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Why No Recall? Re: Vax Deaths by LOT NUMBER prove there is a HUGE PROBLEM - Proof that some Vials of Lots are Purposely "Hot"

Posted By: JediShaman
Date: Wednesday, 3-Nov-2021 11:05:11

In Response To: Vax Deaths by LOT NUMBER prove there is a HUGE PROBLEM - Proof that some Vials of Lots are Purposely "Hot" (GeorgeEaton)

Based on this data it would be hypothesized that there is some corruption of the contents in those lots, and there would be a need to recall the product and investigate to see what is amiss. If any food, medicine, or supplement was found to be causing that many adverse events and deaths there would normally be a recall or halt of distribution. Just think of what happens when a handful of cases of food poisoning are tied to bacteria in a batch of the food product. Yet here the FDA ignores the clear indicator of a problem and all the cases of harm. We don't know exactly what is causing problems in the troublesome lots, we do know that when people examine vial contents under a microscope various contaminants do appear. Historically, vaccines have often been found to be compromised with contaminants and this may be a part of the manufacturing process that is hard to avoid. Whenever you inject things into the muscles there is risk involved. I do think it is presumptuous to assume that the differences between lots are intentional. Rather than jumping to a sinister conclusion it would behoove us to just point out the data and demand the FDA address this as they would some other product clearly correlated with illness and death, while also investigating independently.

: "Different companies, using different vaccine
: technologies, being produced in different labs, that are
: stored differently, and given to people of different ages
: in different geographical locations by different people -
: YET have a common inverse power law Adverse Event/Death
: profile by lot number.
: Can't wait to see how they explain this one."

: Karl over at Market Ticker has really dug into the VAERS data
: to analyze the following claim: There is a wildly

: statistically-significant skew in the death rate from
: Covid-19 vaccines by lot number.
: Quoting: Karl Denninger

: He was expecting to debunk it (he has a passionate hatred of
: tinfoil hats) but instead found that across all three of
: the vaccine producers they showed a similar abnormal
: grouping of deaths by lot number. Much less than 50%
: quoted, this is the TLDR summary: The only thing all three
: of these vaccines have in common is that all three of them
: rely on the human body to produce the spike protein that is
: then attacked by the immune system and produces antibodies;
: none of them directly introduce the offending substance
: into the body. The mechanism of induction is different
: between the J&J and Pfizer/Moderna formulations but all
: exhibit the same problem. The differential shown in the
: data is wildly beyond reasonable explanation related to the
: cohort dosed and the reported person's average age for the
: full set of events (not just deaths) does not correlate
: with elevated risk in a given lot either so it is clearly
: not related to the age of the person jabbed (e.g.
: "certain lots all went to nursing homes since they
: were first.") While the highest AE rate lots all have
: early use dates so do some of the low-AE rate lots so the
: attempt to explain the data away as "but the highest
: risk got it first" fails as well.

: In other words the best-fit hypothesis is that causing the
: body to produce part of a pathogen when that part has
: pathological capacity (as we know is the case for the
: spike) cannot be controlled adequately through commercial
: manufacturing process at-scale. This means that no
: vector-based, irrespective of how (e.g. viral vector or
: mRNA), not-directly-infused coronavirus jab will ever have
: an acceptable safety profile because some lots will be
: "hot" and harm crazy percentages of those they're
: given to with no way to know in advance. The basic premise
: used here -- to have the body produce the agent the immune
: system identifies rather than directly introduce it where
: you can control the quantity, is a failure.

: The entire premise of calling something that does this a
: "vaccine" is bogus and in the context of a
: coronavirus this may never be able to be done safely.
: Full article here:

: Comments: I've said months ago that I believe big pharma is
: experimenting with the materials in the vacccccccines from
: batch to batch. They know exactly who's getting what, so
: get great research data. But until recently WE weren't
: seeing batch numbers in VAERS data. We are all expendable
: lab rats.

: this basically confirms what we speculated. Different
: concoctions for different demographics. which explains why
: my grandmother at 79 is still rockin and rollin with 2
: shots, yet there are thousands of testimonies of injuries
: and death.

: Reminds me of that story of that black lady scheduled to get
: her shot in a rich white neighborhood but was refused
: because she was black.

: Check out the great work Steve Kirsch has been doing: Cost
: benefit by age analysis: The COVID vaccines kill more
: people than they save for all age groups: [link to
: (secure)]

: Steve has analyzed the data from multiple independant sources
: and methodologies and believes that the true (conservative)
: number of deaths due to the vax is around 150000 people so
: far.

: See here: [link to (secure)]

: Good analysis.
: They don't have to explain it. The anti-vaxxers already know
: and the vaxxed don't care. It's a genocide.

: Source:

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Articles In This Thread

Vax Deaths by LOT NUMBER prove there is a HUGE PROBLEM - Proof that some Vials of Lots are Purposely "Hot"
GeorgeEaton -- Wednesday, 3-Nov-2021 11:05:11
Why No Recall? Re: Vax Deaths by LOT NUMBER prove there is a HUGE PROBLEM - Proof that some Vials of Lots are Purposely "Hot"
JediShaman -- Wednesday, 3-Nov-2021 11:05:11

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