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Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Sunday, 8-Aug-2021 09:58:11

A post submitted by CGI member, Jonathan_Seagull.

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OK, fellow Patriots, we're down to the final ten films you selected as the best of the best in 2020.

You can skip our introduction by simply scrolling down to read our reviews of your top ten movies of 2020. Remember, we use Dominion Systems because: YOUR VOTE COUNTS (more or less)

After 1017 people all across America witnessed the main stream media mob moron's failed version of the Academy Awards inadvisedly called the 'Oscars', this Seagull was asked by various Trump Patriots to produce a more traditional version of this celebration of current and future film fandangos. So we managed to carve out a little time to host a more traditional version of this celebration of heralded thespian achievements once again called “The Academy Awards”. We The People are the Academy. What follows are our final nominations based on the Dominion System tally of your votes. 10 Gems of the Big Screen have made the final cut. In addition, and through your endless wisdom, your votes introduced a new film candidate previously overlooked by the Academy, called “The Assignment'and re-nominated one more flick. Scroll down to see if your favorite misadventure has been cited as a finalist or completely disqualified by our blind Screen Actors Guild wounded warriors. All of our selections and decisions are arbitrary and capricious just like all the Covid lockdown rules. If by any chance you are still wearing your Covid coat of compliance this production is not for you. All decisions are final unless we change our mind.

These are our selection criteria – proceed with caution – we are not responsible:

We use the Dominion Voting System to tally the votes as they have been reliably and honestly 'processing' votes all around the world for decades. Our votes are worth 1.25%. Your votes are worth .75%. We have not received any financial support from the CCP. Take our word for it. Do not question our methods or the FBI and DOJ will hunt you down, especially if you were involved in the January 6th False Flag williwaw or if you are a friend of Rudy Giuliani. Vote early and often. Fake mail-in ballots accepted. We do not check for water marks, creases or bamboo fibers. No voter ID required. We make the assumption that all votes cast by dead people have been cast for our candidates. No signature matching. If you have been vaxxed you cannot enter our space, touch us or breath our air. No proof of citizenship required. Trannies may change their vote without permission from an adult. If you refuse to use a deodorant for any reason you must obey social distancing guidelines. This is a smoke free environment. No wheat, soy, nuts, dairy, meat or meat products, no calories, no sugar, no high fructose corn syrup, no artificial colors or flavors, no taste. Non GMO - but if you have taken any of the genetic modification jabs it no longer matters.

The 'final' results are always published as soon as we receive the vote tabulations from the CCP Dominion Systems voting machines and the passwords to our Routers. We have sent a subpoena to Dominion for our Router passwords but they are ignoring it. All Dominion System machines are live on the internet and have acquired access to the the Vatican Leonardo Satellite and are working closely with the CIA, CCP, London, Italy, Germany and Spain to rush their results, I mean OUR results, right back to the Democrat Party, I mean right back to us, for our approval, I mean so we can verify who you voted for. Whether you voted by mail or not, your mail-in votes will be tallied multiple times by our highly ethical staff as soon as we kick out any poll watchers. A word of caution: there will be a forensic audit of the voting results in more than 8 states beginning with Arizona (results pending) but the main stream fake media mob morons will seek to hide any mention of these results. However, if the results of these audits do get out, the main street media mob morons and the social media psychopaths will then call you bad names and try to ruin your lives and cancel you. They will also sick the FBI on you and accuse you of being bonkers and wankers, especially if you have ever associated with, agreed with or heard of Rudy Giuliani. Furthermore, we must warn you that there are still a few really stupid doinks out there who may believe them. The silver lining is that after the votes are correctly tallied, most of the Dominion and related traitors, I mean employees, will be going to jail.

OK, now that we are all familiar with the rules of engagement we can proceed to the nominations.

...and now Trump Patriots in association with President Donald J. Trump, reelected 19th President of The BRAND NEW CONSTITUTIONAL United States of America, present the 2020 international Academy Awards Oscar Nominations Final Ten Flick Pix:


