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Reader 'old and foggy': "Thoughts on Ebola..."

Posted By: hobie
Date: Sunday, 12-Oct-2014 17:25:43

In Response To: MSNBC: If You Own A Gun, EBOLA is all your Fault!!! (RumorMail)

(Thanks, o and f. :)

Reader old and foggy writes:


Re: link: 'Dr. Stefan Lanka Exposes The 'Viral....

thoughts on ebola

this is just one of the family of diseases known as hemorrhagic fever
it is transmitted only through bodily fluids
it has a 21 day incubation period, during which the patient is unaware of being infected
therefore this 21 day period is the transmission period between humans
there is no known antidote

there is no known anti-virus
therefore there is no known cure
the CDC owns a patent on ?an ebola? virus

so with the known facts above

1, the first step in all contagious diseases is ISOLATION, you contain it to the same area, you do not transport infected individuals to another continent where people have never had any exposure to the disease, the incubation period as with normal flu is the transmission time between humans, therefore there is 21 days of normal contact with others before they feel ill, hemorrhagic fever destroys the cell walls of blood vessels leading in the last stages to uncontrolled breading through all internal organs, and capillaries, and therefore the blood exits through all bodily orifices, this process cannot be stopped once it starts,only the criminally insane would introduce the real disease because once unleashed it would affect everyone, friend and foe alike, not even those that released it would be immune, therefore what would be the point of being in control after the epidemic if you were dead!

so if I was in control of a major drugs firm or other medical system, how would I bring my product on the market and sell it to every human on the planet?

this would have to involve the complicity of at least one major government of a developed country, who through either threats of military force, economic sanctions, or biological warfare threats (we will release the real decease in your country if you
dot follow ?the plan?) to other governments on a worldwide scale, France, Spain, UK, Germany, most poor African nations,

to achieve this you would need control of the worlds media, (which of course we know is not possible) to instill fear porn on all continents at the same time, in a concerted effort with well known visual queue's ( green ?T? shirted people being sick, next you would need to have at least a few new patients to infect a few medical staff (disposable people) that have been in an infected area, then see which one gets a head cold, diagnose this person with ebola, then transfer them to a secure medical facility under military control, keep a close eye on those who are in contact with the patient and see who next gets a head cold. the original patient in fear for their life agrees to try a new antidote or drug (this is of course bogus as there is no cure) so they inject an overdose of aspirin, whilst saying it is either a new drug or antibiotics or a pain killer, because an overdose of aspirin delivered will cause hemorrhage, and give all the outward signs of hemorrhagic fever, thus this patient will die of hemorrhages and will be certified as dying of ebola, thus you have your first ?confirmed? victim! then you move on to your next contact ?victim? and repeat the process.

this is all well and good on a small scale, but how do I make it go global, and find a new global sales pitch? so we now involve two others with a head cold from the same region of the world, we bring them back to a secure hospital and inject them with a new drug (saline solution) and watch as the head cold is ?cured? we release these two cured people back into the world and hey-presto we have a vaccine to cure an ebola infection (that never was), so now how do we get it to the populations worldwide, this is where the ?Heligan Dialectic? steps in, ?problem-reaction-solution?

through media hype and government coercion medical operatives and family members in selected areas will be offered this new miracle drug for immunization against ebola, a few thousand will accept it and (randomly distributed) about 10% will be given the aspirin overdose instead of the saline solution (sorry the ?anti ebola drug?) this will then lead to headlines in local media of real deaths described in detail and proliferate the lie?s with the gory details of bleeding to death.

so we now have created ?the problem?, and ?the solution?, all we need now is ?the reaction? from the general public, this will be hyped up in local, national and international media and create a frenzy where the whole population of every country will be screaming for our drug, and as the deaths mount up from the randomly distributed aspirin overdosed vaccination files, it will be mandated in all counties that everyone MUST be vaccinated to contain this disease with physical force if necessary!

we now have set a president, and we can invent all sorts of new diseases and cures to go with them, and control the population of the world though fear, and of course those who dissent towards our goals will be given the 10% drug and will come to a bloody end!

of course this is all just fiction, from my very lively imagination, because we all know that the press is free from intimidation from governments governments have no interest in controlling populations pharmaceutical companies do not lie about drugs government has no incentive to work with or for drug companies politicians have never accepted money for political favors in the drug industry

but hey! I am just an old fart whose judgment has been clouded by years of asking question and comprehending the answers!


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Articles In This Thread

MSNBC: If You Own A Gun, EBOLA is all your Fault!!!
RumorMail -- Sunday, 12-Oct-2014 17:16:04
Reader 'old and foggy': "Thoughts on Ebola..."
hobie -- Sunday, 12-Oct-2014 17:25:43

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