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Strange Public Notice from Britain: NHS "Sudden Evacuation" - "Pack A Bag For 72 Hours"

Posted By: GeorgeEaton
Date: Wednesday, 23-Sep-2020 18:47:55

This was posted on 9/20/20. (WNBC)
This official NHS tweet is very worrying. Why would I possibly need a bag to "evacuate" for 72 hours?

Here are additional comments from the youtube site on this subject:
And where are we meant to evacuate to, this is a island not a continent. Even during the 2nd World War, the then government, told the population, if there was a invasion to stay put, we had no where to go.

They claim it's just sensible measures for flooding, fire etc. I don't believe it, something's going on.

You better believe it.
This is WWIII
Not what you expected ?

Get ready...

Why would we need to evacuate.... is this just to scare the more vulnerable people in society?

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: "The messaging is part of a general resilience awareness campaign that runs each year during September which emergency services and partners across Britain are taking part in."
National Preparedness Month was originally a US campaign run by the Department of Homeland Security. The department's theme for 2019 is "Prepared, Not Scared".
It has been adopted by a number of UK councils, police forces and fire services over the past five years under the banner 30Days30WaysUK.
The organisation co-ordinating the UK campaign describes emergencies as power cuts, water main bursts, gas leaks, fires, transport strikes and road closures, as well as major disasters.
Basically it just reeks of more establishment BS to scare people during the 'pandemic' and cause alarm, all part of the psyop

If it runs each year during September, why has no-one ever heard of it before now?..

This is just going to cause mass panic, I think they know the game is up! Some of those essentials are just ludicrous and hilarious if they weren’t so serious. The people I know, KNOW it’s bullshit. What I’m seeing from independent journalists is that it’s not just my part of the country that KNOW, it’s not just people from this country that KNOW. People are waking up rapidly and KNOW this is a silent war, that’s why these new laws and rules that we wake up to on the news each day are going through parliament..

The last time I got a message like that, we were being deployed to the gulf, but that was a war FFS!

Wtf, evacuate to where and why? Sounds like a war.

They're probably going to do a false flag on us and say it was Russia or China, then put the internet down.

Speechless!? More like scary as hell lol why would they want to scare people like that?

This is dangerous scaremongering to a ridiculous degree - what the hell is going on?

The caller is bang on. The public information films back in the day used to instill fear in the minds of its citizens. This is no different. The government needs to fall.

You would need a go-bag if you were being forcibly re-located to isolate you if you’re covid positive. Kettle all the carriers in one place.

How would they determine large numbers of positives if there's hardly any testing, unless they're planning door to door mandatory tests??

thats exactly what they are planning. door to door. the bastards.

we must consider... They changed the law,.. And are about to extend the changes

Sounds more like a terrorist chemical attack prep than a Covid warning. Maybe they sent out the wrong tweet or they know more than they're letting on.

Something big is on the way. Possibly war. I've been feeling this way for a while now. All these people being shipped in and placed in hotels. Something stinks and i am extremely worried.

I'm surrounded at work by people petrified by the crap that's already being peddled let alone this. I can't help thinking this is all leading up to 'something' - but what????

Update: Googling this tweet it says "This tweet is not available". Made private? Deleted? WTF are they doing?

WTF! Incoming bombing raid??

I suspect its so they can come and demand you go into forced isolation in a containment centre.

Just like protect and survive pamphlet that we used to get. Rolled out and TV adds whitewash Windows and sit under the kitchen incase a nuclear bomb dropped.

Much worse.
Not what anyone expected.
Get ready for the fight of your life.

Old P.O.W camps in Kent are being rebuilt and refurbished.. they say it's for illegals.. more like concentration units/camps for all the ENGLISH.. Whyte gen o cide is here..

Its for when they come to remove you or your children from your house. The WHO said away back in April they would be doing this and we sat back like dummies and never said a word or put up any resistance. It will probably be the army does the dirty work

Off to the gulag...sorry, the "QuarantineFacility"..

Taiwan is on the brink of being attacked and that would set off ww3

They did this recently in the US telling parents to send kids to school with what they would need if they had to be separated from their parents overnight. That really is creepy.

Where are all these people supposed to evacuate to with all the various lockdowns in place?

Totally insane it’s more like they are expecting Russia or China to drop the Atomic bomb

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Articles In This Thread

Strange Public Notice from Britain: NHS "Sudden Evacuation" - "Pack A Bag For 72 Hours"
GeorgeEaton -- Wednesday, 23-Sep-2020 18:47:55
Could be for arrest operations: Re: Strange Public Notice from Britain: NHS "Sudden Evacuation" - "Pack A Bag For 72 Hours"
JediShaman -- Wednesday, 23-Sep-2020 18:47:55

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