(1) “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”- in this remarkable Sci-Fi classic sequel, a bunch of green Aliens in flying saucers land at the big fairground carnival in Maricopa County Arizona. It just happens to be right next to where the forensic audit of the 2020 election ballots is being completed. It seems that the Deep State Dark Forces on Planet Earth invited these creatures for dinner to take everyone's attention away from the obvious results of the audit. The green Aliens, who look like walking lizards, tails and all, don't understand what an Earth carnival is all about. The Aliens were invited for dinner by the WEF Elite and they believe this is one gigantic picnic with a wide variety of their favorite food – human beings. There's vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, cherry garcia, pistachio, peach, mocha, coffee chip, fudge swirls, cookies and cream, mango...their sacred parietal third eyes are sending hunger messages to their tiny little brains as their slitted pupils peruse this rather appealing variety of earthly delights. They begin walking through the carnival grabbing people of all flavors and sizes and throwing their bodies into a large food bin they are dragging behind them. Our hero, DJ Trump stands defiant at the entrance to the arena next door where the audit is being completed. He is holding a powerful Laser gun that is deadly to Aliens and media mob morons but only stuns human beings. The Aliens make their way through the carnival counting the bodies they snatch so they can win the body snatching food contest being held at the Orion Belt Star Cluster food contest. They reach the end of the carnival and are suddenly facing our hero - right in front of them guarding the entrance to the Arena where the audit has been completed.

They are eye to eye with DJ. Without hesitation the Aliens run toward DJ. He fires his mighty Laser weapon over and over and kills every last green Alien. DJ runs to save the human bodies that have been thrown into the food collection bin. He immediately calls in trauma teams to transport all of the frightened food selections to one of the new MedBed healing centers he recently built. All the carnival attendees are saved and the forensic audit has been completed. The cyber geniuses have found 500,000 ballots fraudulently flipped from President Trump to sleepy Joe by the CCP and CIA. President Trump, as expected, is awarded the County of Maricopa and all of Arizona's electoral college votes. Sequels have been planned in Georgia, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, Colorado, and CALIFORNIA. In the first sequel, President Trump will be armed with a new, more powerful Laser weapon that completely vaporizes the main stream media mob morons and their useful idiots. This new weapon was created by reverse engineering a device found in one of the abandoned alien crafts. This advanced technology was engineered by Salvador Pais of US NAVY fame (and related patents).
Produced by Jovan Pulitzer Prizes LLC at the Florida Winter White House Studios in cooperation with Cyber Ninjas Unlimited. According to once reliable pollsters, this cinema release may garner the most votes for best Non-Fiction film and possibly Best Male Lead Actor of the decade and perhaps the century. It's being compared to 'The Sting'...

(2) “Trading Places” - just when democracy in the USA is about to become irreversibly damaged, the US military steps in and arrests sleepy Joe, bringing him and his crime family members along with dozens of other crooks and traitors to face military tribunals at Guantanamo Prison. President Trump is immediately sworn in as the 19th President reelected in the 2020 American elections replacing sleepy Joe. As he is being dragged away, sleepy Joe is asked for his comments and he reportedly yells “you can't prove anything, I can't prove anything, where am I, they told me this would never happen, he owes me a dollar, tell the Navaho Indians to release my wife, where's Hunter he will vouch for me...”. Meanwhile Soldiers at Guantanamo Prison are waiting in line to join the firing squads.
Another Q & Anon Production in association with We The People Unlimited, Alliance Special Forces LLC and Firing Squad Studios. Viewer discretion advised. A special nod to Hunter Biden Productions for providing the Ukraine idiots all the money they needed to try and start WW3. Another special nod to Vladamir Putin for working together with President Trump and telling the Ukraine to shut up and go away, or we'll crush you like the insignificant, mischievous little bugs you are (and your NATO pals too)

(3) “I Got 80 Million Votes!”- starring sleepy Joe. This comedy is just too much to believe. Nobody in any audience has been able to accept it's ridiculous premise. In the initial unveilings, more than half of the audiences simply walked out. Many were heard to say “do they think we are a bunch of stupid doinks?” If you did not catch this film early on then you missed it. It has been removed from most theaters in the 'flyover' states for lack of audience. It is still showing though in a few 'blue' cities such as LA, Portland, Seattle, Chicago, NYC, Philly and Atlanta. However, many people in those audiences are now getting up and leaving within 15 or twenty minutes. Even some 'woke' morons are finally seeing through this media mogul mirage.
Dominion Systems Production Studios in cooperation with Venezuela Worldwide Studios and CCP LTD. Of Special note: This film and it's Production Studios are being investigated by the Arizona State Senate. It is rumored that 10 or more additional State Senates are about to join in forensic investigations. It is further rumored that quite a few involved DINOs and RINOs will be heading to Guantanamo – some are already there...

(4) “Dirty Harry” - an out of control alleged vigilante begins shooting anyone who was genetically modified by the killer Covid fake 'vaccines'. Brilliant screenplay. At first, the audience is led to believe that Harry is a violent madman with a very big gun. But then the audience finds out he is really trying to save all the lives in his city – why? Because it turns out that the fake vaccinations turn all it's victims into ravenous flesh eating zombies disguised as extraordinarily ignorant left wing Covidiots!
Produced by Make My Day Studios in association with One Bullet Left LTD.

