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FINAL WARNING: Guillotines Now Placed in FEMA Internment Camps (3 videos)

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Friday, 22-Jan-2021 15:53:15

UN/FEMA Prisoner Boxcars With Shackles, Guillotines, And the NWO AGENDA for “AMERIKA”NO LONGER Considered “URBAN LEGEND”...

FEMA “Smart” Guillotines Placed in FEMA Internment Camps (video)
By Medeea Greere
Jan. 6, 2021
A United States Air force C-17 cargo plane arrived at Andrews Air Force Base loaded with crates of “smart” guillotines, says a White House insider speaking under condition of anonymity.

The technologically advanced guillotines, he said, are being manufactured in Beijing before being flown exclusively to US airbases. Then, the military distributes the guillotines to FEMA camps nationwide.
He said the smart guillotine project was commissioned in 2011, at the request of former president Barrack Hussein Obama, who had hoped during his term to declare martial law and use the deadly apparatus against patriots and freedom fighters that challenged his one-world government agenda. The guillotine, he added, is the ideal method of execution for instilling fear among the masses.

The guillotine gained popularity during the French Revolution. The device consists of a tall, upright frame in which a weighted and angled blade is raised to the top and suspended.

The condemned person is secured with stocks at the bottom of the frame, positioning the neck directly below the blade. The blade is then released, to quickly fall and forcefully decapitate the victim with a single, clean pass so that the head falls into a basket below. The smart guillotine retains the basic design while adding several scientific advancements.
For example, the headrest has motion sensors and pressure plates that detect the presence of a human neck. No operator is needed; a computer drops and retracts a razor-sharp weighted titanium blade, which, our source said, can sever several hundred heads per sharpening.

If a person resists, arm and leg restraints spring forth from recessed compartments, rendering the victim immobile. Moreover, the smart guillotines employ biometric scanning, including facial recognition technology to exonerate persons mistakenly placed on the guillotine for execution.
“The Deep State, and by association FEMA, recognized that some of its own people’s heads might accidentally wind up on the chopping block. They had to devise a way to stop the blade from lopping off friendly heads. So, when a person is face down waiting for the blade to fall, the computer scans the face and iris. If it matches a friendly face stored in a database, the blade won’t fall, and the person is set free,” our source said.

After Obama left office, FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security kept the smart guillotine project alive, using slush funds and black project money to fund three thousand of the villainous devices, each of which reportedly cost seventeen million dollars. FEMA ordered them from the Chinese, our source added, because the agency “felt guilty” about using Made-in-America products to execute Americans. In addition, the Chinese versions are less costly.
The Andrews AFB shipment—over 500 smart guillotines–was distributed by rail to FEMA zone six, an area encompassing Texas, New Mexico, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Belgrade, and Arkansas, primarily “red” states likely to resist a declaration of Martial Law or a military incursion against the American people.
“FEMA’s main focus is on Texas. All eyes on Texas. If there’s going to be a public insurrection, they know the battle lines will be dawn in Texas. They know the patriot community is thick in Texas. That’s why Texas is receiving more of these smart guillotines than any other state. FEMA’s first strike will occur in Texas,” our source said.
The 500 units were sent to FEMA camps near Austin, a New World Order “shock training facility” in Waco, and a FEMA internment camp disguised as a water treatment facility in Carrolton.
“All states have them, but Texas got the majority right now,” our source said.
If all information is accurate, the Deep State, using FEMA as its agent of evil, is expediting plans to herd humans into internment camps. The acquisition of smart guillotines is a portent of the Deep State’s hatred of America, the American people, and of the document—the Constitution—our forefathers authored to protect us from the wicked machinations of the very government we elected into office.


My comment: Some of this info is from previous years of research on the subject. It could be outdated and only presented in a partial form, and may not be 100% accurate today. I used to study this subject back in the early 1990s and found it compelling and disturbing, but found no hard evidence of this actually being an authentic plan to control and terrorize Americans into submission.
I also noticed that many of the researchers on the subject are trying to find stories, rumors and speculation that line up with Bible prophecy and how Germans and Russians were treated in World War 2 with the use of railroad box cars. In my opinion, that kind of focus is already tainted with a specific opinion and can't truly be unbiased as the research is taking place.
I also believe that if a corrupt nation was wanting to get rid of people the last thing they would do is place a guillotine in an internment camp. The existence of the guillotine would only terrorize the people across the nation and cause them to rise up and resist that tyranny. Which is the last thing the government would want. Also, there are easier ways to get rid of people in secret without causing terror.

I also believe that transporting people by railcars is outdated and would no longer be used. Buses would be more practical. The concept of shackles in railcars is also unnecessary, since once the people are locked inside the rail car they can't get out anyway. Besides, the so called shackles in the rail cars are for tying down freight, not to use on people. I know this because I worked for a railroad a year as a conductor and inspected those rail cars myself.
Having said all of that, we still need to keep an open mind about the possibility of what is presented here. There is evidence and direct reports from communist insurgence in the US, that have discussed the use of prison camps, internment camps, re-education centers, mental hospitals, and death camps for those that resist the communist agenda. Just because a person is paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get us. George Eaton

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Articles In This Thread

FINAL WARNING: Guillotines Now Placed in FEMA Internment Camps (3 videos)
GeorgeEaton -- Friday, 22-Jan-2021 15:53:15
What - Guillotines AGAIN...? :)
hobie -- Friday, 22-Jan-2021 19:01:29
Reader: "I'm amazed any RMN readers quibble on guillotines. Guess what, they sound like ... feds. Who gaslight routinely."
hobie -- Saturday, 23-Jan-2021 20:36:17

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