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Anna Von Reitz: "The Tories Didn't Leave"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Tuesday, 16-Nov-2021 02:13:38

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: "A Pernicious Idea" (hobie)

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Monday, November 15, 2021

The Tories Didn't Leave

By Anna Von Reitz

Of all the points and educational information that we have tried to convey, this point is dropping through the cracks. Please stop long enough to consider HOW the British Territorial Government managed to weasel in the back door and set up the "American Raj" and use it to pillage six generations of Americans.

The short answer is that the Tories --- British Sympathizers in The War of Independence --- never left here after the war. They stayed on as providers of 'essential government services" --- see Article IV of all three Federal Constitutions. This gave them an insider position in our fledgling government, and despite the severely limited powers they were granted, it offered a place they used to plot, scheme, undermine, and ultimately, defraud, the unwary Americans.

To promote peace and heal the wounds of eight years of toe-to-toe conflict, the British Tories were largely allowed to retain all their businesses and assets and bank accounts and "titles" held to their land prior to the war. They were recognized as British Subjects, too. A condition of Dual Citizenship was established to accommodate them.

The British Government recognized the former "Loyal Colonials" as British Commonwealth Citizens known as U.S. Citizens.

The only two things to have changed about this situation in over two hundred years are:

(1) Originally, these British Territorial Citizens were considered to be Dual Citizens with American Citizenship being the second form of citizenship involved; this changed in 1937 after "The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments in The United States" was adopted and U.S. Citizens were thereafter deemed to be dual citizens of both the British Commonwealth and the Municipal United States Government. They were henceforth operating as U.S. Citizens and citizens of the United States, both.

(2) In the 1960's, forced to make changes as a result of the rising recognition of the evils of Colonialism, the U.S. Citizenship was redefined from being a British Commonwealth citizenship to being a British Territorial citizenship --- by a process of default.

The British Government and the Queen received a great deal of approbation and support for this peaceful surrender of colonial interest in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and other "former" Commonwealth nations at the time..... however, the British Government and the Government of Westminster were playing a dirty, dirty game.

They made the big announcements, opened the gates, and the bewildered people of the "former" Commonwealth countries shrugged and went right on without a clue that they were supposed to organize their own truly independent government.

The British interests willingly provided an "interim" government so nothing much seemed to change, but when the "former" Commonwealth countries failed to organize a new government for themselves, the same British interests settled in as an emergency military government occupying the "abandoned" British Commonwealth, and everyone in the countries affected was "presumed" to be a Ward of the Queen and the British Crown and a Territorial Subject.

The difference between a British Colonial Citizenship and a British Territorial Citizenship is the difference between living under a peaceful civilian government and a foreign military occupation.

This is the same basic trick that was used 100 years earlier in America, wherein the Brits established a British Territorial Military Dictatorship and claimed a custodial interest in all the land and assets of their "absent" American Employers. As a result of this British Bunko, Americans were left completely uninformed about the circumstance, and their political status was unlawfully converted to that of "presumed" British Territorial United States Citizens --- U.S. Citizens.

All these actions served to tighten the coils of the British Empire around the necks and pocketbooks of the victims of this vicious scheme. It defrauded the people of this country and the people of the former Commonwealth equally.

Let us all observe the mistake that we made and that the former members of the British Commonwealth made: making peace of any kind with the British Government and suffering the Tories to remain among us.

The people of Great Britain are no better off themselves, having had their political status similarly redefined without their knowledge or consent by a process of enfranchisement during the administration of Benjamin D'Israeli.

And it is all fraud, all based on the unlawful conversion and redefinition of an individual's political status by self-interested Third Parties, and depending on secrecy to pull it off.

We are all in the midst of yet another such scheme, by which the same criminally dishonest British Interests are attempting to redefine "humans" as "trans-humans" --- that is, human GMO products that they own via patent.

They hope to wipe away more than a century of progress and enforcement of human rights by redefining recipients of their patented mRNA fragments as something different --- "trans-humans" that have no human rights. No civil rights. No rights at all, full stop.

Notice the progression of their schemes --- first, redefining living people as "persons" --- unlawfully converting mankind to humankind, and then, redefining "humans" as "trans-humans" to avoid owing their victims human rights.

The only answer is to hunt down the perpetrators as the criminals they are, and subject them to the full force of the Public Law and our righteous anger.

Anyone who supports the cruelty, greed, elitism, and dishonesty of the British Raj at this late date, in India or anywhere else on Earth, needs to be deported from our shores in a leaky boat, never to return.

As our experience and the experience of the British people and the experience of the people of the former British Commonwealth has demonstrated, our big mistake was allowing the Tories and their attorneys to remain among us.

Let's never make the same mistake again.


See this article and over 3300 others on Anna's website here:


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Articles In This Thread

Anna Von Reitz: "Red Alert -- Wake Up --- The Federation of States is American"
hobie -- Tuesday, 16-Nov-2021 00:46:51
Anna Von Reitz: "For the Entire World to Know and Remember -- Especially the High Courts"
hobie -- Tuesday, 16-Nov-2021 02:04:42
Anna Von Reitz: "A Pernicious Idea"
hobie -- Tuesday, 16-Nov-2021 02:13:38
Anna Von Reitz: "The Tories Didn't Leave"
hobie -- Tuesday, 16-Nov-2021 02:13:38

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