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Posted By: hobie
Date: Thursday, 5-Nov-2020 05:41:02

In Response To: Reader Charles: "TRUMP, THE REAL 2ED AMENDMENT ISSUE" (whole text) (hobie)

(Thanks, C. :)

Reader Charles Miller writes:


Dear Hobie,
The below was duly served to the White House, via the public property web portal creating public record verifying the legal relationships between Beneficiaries, the People, and our President. Sent 2:45, pm, pacific, 11/4/2020.

Please Publish as a Public Service.

Article III, section 2, clause 2: In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Court shall have original Jurisdiction.


Dear President Trump, our President.
Leadership Trumps Confusion. 1 of 2

There is no valid transfer of Presidential powers possible, from one administration to another, no matter who the man is, when even one State jurisdictions election process is compromised.

One declaration of this fact by our President begins the Leadership to resolution.

This one declaration by our President invokes the Original Jurisdiction under Article III judicial powers, which closes out the Congress from affecting the Will of the People.

Beneficiaries, Americans, Miller and Provost Jr., share in the frustrations exhibited today. The obvious confusions controlling the People’s voting rights during this current election is a result. The problems witnessed today by the whole of our country are the conclusion of long term, well designed an implemented plan to cause the People to distrust ourselves and our governments. The result of this attack is that the People have lost their way. We as a People now attack our selves as well as our neighbors. Then we allow the excuse that’s it’s just politics.

We, all of us got surprised tonight.

Mr Trump, you challenged the malaise hamstringing the expression of individual Liberty. Watching the events at the end of the Election Day Theater is was obvious to us that you were not only upset, disappointed yet more important confused and seeking answers.

At this point the cause and individual pieces of the national malaise are not nearly as important as presenting a solution. More important than presenting a solution is making it work in the public forums and in front the People.

Mr. Trump, I know what you are going through right now. I have been at the point of being slapped in the face with the fact that the belief held in the fundamental fairness in our countries legal, political, commercial and governing systems was an illusion. I know that crushing feeling deep in the guts that comes from recognition that it happened to me and mine.

I have no sympathy for my President. I do have the deepest of compassion and love for my President. People like us never quit and always get up and figure out the problem, fix it and go for the win, no matter how long it takes or what it takes.

President Trump, the People, the real Americans, recognize that Donald Trump is a gift each of us and our country. Your performance is spectacular.

So what’s wrong right now? Then, what do We do about it?

The People are looking for a leader that takes care of his own business. We all understand if one doesn’t take care of ones self we can-not take care of another.

Granted, as President the office is required work through the system. The problem at the moment is deeply rooted Divided Loyalty Systemites foiling the proper operations of the honest administration for providing government services. Honest elections perhaps?

The system and large numbers of systemites, both in and out of government deemed you the enemy. There is only one way to deal with an enemy, particularly ones as entrenched and dangerous you and every real American faces right now. No prisoners!

Paul and I see one glaring issue no one addresses. All the attacks on you since you announced as a candidate and as our President are PERSONAL. The attacks really have nothing to do with President Trump. The attacks are driven by the recognition that the survival of the protective crooked Divided Loyalty Systems operations are at extreme risk. Honest men create that fear in crooks.

Please consider making this fight over election corruption and attempted theft PERSONAL.

Playing the crooked systemites game in their forums, under their secrete rules, controlled by deeply embedded Divided Loyalty mostly hidden operators is a dead loss. The only winner in a rigged game are those doing the rigging.

Change the game. Make the game open direct application of the law. Being held to account to the law in open public forums is the only thing these crooks respond or react to or understand. The crooks cannot escape the system that birthed them.

The public records prove our President can-not count on a majority of executive branch agencies or the systemites working in them to do their jobs. More to the point the past performance records show straight up obstruction, sedition and rebellion.

Make it personal. Task your trusted people to give you the evidence exposing the crimes, identifying the Office of President and the People as the victims. Then exercise the full powers of the Chief Magistrate.

The People’s Chief Magistrate is fully empowered to issue arrest warrants when supported by proper affidavit, attached evidence, finding of fact with conclusions of law attaching criminal charges, issuing Arrest Warrants, then presenting the arrested to the U.S. DISTRICT COURT IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA for judicial process.

Donald John Trump has a full and perfect right to defend himself and his family.

President Donald Trump has a duty to defend the Office of President, right of the People to honest elections, and the right of the People to honest public services.

One of the highest civil rights of the People is the right to honest elections. The theft of a government in our system can only take place through corrupt elections.

Our President, the first defender of our form of government has no choice but to act on his own. This is an absolute necessity given the current circumstance that every public servant has been trained for generations in a corrupted system and that corrupted system is their only reference point.

The fundamentals of the Original Jurisdiction is now mandatory to be brought in to play and the only one with power to do that is our President, Donald John Trump.

If the greatest, most effective, most loyal President to the People and our form of Republic government, does not act with full powers of the People’s Office of President, who will?

If Donald John Trump does not defend himself and the Office of President, the sanctity of honest elections, who will?

President Trump, please trust your heart, your mind, your instincts, your experience, your sense of right and wrong and most important your service to The Creation, Nature’s God.

Then, true, correct and proper resolutions begin!


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Articles In This Thread

Reader Charles: "TRUMP, THE REAL 2ED AMENDMENT ISSUE" (whole text)
hobie -- Friday, 6-Nov-2020 04:51:22
hobie -- Thursday, 5-Nov-2020 05:41:02

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