(5) “The Nursing Home Killing Fields” - starring Andy 'Killer' Cuomo. Also starring Phil Murphy, Gavin 'Gruesome' Newson and Gretta Whitmer (who the FBI tried to kidnap recently). In the midst of a mild plandemic that impacts only the old and defenseless seasoned citizens, Andy, who is busy writing a book on great decision making and leadership, makes one of the deadliest stupid decisions in political history. Knowing full well that the virus causing this 'plandemic' is deadly only to seasoned citizens, Killer Cuomo issues an executive order forcing all seasoned citizens in the State of NY who have been infected and are dying of this virus to be sent to nursing home facilities! Thousands of the healthy elderly people in these facilities, who might otherwise have lived for years, are infected and die because of his mindless decision to make this executive order mandatory. Could things get worse? YES! He then pronounces it to be illegal for their families to visit these helpless seasoned citizens as they lay suffering and dying. In another stroke of sadistic genius he forbids any family members of the dead to attend their funeral or burial services. Could things get even worse? YES! Killing thousands of innocent seasoned citizens wasn't enough so while all this is going on, Andy is accused by more than 8 women of inappropriate groping, kissing and other nasty misogynistic activities. The NY DA concurs. In his own defense, Andy says 'all these people were gonna die anyway'. 'We're all gonna die'. “Dead is Dead”. And as for the women accusers he says “well, that's their opinion”. Meanwhile Andy was also found to have 'covered up' and lied about the actual number of people he killed in the nursing homes. His co-stars Phil, Gavin and Gretta killed thousands of their own seasoned citizens in exactly the same way so they keep silent and the CCP bought and paid for 'fake journalists' have a belly laugh. The whole situation is brought to new heights when Andy passes a law making marijuana legal. He is using the old 'misdirection' technique with the added bonus of getting his critics so stoned, they just laugh in disbelief. What a guy...
In the 'Killers' NY, people over 65 must attend. You must wear five masks to see this flick. You now may smoke pot in the theatre. Remember to sit 6 feet apart in the theatre but don't bogart that joint. Even though there is no scientific proof of any kind that any of this Covid mask nonsense works, it is Andy's NY (for now) and these are more of his stupid executive orders.
Produced by They Come In Alive But They Leave Dead LTD in association with I Have Big Hands Studios in cooperation with Dead is Dead Enterprises, Who Cares Studios and U.C. Ant Touch Me Productions.

(6) “THIS MASK??” - the shortest of short animated films. We Patriots believe this inimitable seeker of simple yet undeniable truths has recently been unfairly defamed. Condemning and censoring a 'few' of his rather profound books and claiming it does no harm because it's just a few books is much like throwing out the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John from the Bible (remember the Word of God?) and saying oh come on, it's just a few books. Well we're just pounding sand here because the doinks who censor books have probably never read the Bible but hate it anyway. Be that as it may, we have decided that this new Dr. Seuss short animated film is so important we have published it's entire script right here. If you missed the movie, just picture Dr. Seuss throwing his red mask away as you read the following:


I will not wear it on my face
I will not wear it any place
I will not wear it to get in
I will not wear it on my chin
I will not wear it on my ear
I will not wear it out of fear
I will not wear your stupid mask
I will not wear it do not ask.

An animated film by CCP Killer Mask Production Studios in association with Depopulation Vaccine Bioweapon Labs LLC and Fauci/CCP Gain Of Function Wuhan Investments Unlimited

(7)“The Fauci Owchies” - how the Deep State used Big Pharma to trick the entire population of Planet Earth into begging for fake vaccine jabs that are actually experimental genetic modifiers designed to control and 'cull' the population. You have to hand it to these psychopaths, they are very clever. Each jab contains enough genetic garbage to make even a healthy human body reject itself. Watching the movie, you learn that the people who have been jabbed start making the unjabbed deathly ill! The deadly 'Spike Proteins from the jabs' are shedding to the unvaxxed - and major airlines are cancelling flights worried about their dying vaxxed pilots! As more and more airline flights are cancelled due to dead vaxxxed pilots, this film reveals that each jab is one more brick in the wall enabling the Deep State to gradually turn the human race into trans-human hybrid slaves! Ironically, many of the people becoming genetically modified by this experimental genetic garbage insist on eating non-GMO foods. Talk about stupid. The most fascinating part of this movie is that some people are still lining up for the 'jabs'. Now Big Pharma says you need a new 'Fauci Owchy' every six months. Hey, when the table gets hot you keep throwing the dice, right? In this film we find that, indeed, the jabs are not vaccines - they are irreversible DNA destroyers and killers and don't prevent Covid or anything related. But for the 'jabbed' it is too late...there is no reverse gear in this vehicle.
A Stepford Citizen LLC production in association with Davos Deep State WEF Global Enterprises Unlimited in tandem with The Gates Depopulation Foundation NGO and Ouchy Fauci Production Studios – special nod to Body Bags Unlimited Enterprises

