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9/11 Was the Sound of the Illuminati Shooting Themselves in the Foot

Posted By: CapnGriff
Date: Tuesday, 26-May-2015 12:03:37

9/11 Was the Sound of the Elite Shooting Themselves
In the Foot

Here we are some 14 years down the line from 9/11. The changes have been vast and threatening to the world but more specifically the nation of America. What is now becoming evident is that we as human beings have learned that we are interconnected. The computer labs of Princeton and then professor Dr. Dean Radin proved that with the results of his random number generators on 9/11 and ever since. If you do not know what I am referring to, please do a search and gain this most enlightening information.

In my humble opinion, 9/11 had the opposite effect than the hoped for installation of complete slavery of the human mass on this planet. Sure, America got the Patriot Act, thereafter, and freedoms have been going down the toilet ever since, but that served to wake the masses of planet earth.

In short, at least a small majority have awakened and begun doing the research to come to the understanding that we have covertly been converted to a system of slavery. We are the slaves and the cabal are the masters. At least it has worked that way for our masters until most recently.

In recent times we have learned that most horrific events have begun to look to us like false flags. Staged events to cause us to fall into fear and then give our so-called “masters” more power to control us. Speaking for myself, I see a vast change these days over that and personally give very little attention to such reports. In fact, in the most recent shooting of Bandito members in Waco (why does it often happen in Waco?) I have yet to watch a full report about that event.

Many of you are probably just as numb to those dumb planned events anymore. I find them somewhat amusing as I detect some unknown law must protect humans from outright slaughter in these events or they wouldn't be false flags. I wonder if that has ever occurred to others but some sort of restraint does seem to be in action. The all powerful illuminati seems ONLY to be able to control humans if we give away our power. The PTB(W) do not
have the green light from the Universe's highest source to just wipe humanity out because it would make their day. Restraint is apparently, as well having always, been in place.

To come to my point, we are living in fear seemingly for nothing. As we have begun to notice false flags are no longer rendering their intended result for the PTB or Were. Along with the fact that so many have now joined the ranks of those with knowledge of how human beings have been manipulated through lies and deceit, we now have signs the cabal is in great disarray. In fact, there are reports that top members have capitulated and only a certain amount of “holier than thou” henchmen remain in action against the human race even though, and this is questionable, they themselves are human.

Many things being reported show that we are enjoying a loss of control by the cabal. Now is our time to press with specific non-violent actions that have far reaching power to continue the change. I submit to those that will do the research on the internet will find or have already found that thoughts do create results. Specific visualizations have even greater effect and should be used.

It has occurred to me, that there are three sources of power that confound the human beings on this planet. These should be considered manipulations more than a power. One is through the banks and controlling of the jobs and therefore debt and money supply. More debt equals more slavery. Second, the great forked tongue of the “bought and paid for” media. Third, the right hand men and women of the Congress of the United States of America, Corp. The bankers, we hear, are slowly being arrested and taken from power. The mainstream media is a shadow of its former self and CNN is in dire financial straits or so I hear. That leaves the Congress to be dealt with.

My way of dealing with this has always been a simple visualization. In this so-called “daydream” I see a mass of average citizens arrayed and lining the steps of the Capitol in D.C. They have apparently arrived out of no major organized compunction to assemble. These patriots have just simply appeared as called by a higher power. All are dressed in black in mourning of the loss of our Constitutional rights and representation by those who are only fit to fill a jail cell.

The mood is somber and as with the assembly of the individuals out of thin air, a chant is begun. “Come out. Go Home. Never Come Back.” The word grows perhaps through the internet. Perhaps it is captured by MSM or local TV and as it does, thousands if not millions of Americans begin this chant under their breath wherever they are. Even now as you read this, you can imagine the sound “Come Out. Go Home. Never Come back.”

There is no telling how long it takes before Congress gets the message that they should leave but the power that moves them to do so is palpable. Eventually, all members leave, even if they have been thought to be true servants of the people.

In the background, there are rumblings on internet media sites that even now as you read this a new interim government has been selected to replace the scoundrels that will leave in our vision. The vacuum generated by the leaving of the culprits, of mass conspiracy, to remove our freedoms, and forever enslave us, causes a great world wide reaction. This effort of common people, called as if by God, to assemble at a random time has created this result. In fact, you just having read this, have caused this to occur. A disturbance in the Force some would call it.

Hold on to this vision. As this is our future whether it happens as visualized or not. Humans are a powerful bunch, and a unbeatable force. Many of us however, are still not aware of the power within and the power of the group in total. This is our way, this is the way of peace. This is a way to reclaim our planet. Message delivered, again.


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Articles In This Thread

9/11 Was the Sound of the Illuminati Shooting Themselves in the Foot
CapnGriff -- Tuesday, 26-May-2015 12:03:37
EXCELLENT, as always, CapnGriff . Thank you for exampling a starting point!
Lymerick -- Tuesday, 26-May-2015 14:11:28

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