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Anna Von Reitz: "Franklin Pierce and the New World"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 03:30:36

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: "Get The Story Straight" (Monday) (hobie)

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Monday, January 25, 2021

Franklin Pierce and the New World

By Anna Von Reitz

Pierce was the last President to
abide by and honor the Constitutional limits of the Federal Government. As such,
he was the “last President” of the Republic— all the others since then have
advocated and enforced a centralized top-down government and have substituted
foreign-owned and operated State-of-State organizations for our own American
State of State businesses

In this way these foreign commercial
interests have controlled and abused our people and controlled and abused our
other resources for over a hundred years.

This fraudulent substitution and the
semantic deceits together with the fundamental failure to honor State’s rights
has been the issue ever since the Civil War.

These men acting as “Presidents” of
foreign businesses are not our Presidents.

Look at Lincoln himself. He joined
the Bar in 1834. Bar members were prohibited from holding any public office in
our government in 1819. Go figure. They were breaching the Titles of Nobility
Amendment when they put Lincoln up for Office so you know they were acting in
Treason against our Federal Constitution and trying to operate under and
substitute the Territorial Constitution instead.

Lincoln was a “President” of the
Territorial Government, not our Federal Republic.

So this goes all the way back— a
pattern of deceit, fraud, breach of trust, and Bad Faith that treasonously
trespassed against the States and the people of this country beginning with
Buchanan’s administration.

And when Lincoln saw where this was
all headed and tried to return control to the actual States and people, they
killed him.

So quite aside from the coup that is
presently being attempted, we have had an ongoing coup against our government
ever since the 1856 election.

Buchanan breached State’s rights and
the constitutional limitations of the Federal Government and that led directly
to the Civil War.

Lincoln was never qualified to enter
the office of President of our Federal Republic and was “President” of the
Territorial Government operating under The Constitution of the United States of
America instead of our American Federal Constitution issued in 1787— The
Constitution for the united States of America.

Lincoln never had a quorum of the
States to conduct any form of valid Federal Government so all he could possibly
be doing is exactly what I have told you from the beginning—- operating the
British Territorial United States Government instead.

The British version of the
Constitution never included the prohibition against Bar Attorneys so Lincoln
could serve under that but never under our actual Federal

From this first deceit and fraud
against the States and the people of this country all the other loathsome
betrayals in Breach of Trust have arisen.

The Popes knew this and the
Archbishops were not at all surprised when this topic came up for discussion.
They even had their own name for our actual Federal Constitution. They call it
the “original equity contract”—- and they knew they had breached it, too.

Their attitude was— “What do you
want? How can we buy you off?”

It was clear that we were not the
first Americans to track it down and visit them— just the first that had all the
facts and provenance and could not be bought off.

So the Popes knew and did nothing and
acted in gross Breach of Trust. And forget the Queen’s Government or Westminster
having any shame.

Those snakes were even oilier than
the clergy. They didn’t want to discuss their “Special Relationship” with “the”
US nor did they care to discuss their ongoing military occupation of our country
and their substitution of Territorial State-of-State governments for our own

In fact, as soon as we mentioned
these matters in letters to the Queen and Lord Mayor, we became the targets of
successive hit squads trying to murder us by various means.

But we have been miraculously
protected and I guess they got sick of losing so many of their top

Long story short, yes, President
Franklin Pierce, who left Office in 1856 (instead of being elected that year)
was the last loyal President of the American Federal Republic.

All the others have been either
British rats or Papist rats.

And that is the God’s honest truth of
the matter, all the way up to the election of Donald Trump — who against all
odds got elected in spite of both the Brits and the Papists.

And now you can see why both sides of
the aisle, and both political parties, the Dems representing the Papists and the
Republicans representing the Brits—- hated and feared Trump, because he wasn’t
one of them.

He was just a plain old American.

They knew that when and if he
understood what they had pulled here, they’d be dead meat. And that is how I
interpret Hillary Clinton’s comment, “We will all hang!” —- if Trump gets

In view of the shameful way these
people have betrayed this country and decimated generations of innocent
Americans, I can only see that as a just and fitting end of this long and bloody
chapter of our history—- to hang those responsible as a warning to all others
thus criminally inclined to commit High Treason.

But even if we make the effort to
correct and to remove these pirates and realize our true history, we still have
to restore and reconstruct the missing pieces of our American Government.

Our State Assemblies composed of
declared Americans are already in Session.

I hope that everyone reading this
makes haste to join your proper Assembly and sort yourselves out appropriately.

Americans join your State Assemblies.

Federal Civil Servants and their
dependents join your Municipal Assemblies.

Military and Territorial Citizens and
Dependents join your District Assemblies.

Americans who are acting in the
capacity of Americans need to go to: —and begin rebuilding and restoring your lawful government.

Separate according to the guidelines given above and don’t be confused or try to intermix the assembly groups. Doing so would undermine the ability of all the Assemblies to function properly or get anything done.

Going forward, your Assemblies will be a fundamental way to communicate and to receive help and services so it is in everyone’s best interests to peaceably and consciously assemble as shown above.


See this article and over 2900 others on Anna's website here:< /span>


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Articles In This Thread

Anna Von Reitz: "Get The Story Straight" (Monday)
hobie -- Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 03:12:46
Anna Von Reitz: "Franklin Pierce and the New World"
hobie -- Tuesday, 26-Jan-2021 03:30:36

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