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Anna Von Reitz: "Stop Believing"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Tuesday, 1-Dec-2020 03:00:18

In Response To: Anna Von Reitz: "A Plague of Liars" (hobie)

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Monday, November 30, 2020

Stop Believing

By Anna Von Reitz

Let's go back in our minds to 1972
and the Watergate Scandal. President Nixon's Republican Campaign spied on the
Democratic National Committee Headquarters in Washington, DC.

This bungled attempt to obtain intel
on the Democratic Party's election strategy led to two years of newspaper
exposes and snarking that led to Nixon's resignation.

It was a nasty, divisive, and in the
end, damaging experience, for all concerned.

I was in my late teens and remember
it well, so I can tell you with certainty that the issues and the corruption we
are facing now are 100,000 times worse than anything we saw during Watergate.

Following the natural law that we
become whatever we hate and fear, the Democrats have become the monsters and
have so far out-stripped Tricky Dick that comparison seems futile.

A couple of burglars bumbling around
an office in the dead of night just doesn't compare to a multinational
computerized vote rigging scheme involving multiple foreign countries and
traitors at the helm of our intelligence agencies.

It's like comparing Mickey Mouse to

Yet, we shouldn't be surprised. This
is, after all, the President who suffered four years of unrelenting and
completely unjustified accusations of "Russian collusion" from the same overtly
biased (and foreign) Press Corps that has now --- completely without authority
--- "declared" the election of Joe Biden.

If we were outraged and if our faith
was undermined by Watergate, we should be far more outraged today, and if we had
any faith in what purports to be "American Journalism" the last vestiges of that
should be gone now, too.

Not only did the Press Corps falsely
report, inflate, and perpetuate the bogus Russian collusion story---- and then
fall silent without an apology, either to President Trump or the American
People, they've ginned up the triumph of Joe Biden out of thin air and attempted
to substitute themselves for the Electoral College.

And after weeks of spouting that
there is "no evidence" of election fraud, when faced with absolute proof of
election fraud, these same self-important and dishonest excuses-for-journalists
refuse to face facts and cover the actual news. And you are left asking --- how
could this be?

How could any of it be?

Well, it's really quite simple. The
CIA used techniques and technology that it developed to commandeer foreign
elections on us. We let them act as criminals and let them interfere in the
electoral process of other nations, so they lost track of what is right and
wrong, and simply used their bag of tricks at home.

Criminality breeds. Lack of moral
compass comes home to roost. Whatever you do to others, comes back to you. It's
called karma. And what appears to be bad luck or the Flying Fickle Finger of
Fate is actually the comeback.

We let the Southern Democrats
re-enslave the freed black plantation slaves as "public property" in the wake of
the Civil War, so using the same basic scheme, they and their Republican
Helpers, have endeavored to set up a double-ended impersonation scheme and
enslave everyone else, too.

We let the banks provide their own
oversight, and guess what? After they got done stealing everything they could
steal by creating the Great Depression, they took the same playbook and created
(or are trying to create) the Great Pandemic --- so that once again, they can
come in and buy up everything for pennies on the dollar.

Now that you see how this works, is
it any wonder that the corrupt CIA thought nothing of off-shoring and digitally
commandeering an American Presidential Election?

And as for the journalists and their
stunning lack of performance as journalists, that is easy to explain, too. They
are 100% owned--- lock, stock, and barrel, by six foreign media conglomerates.
Except for the independent efforts of alternative media, there is no American
Press Corps.

There is an Internationalist Press
Corps, instead, using our airwaves, our schools, and our own universities to
promote "globalism" --- that is, Corporate Feudalism, and all the dreary lies
and profit-motives that entails.

To quote Malcolm X, "Only a fool lets
his enemy educate his children." and to paraphrase, only fools let foreigners
own and operate their news sources.

All those media corporations need to
be nationalized and their assets sold off to American companies. All the False
Shepherds and Talking Heads need to be fired, not eligible for rehire.

Control of the schools needs to be
handed back to local communities and all the Public Employee Unions including
the National Education Association need to go away. Bye-bye.

All the professions need to be
"de-politicized". No more American Medical Association. No more Bar
Associations. No more "Special Interests" controlling entire sectors of our

The CIA needs to be shut down. The
FBI needs new management and probably new ownership, too.

And all the corrupt and compromised
senior officers in the U.S. Military who contributed to this, need to pay the
Piper for what they've done--- and tried to do--- to their own country and

Long-overdue punishment needs to be
meted out, and all the foreign corporations need proof that we are serious about
protecting our national interests.

All it really requires is choosing a
target and taking one of these monster corporations to task. How about
Microsoft? Everybody hates them. Or Bayer-Monsanto? Ditto-ditto. We need to pull
their charters for unlawful activities on our shores, and bust them up into a
million little pieces, confiscate all their assets and distribute the spoils to
loyal (and sane) American companies.

Do that once, and do a good job of
it, and like magic, all the erring corporations and their board members fall in
line. The looming spectre of Corporate Feudalism fades away back to where it
belongs in the realm of Robber Baron fantasies.

And as for the banks and the
"Pandemic"--- that needs to be cut a very short shrift, too.

Don't bother writing to "your"
Congressmen. Start nailing down the local leadership, where you can button-hole
the rats and stare them eye-to-eye. And don't wait. Point out what these lousy
banks are doing ---- again. Let them know that you're not fooled.

Just kick back on your heel and ask,
"Did you know that the total average number of deaths per quarter is the same as
ever? How can that be, in the midst of a terrible pandemic? Did heart disease,
cancer, diabetes, hepatitis, and old age all magically disappear?"

Then demand an end to the "Pandemic"
and new management and new oversight for the banks, from the World Bank on down,
because it is clear what they are doing and what they are aiming at.

They want to take down the dollar and
they want to buy up America for a song.

It is up to me and you to Stop
Believing. Just look at what is in front of your face, and stop.


See this article and over 2800 others on Anna's website here:


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Articles In This Thread

Anna Von Reitz: "A Plague of Liars"
hobie -- Tuesday, 1-Dec-2020 03:00:18
Anna Von Reitz: "Stop Believing"
hobie -- Tuesday, 1-Dec-2020 03:00:18

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