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Quotes from the Magazine - Ridiculous..

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Tuesday, 27-Oct-2020 14:47:31

In Response To: The Longtime Classroom Reading Mag 'SCHOLASTIC' Smears Trump As a Racist!! (RumorMail)

They asked for an email address so I gave them a false one.



In June, President Trump signed an executive order encouraging police departments to change how they train officers and use force. But overall, he has defended law enforcement, opposed protesters’ calls for reforms, and taken an aggressive stance against the largely peaceful demonstrations. In July, for instance, he sent federal police to Portland, Oregon, to break up rallies there. Local officials say those officers illegally detained protesters and sparked violence.

Many people see the president’s response to the protests as part of a pattern of racism. He has repeatedly made racist statements and at times shown support for people who promote white supremacy. He has also largely refused to acknowledge the role racism plays in America. For example, he has dismissed research showing that Black people are more likely than white people to be stopped, arrested, and killed by the police.

Trump says he is not a racist, however, and that he has worked to help Americans of color. He says the strong pre pandemic economy, which featured record low unemployment for Black and Latinx people, is evidence of that. He also points to a criminal justice reform bill he signed in 2019, which changed federal prison sentencing laws that disproportionately affected Black Americans.

Learn more about racial justice


Many of those people are fleeing violence in their home countries and are hoping to apply for a special protection called asylum. (If granted, asylum allows immigrants to stay in the U.S. permanently.)

Immigration reform has been one of President Trump’s priorities since taking office. He has made deporting undocumented immigrants a top priority. He has also worked to restrict both legal and illegal immigration. For example, he has drastically cut the number of people allowed to resettle in the U.S. who are fleeing violence or unfair treatment in their home countries. His administration also enacted a policy that required children to be separated from their adult relatives and placed in overcrowded detention centers after they arrived here illegally. At the same time, Trump’s most well-known plan to address illegal immigration is to build a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico.

Trump’s stated reasons for restricting immigration include concerns over the cost to Americans. He points to the price of providing services that immigrants use, such as food programs and health care. However, research shows that immigration has an overall positive effect on the U.S. economy. One reason is that immigrants increase the workforce and help to fill jobs at all levels.
One of the biggest international challenges America now faces involves other nations using cyberoperations to disrupt U.S. elections. (Cyberoperations are attempts to digitally disrupt or destroy computers, networks, or information.)

Intelligence experts and the U.S. Senate have concluded that Russia used cyberoperations during the 2016 election to help get President Donald Trump elected. Russia spread false or misleading information on social media and hacked into voting systems.


Hiden Biden

This past spring, in the wake of police killings of Black Americans, huge protests erupted across the country in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Meanwhile, the coronavirus pandemic has seriously underscored the widespread problem of racial inequality in the United States. Data show that people of color are contracting and dying of the virus at the highest rates, largely because of the wealth gap that exists between white people and people of color. Many Americans of all races are now demanding an end to police violence and other injustices toward Black people in this country.

Joe Biden has said racism is a problem that needs urgent attention in the U.S. He acknowledges that inequality between Black people and white people is the result of long-standing laws and policies. Still, Biden has been strongly criticized for his record on race. While he has supported civil rights laws, as a senator in the 1980s and ’90s, he championed legislation that hurt Black Americans. He wrote and supported “tough on crime” laws requiring long prison sentences, including for people convicted of low-level crimes. Such laws have disproportionately affected Black Americans.

Last year, Biden expressed regret for criminal justice laws he championed in the Senate that have contributed to racial injustice. Going forward, he says that he is committed to rooting out racism in the criminal justice system, from policing practices to sentencing laws. As president, he says he would enact polices to close the racial wealth gap, which is a direct result of centuries of racist laws, policies, and practices. For example, he has pledged to expand access to high-quality education, business opportunities, health care, and housing for Black Americans. He has also called for the U.S. government to increase investigations into claims bias and brutality against Black people in police departments nationwide, so that patterns of discrimination can be exposed and fixed.


Immigration reform has been one of President Donald Trump’s priorities since taking office. He has enacted strict policies that have restricted both legal and illegal immigration. In contrast, Joe Biden supports increasing levels of legal immigration. He calls the Trump administration’s actions on immigration—including a policy that required children to be separated from their adult relatives and placed in overcrowded detention centers after they arrived here illegally—a moral failure. Biden promises to end many of the current administration's immigration policies (for example, restrictions on the number of people who can resettle in the U.S. to escape violence or unfair treatment in their home countries). He also says he wants to create a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who are already living in the U.S. and contributing to the economy.

Intelligence experts and the U.S. Senate have concluded that Russia used cyberoperations during the 2016 election to help get President Donald Trump elected. Russia spread false or misleading information on social media and hacked into voting systems.

If he’s elected president, Joe Biden has said, he will direct the development of plans to disrupt foreign influence on American elections and punish any nations found to have interfered in the election process. He also thinks the government—and consumers—should pressure technology companies, such as Facebook, to strengthen their rules about misleading information and hateful language posted on their sites.

Another major concern of U.S. leaders has been the desire of America’s adversaries, particularly Iran, to develop nuclear weapons. President Trump has taken a hard-line stance against Iran. In 2018, he pulled the U.S. out of a 2015 deal made with a group of other nations in which Iran had agreed to limit its nuclear program. Many experts believed the deal was working. Since then, tensions with Iran have been building.

Biden says it was a mistake for the U.S. to pull out of the 2015 deal. He says he would re-enter the agreement if Iran reaffirms it will abide by it—and that he would work with allies to further strengthen the deal. Biden also pledges to more effectively push back on Iran’s behavior in the Middle East, such as its funding of terrorist groups.

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Articles In This Thread

The Longtime Classroom Reading Mag 'SCHOLASTIC' Smears Trump As a Racist!!
RumorMail -- Tuesday, 27-Oct-2020 14:45:37
Quotes from the Magazine - Ridiculous..
RumorMail -- Tuesday, 27-Oct-2020 14:47:31

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