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Telosa: A VERY SCARY Technocratic Mega-City In The Making

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Sunday, 26-Sep-2021 20:00:44

Telosa - So, if in the desert, how do they plan on sustainably, supporting Millions of people with water??? Does this not remind you all of agenda 21? Where they herd us all into overcrowded cities, and every move, every purchase, every word is recorded and stored..

Telosa is a proposed utopian planned US city conceived by American billionaire Marc Lore and announced in September 2021.[1][2] The project has a target population of 5 million people by 2050, with the first phase of construction expected to house 50,000. The location had initially not been chosen, with the project's planners intending for the city to be built on cheap land in Appalachia or the American West desert.


By Matt

One of the great myths of the modern age is that of the beneficent billionaire. The tale is simple and told in just two acts. In the first act these men and women rise from humble beginnings to amass inordinate amounts of wealth, power, and influence over society. Their second act begins when they are reborn as philanthropists whose only purpose in life is to save the planet.

This is the story of many of the world’s wealthiest individuals. Variations of it apply to the likes of Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey, Richard Branson, and Pierre Omidyar.

Joining their ranks is entrepreneur and former CEO of e-commerce at Walmart, Marc Lore. His first act is just like those of the other beneficent billionaires. Lore was just a normal kid from Staten Island who would go on to found and then sell several successful companies which already amassed him an enormous fortune before joining Walmart.

His second act is only just beginning. It was only this past January that Lore stepped down from his role at Walmart. In an interview given at the time he stated that he was moving on from the retail giant to commit himself to “a multi-decade project to build a ‘city of the future’ supported by ‘a reformed version of capitalism.’” That city has now been given a name, Telosa.

Details of Lore’s plans to build the city, and notions of what life in Telosa will look like, are still relatively scarce. What is known is that over the next 40 years Telosa will grow to cover 150,000 acres and be home to 5 million people. This is approximately the size of Chicago with double the population. The first phase of construction, which would accommodate 50,000 residents across 1,500 acres, comes with an estimated cost of $25 billion and will be ready by 2030 (where have we seen that year before?) The whole project would be expected to exceed $400 billion.

Where the city will be built has yet to be determined but the project’s planners are eyeing the American desert. With states like Nevada welcoming plans for technocratic cities like Telosa by passing favorable legislature this is one obvious choice.

The city’s website is filled with buzzwords and marketing slogans meant to portray the plan as being for the betterment of mankind. Potential residents are told they can look forward to a city that “sets a global standard for urban living, expands human potential, and becomes a blueprint for future generations.” Words like “sustainable,” “equitable,” and “inclusive” are sprinkled throughout for good measure.

Many can already see past the slick veneer of the website and smooth marketing talking points, calling the idea for such city a greenwashed Vegas, the creation of which seems either impossible or simply disingenuous. To ridicule this planned city is a great start, but what else is revealed in these plans if they are looked at not as the blueprint for the green inclusive city of the future but rather the enslaving technocratic Plannedopolis of our nightmares?

In Telosa, you will live where you work and you are always connected to nature. The women in the photos showcasing this lifestyle are both wearing virtual reality headsets signaling that wearable Internet of Bodies (IoB) devices will be key to working and connecting in the city. The tradeoff could be the total end of bodily autonomy.

With fossil fuel cars banned the only way to get around will be autonomous vehicles. Despite the promise of open, fair, and inclusive governance, what if there is a protest planned outside of the “Equitism tower” in the city center? Will the autonomous cars and copters still take passengers to the protest?

The city planners promise that every student will have access to the best teachers and resources. Yet, students are shown interacting with ipads rather than human beings. There is talk of “comprehensive training and skills upgrading programs” to continue education but the woman shown participating in said programs is wearing a virtual reality headset once again. This sounds much more like the “pay for success” model of education where investors shape curriculums and outcomes that researcher Julianne Romanello warns about rather than a classical education meant to expand the mind. And there certainly doesn’t appear to be much human-to-human interaction in Telosa.

How will the planners of Telosa address the healthcare needs of its citizens? “All citizens will have access to local health clinics, healthcare technologies, and education on wellness and preventive care to improve quality of life,” they say. The stock image they chose to show alongside this slide is unsurprisingly a smartphone app showing the user’s “Health Score.” One can only assume that this comes as part of whatever vaccine passport scheme would be rolled out in the city. The onlooker here is once again left wondering how much of life exists only through screens and virtual reality.

People of all incomes and backgrounds will have a diverse selection of housing to choose from. Images showcasing housing options in Telosa range from magnificent skyscrapers to ticky tacky suburbs to container pods. How this is any different from today’s world where the rich and powerful live in opulence compared to the bulk of society is not discussed.

One of the biggest promises made by the planners of Telosa is government accountability. All city meetings are open and accessible so citizens can easily and effectively participate in the decision making and budgeting process. But what happens if at one of these meetings residents criticise these decision makers? Will those in power just shut it down and walk away? If a resident’s Health Score, credit score, or social score is too low will they be allowed to participate?

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Articles In This Thread

Telosa: A VERY SCARY Technocratic Mega-City In The Making
RumorMail -- Sunday, 26-Sep-2021 20:00:44
Reader: They have to pass the "Lava Test" that is lurking under the ground directed by Magma in all direction under this planet
RumorMail -- Sunday, 26-Sep-2021 19:55:35
Reader: I think this is another Elon Muskmelon type "Pump-n-Dump" scam
RumorMail -- Sunday, 26-Sep-2021 20:00:44

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