(8) “Insurrection - January 6th” - the true story of a false flag event very similar to the German Reichstad Fire of 1933 that propelled Hitler into power. In this well documented story, Antifa members, dressed as Patriots, are allowed to enter the US Capital building, arranged by traitor Pelosi, receiving no resistance from any police or guards. Heavily assisted by the FBI, they make fun of America, use dirty words and break a few windows. John Sullivan, one of the known leaders of Antifa runs around yelling “we're in, we're in - I can't believe we did it - let's burn this shit down!” He records everything on his own phone. No one ever accused him of being an intellect. Was he yelling to himself like Golum? Does anyone really think he was the ONLY member of these criminal thugs who breached the Capital building on January 6th ? The main stream mass media morons report that 'violent insurrectionist' have stormed the Capital threatening the very foundation of The American Republic. I laughed till I cried! But where IS Pelosi's Lap Top?
Produced and directed in close cooperation with Q and Anon Studios in association with the current President of the United States (per the Military) Donald J. Trump. Another REALITY film by Firing Squad Studios based on actual footage provided reluctantly by the FBI and CIA in cooperation with F.B. Lie False Flag Enterprises. Of Special note: we suspect the FBI is not doing well at this time because it has boarded up it's enormous operations building in DC. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of the FBI during and after the williwaw of January 6th. FREE THE JANUARY 6th PATRIOTS NOW!! They are AMERICAN POLITICAL PRISONERS!!

(9) “The Fall Of Woka Cola” - the true story of how one of the worlds favorite soft drink companies was able to destroy more than a century of marketing success in just a couple of days. Easy come easy go. The movie goes on to explain how Woka Cola hired an exalted man of color and placed him in the position of guiding the marketing image of this corporate 'titan' in order to make Woka Cola more racially 'sensitive'. His idea was to state that the new policy of Woka Cola was to be 'less white'. Sales of their remarkable product plummeted and Woka Cola sent this marketing 'genius' packing to 'whiter' pastures. Was the reputation of this company irreversibly damaged? Only time will tell.
Try To Be Less White Productions LLC in association Shot Myself In The Foot Studios & Woka Cola Bottling Companies LTD

(10) “ YOU'RE OUT!” - in this embarrassing film, Major League Baseball in the USA takes offense to Georgia laws protecting the privilege of voting in US elections. Things like Voter ID are now required when you vote in Georgia very similar to when you apply for a drivers license or fly on a plane, or buy liquor, or buy cigarettes, or buy beer in a baseball stadium or enter any corporate building anywhere in the USA or anywhere else on planet Earth, or enter any government building in the USA, or obtain a passport, etc, etc. MLB thought the new legal vote protections were unreasonable and racist and so it pulled it's All Star game out of Atlanta and moved it to Denver. In an act of irrefutable racial idiocy they took $100 million dollars of business away from an overwhelmingly Black City and moved all that money to an overwhelmingly White City. You really have to make an effort to be that stupid. No one goes to their silly ballgames anymore anyway, even in China. Check the woke 'Oscars' ratings. Are the IQs of all these corporate execs just Gone With The Wind?
Another great film from Room Temperature IQ Productions LLC in association Shot Myself In The Foot Studios and Woka Cola Bottling Companies LTD


BONUS #1:: “The Assignment” - in this very serious mystery movie, a small wealthy leftist America hating bedroom community just outside of NYC has come to a standstill. It has just been discovered that a 7 year old child has not yet selected a SEX assignment in school! First, a special emergency teachers meeting is immediately called for and every teacher in this quiet little community is gathered together. After hours of discussion, nothing is resolved. Then it begins to get more serious. The entire school board is called in for an emergency meeting but, alas, this ends in a standstill. The city's chamber of commerce is then called into session and then the City's board of directors call for an emergency meeting. The entire little city comes to a standstill. The local Mother's Club is called in, the local newspaper is spreading fear porn all over the county and finally, the Mayor calls for the entire little leftist City to meet in special session. One day, before the entire City was to meet and as the city was about to collapse, the next door neighbor and friend of the mother of this child is over for coffee. The child's mother is at her wits end. Her neighbor is trying to console her. Her neighbor has had six children and has four grand children. While these two ladies are having coffee, the older and more experienced woman says, very kindly “do you mind if I ask you a personal question”? Why of course not says the child's mother, go ahead. “Does your child have a penis?” Why yes, the distressed mother says. Why do you ask? If your child has a penis --- then your child is a boy! A boy! A BOY!! Screams the boy's mother. His mother is so excited that she begins to call all the school teachers and the village board of directors, the Mother's Club, the Chamber of Commerce, the local newspaper and the Mayor! She announces to the whole little leftist, communist wacked out woke community of mindless wonders that the whole entire problem has been resolved! The lesson we all learned from this highly recommended deeply philosophical movie is this: IF YOUR 7 YEAR OLD CHILD HAS A PENIS, YOUR 7 YEAR OLD CHILD IS A BOY!
Produced by Mangina Studios in close cooperations with ACDC Productions in association with This Door Swings Both Ways LLC and The Olympic PURPLE Haired Soccer NGO – special recognition to Birds and Bees Left Coast Production facilities for their assistance with this nonsense


