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Lots of Free Stuff Ahead! Food, Housing, Education, Medical and Your Pick Of Jobs That you Can Do Cheaper Than Americans!

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Saturday, 27-Mar-2021 10:10:29

Ever wonder how illegal immigrants (and legal ones) can afford to fill up the cart and buy $50,000 dollar trucks?? It happens all the time, here. They work for cash and put in their claim for benefits.. Snap for the kids, free breakfast and lunches for the kids.. Subsidized housing rents, no medical insurance payments cus they get it for free. New York (and many other states) offer them hundreds of dollars a month in assistance. That alone is a truck payment..

Farming -forestry, construction (Dry walling, Painters, Roofing, bricklayers, etc) factory linemen (what little factories we have left in the USA) food production, textile, service and hospitality ( maids, nannies, restaurants and hotels) transportation and trucking (taxi drivers, chauffeurs, civilian workforce. Our Military is filling up with immigrants, security jobs as well..

I have a friend from Texas who tells me that a vast majority of new advertised jobs go to illegals. Native Texans need not apply.


By Mark Alexander

Biden Presser: The Demos' Open-Border Debacle

"If you stop removing illegal immigrants ... of course they will come in ever-larger numbers."

In his choreographed and scripted “press conference,” Joe Biden declared, “I’m going to say something outrageous.” That was just before he had another non compos mentis moment: “If you hold near and dear to you that you, uh, umm, like to be able to, anyway…”

As a matter of fact, Biden spent more than an hour regurgitating “outrageous” lies in what amounted to a very awkward presser featuring a lot of inane media questions.

Among his most egregious fabrications were his assertions about illegal immigrants and the Demo-induced border crisis — which is the direct result of Biden’s open-border debacle destined to dissolve national sovereignty. Naturally, he blamed Donald Trump for the surge of illegal immigrants. Of course, Biden has appointed Kamala Harris to manage that mess. That’ll fix it.

Asked about the border rush by illegal immigrants, Biden responded, “Well, look, I guess I should be flattered people are coming because I’m the nice guy; that’s the reason why it’s happening — that I’m a decent man, or however it’s phrased. That — you know, that’s why they’re coming, because they know Biden is a good guy. … I like to think it’s because I’m a nice guy, but it’s not. It’s because of what’s happened every year.”

No, the surge and crisis are precisely because they think you’re a “nice guy” and your borderless-nation agenda will provide lots of free stuff — housing, food, education, and healthcare — while migrants take jobs from American workers and put downward pressure on wages. Meanwhile, Biden has left border states, most notably Texas and Arizona, to fend for themselves.

Biden said, “We’re trying to work out now, with Mexico, their willingness to take more of those families back. But we — that’s what’s happening. They’re not getting across the border.” Of course they are “getting across the border” en masse. Furthermore, Donald Trump had that all worked out with Mexico before Biden blew it up.

Biden attempted to deflect the surge, insisting: “There is a significant increase in the number of people coming to the border in the winter months of January, February, March. It happens every year. The reason they are coming is that it is the time they can travel with the least likelihood of dying on the way, because of the heat in the desert. It’s because of earthquakes, floods, it’s because of the lack of food, it’s because of gang violence.”

He added, “If an unaccompanied child ends up at the border, we’re [not] just going to let him starve to death and stay on the other side. No previous administration did that either, except Trump. I’m not going to do it. I’m not going to do it.”

There are abundant fact-checks for everything Biden said yesterday, but regarding his lies about the humanitarian crisis at our southern border, former Trump administration immigration policy advisor Stephen Miller addressed that disinformation best.

Here is Miller’s rebuttal to Biden: “He explained that he was resettling minors in the US in lieu of ‘let[ting] them starve to death and stay on the other side’ (Mexico) which he accused Trump of doing. This is spectacularly false and a grave smear on our border agents. First off, illegal crossers returned to Mexico are transferred to migration authorities not the desert. But unaccompanied minors were returned to their home countries to be reunited with their own families. They were not returned to Mexico unless Mexico was their home. This humane policy from President Trump brought unaccompanied minor numbers to record lows. Biden’s disastrous decision to exempt minors from Title 42, and to stop the at-home reunification process in favor of domestic resettlement, single-handedly created this crisis. Worse still, Biden made this decision with no planning, no preparation, no extra facilities, and no thought as to the tragic human consequences on both sides of the border. He is straining U.S. communities while keeping young illegal migrants from their families back home. The youth migrant crisis will only end when Biden does a full 180 and switches from a resettlement policy to a repatriation policy. As long as he admits every minor crossing illegally they will keep getting smuggled in record numbers — and the needless suffering will continue. Finally … [his response] on revoking Trump’s proven border tools defies human logic. If you stop removing illegal immigrants, and instead release them en masse, then of course they will come in ever-larger numbers. This shouldn’t be that hard to understand.”

In other words, the solution to the problem is to revert to the Trump administration’s proven policies to stop illegal immigration. But Demos don’t want to stop illegal immigration, and they don’t care about the consequences for immigrant children and families, much less the deadly consequences for American families.

More succinctly, Senator Lindsey Graham concluded: “The Trump policies created dramatic decreases in illegal immigration. The changes made by President Biden have created a virtual human tsunami.”

For his part, Trump responded, “By the time we finished what we were doing [on the border], very few people were coming up because they knew they weren’t going to get through. We stopped ‘catch and release’ — which was a disaster. The very biggest thing was, we had the ‘Remain In Mexico’ policy. … We wouldn’t allow people to wait in our country.” In other words, be released in our country and disappear.

Finally, when asked about the administration’s border media blackout — specifically, “Will you commit to transparency on this issue, Mr. President?” — Biden responded, “I will commit to transparency, and — as soon as I am in a position to be able to implement what we are doing right now.”

Asked again, “And just to be clear: How soon will that be, Mr. President?” he responded, “I don’t know, to be clear.”

In other words, there will be “transparency” as soon as the optics suit Biden’s open-border agenda.

Oh, and about that 11 million illegal immigrants Demos and their Leftmedia propagandists promote: A 2020 research report puts the number of illegals in the United States at somewhere between 16.5 million and 29.1 million.

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Lots of Free Stuff Ahead! Food, Housing, Education, Medical and Your Pick Of Jobs That you Can Do Cheaper Than Americans!
RumorMail -- Saturday, 27-Mar-2021 10:10:29
Reader: How about the $30k-$50k some of them get in tax returns??
RumorMail -- Saturday, 27-Mar-2021 17:50:27

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