie -- Sunday, 5-Dec-2021 23:19:32
Anna Von Reitz: "Not Rocket Science -- They Are Giving You AIDS"
hobie -- Sunday, 5-Dec-2021 23:43:55
Anna Von Reitz: "The Mirror and the Violet Flame"
hobie -- Monday, 6-Dec-2021 03:09:22
Reader: "Please note the color she describes is called MAGENTA-and it is the color of some peoples crown chakra."
hobie -- Monday, 6-Dec-2021 03:09:22

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