BONUS #2:: “I Proudly Got The Jab!” - in this insanely deadly dark comedy, people in communist blue state Cities in the USA are being scared to death of an ordinary flu virus by the main stream media mob morons of the Deep State. Most of these leftists are unaware that genetic modification RNA 'killer vaccines' were already created and patented by Big Pharma, led by a Dr. Fauci. Madman Fauci was, according to his own emails, funding viral 'gain of function' experiments 20 years BEFORE the virus was released from a lab in Wuhan China to depopulate the planet. Why it this a 'dark' comedy? Because the flu virus 'Covid' and it's 'killer vaccines', were all patented in their many forms 20 years ago! This is a story, which could never happen in real life. Anyway, the mild but contagious flu virus called 'Covid' is released in an act of war, by the CCP and the World Economic Forum. It's killer vaccines, loaded with deadly spike proteins, are released with RNA nanoparticles designed to permanently override the body's own DNA, killing most of it's victims within two years (many die immediately) while turning it's other victims into transhuman slaves by frightening them into taking more and more of these 'killer experimental RNA mutation vaccines'!

The story gets darker and darker as more killer vaccines are released for non-existant 'new' Covid flu viruses and weakened Covid 'mutation variants' with names like Delta & Lambda. Yes, the plot thickens. Planetary FEAR is continuously fabricated by the main street media mob morons (who many years later will be executed for their Nuremberg crimes), at the command of Klaus Schwab and the WEF. The 'killer' gene modification fake 'vaccines' are released to assuage the fears thrust upon the helpless human population by the main street media mob morons. Ironically, as more people die from the 'vaccines', Big Pharma (who produce and sell the killer vaccines) makes billions of dollars for it's owners – the One World Order and World Economic Forum 'Elite' led by the insidious Klaus Schwab – while the Planet begins to be depopulated. Schwab even brags about this in a book he has written calling the people of planet earth 'useless eaters'. In the US, 130 million leftists take the jab – but less than 60 million conservatives have taken it. This means that in two years for every one conservative who dies from the jab, TWO leftists will die! In order to control all the leftists, they have been lauded by the main stream media mob morons and brain dead sleepy Joe and have been easily fooled into believing that masks and vaccines will save them. Also they want to 'virtue signal' everyone to show how smart they are for supporting their illegitimately elected brain dead President. To prove they support sleepy Joe and support the WEF and the stolen elections, all of these stupid leftist liberal doinks wear deadly masks (even while home with their family and friends and when driving their empty cars and when walking their dogs at 10 o'clock at night) and take the jabs. Within two years, they all die.
At the Academy Awards we all believe that indeed TRUTH is often much stranger than fiction.
Mortuary Production Studios in association with U. Kilm W.E Chilm LLC, in close cooperation with Bioweapon Labs LLC and Fauci/CCP/Big Pharma Gain Of Function Investments Unlimited and Body Bags Unlimited

Well, fellow Patriots, we're down to the 'Final TEN+' Flicks. If you were one of the 1017 people who were tortured by the main stream media mob moron's new 'Oscars' production we are pretty sure you enjoyed this more than that garbage. You can always review the original 55 Flicks from which, we, I mean you, selected our Final TEN nominations by visiting In the mean time keep looking in Rumormill News to be warned of the availability of our next presentation of 'PRESIDENT TRUMP AND THE PATRIOTS' PRESENT: THE REAL 2020 ACADEMY AWARDS - FINAL FIVE FLICKS! - and after that, THE AWARDS!

Jonathan Seagull

Would you like to learn a new magic trick? How about turning the ordinary flu into the 'breathtaking' COVID? It's easy as pie - just go to:

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