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Anna Von Reitz: "What Did They Do?"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Wednesday, 21-Oct-2020 05:34:36

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Monday, October 19, 2020

What Did They Do?

By Anna Von Reitz

Yesterday, I posed a very important
question to all of you --- where did the Tories, the British Sympathizers ---
go? What happened to them after the Revolutionary War ended?

And for that matter, what happened to
their Papist friends, who also opposed The War of Independence?

We should note that the British and
the Papists both came here like everyone else, to colonize the New World,
partially for the benefit of their respective King and/or Pontiff.

When the Brits came ashore in New
England, they didn't cobble together their own personal flags and stab them in
the ground and declare, "I claim this land in the name of Louis Furtwangler of
Sussex!" And when the Papists came ashore in Maryland and Delaware, they didn't
do anything like that, either. They staked out their claims in the name of their
Pope and Church and its theocracy as their government.

It was, after all, all up for grabs,
so far as the European Monarchs and the Popes saw it at the time. Whoever
"discovered" it under The Doctrine of Discovery, was the rightful owner in their
view, and though the Church finally corrected their error and renounced The
Doctrine of Discovery, it was the basis of virtually all claims in the New World
for decades.

So that is how the Brits and the
Papists both came here and settled large parts of the Eastern Seaboard as loyal
Subjects of the King and the Pope, respectively.

After The War of Independence, the
well-being and future of both groups-- the Tories loyal to the King and the
Papists loyal to the Pope -- were provided for as part of the peace settlement.
Everyone would be allowed to keep their "personal" property -- their business
interests, intact. Everyone could maintain their political allegiances, too.

Tories could choose to remain loyal
Subjects of the King by adopting Territorial Citizenship as a U.S. Citizen.

Papists could choose to remain loyal
Subjects of their Pontiff by adopting the status of Municipal "citizens of the
United States".

Both these large and well-represented
groups would be tolerated by the new American Government as foreign citizens
called "inhabitants" and "residents" allowed to be here for the purpose of
providing "essential government services" -----services that were firmly
established and contractually agreed upon via the constitutions adopted in 1789
and 1790, respectively.

So, from the first, both the Tory
Loyalists and the Papists, were protected, kept all their property assets except
that their land was held under title as real estate and not really theirs, and a
substantial portion of them were hired right off the bat to provide "essential
government services" ---- which gave them a catbird seat position to mess with

Which they have done for over 200

Most of them probably don't even
remember why.

In answer to "what they did?" ---
they became professional bureaucrats in charge of the various aspects of
providing services to our fledgling government.

The Tories loyal to the King
ensconced themselves in our port cities and got heavily involved in
administering "customs houses", taxes, tariffs, trade agreements, and also
administering the United States Navy on the High Seas and Navigable Inland
Waterways, and all the Maritime and Admiralty Courts. Through their position as
our Trustees on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways, they also gained
control of the US Marine Corps and overall influence over our military
operations, services, and suppliers. Last but not least, they privately became
dealers in arms, currencies, tobacco, alcohol and any other contraband
"federally regulated" goods.

The Papists loyal to their Pontiff
entrenched as what we know today as the Federal Civil Service, and began the
build-up of the Agency System we know today as "the Alphabet Soups" --- which
are all subcontractors of our Subcontractors, layered up so that the Papists
don't have any work to do and no accountability, either. Think of Nancy Pelosi
on her velvet tuffette.

So this is where they came from, this
is where they went, and this is what they have done, and you can all now see how
we have been infested with undeclared Foreign Agents since Day One.

"All enemies foreign and

Most of these people think of
themselves as Americans and consider themselves as loyal to this country as
anyone else, but that ignores the entire history of these "federal" government
organizations and their administration, which is still British and still Papist,

These two groups have fought each
other from time to time, most particularly during the so-called American Civil
War, but then as now, their "apparent" animosity is a facade. Both the British
Territorial Government and the Municipal Government are ultimately owned and
operated by the Pope.

The Pope directs the Queen, because
she is his Commonwealth Overseer. And that is the position from which she
derives her wealth and all her claims to own and control "real estate" belonging
to her loyal Subjects.

And perhaps about now, you are all
noticing that your lawful land patents have been quietly converted into "real
estate" titles and municipal "land descriptions".

This has been presumed as part of the
legal presumptions established against you and your Person, to the effect that
you are a Federal Citizen, and not an American. You have been mistaken as both a
Loyal Subject of HRM, and as a Municipal citizen of the United States, Subject
to the Roman Pontiff.

As a result, all your assets
including your Given Name have been seized upon, registered as property
belonging to the Queen and the Pope, and you have been reduced to the level of a
British Subject serving as an Indentured Servant of the Crown, and/or a willing
Municipal slave, whose labor and all assets are thought to be donated to the

This is what these people have done
to themselves and to you, whether or not they know what they are doing.

There's just one problem for them,
for their Queen, and for their Pontiff: what they've done here is massively and
internationally criminal. They have enslaved and subourned and stolen the assets
of the people and the States of this entire country via identity theft and
personation schemes. They have colluded and conspired against and evaded their
constitutional obligations. They have acted in Gross Breach of Trust and
violation of their Commercial Service Contracts. They have violated the Geneva
Conventions, the Hague Conventions, their own Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, and the Nuremberg Code, hands down.

And they continue to do so, despite
the fact that, as Americans, we are their Employers and we are owed every jot of
the respective Constitutions, including their Good Faith Service.

We are now engaged in addressing
these facts -- as Americans who have declared their birthright political status.

Go to: to find
out more.


See this article and over 2700 others on Anna's website here:


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Articles In This Thread

Anna Von Reitz: "What Did They Do?"
hobie -- Wednesday, 21-Oct-2020 05:34:36
Anna Von Reitz: "False Suppositions Waste Time"
hobie -- Tuesday, 20-Oct-2020 03:28:31
Anna Von Reitz: "OMG"
hobie -- Tuesday, 20-Oct-2020 03:28:31
Reader: "Why does my new drivers license say USA on it ?"
hobie -- Wednesday, 21-Oct-2020 05:34:36

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