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Expect Big $$$.... Part 2

Posted By: mroxygen
Date: Sunday, 19-Jul-2020 05:29:37

In Response To: Expect Big $$$? --- LEGAL Nontaxpayer Status Exists. IRS Law Confirms. (Pt.1) (mroxygen)

Part 2 Two Swords (continued)

Most of us here are criminally and purposely fooled or tricked or enticed into contracting ourselves away by diminishing our Natural Rights. The usual devices of criminal no full disclosure in the inducement to contract, and subterfuge, are very popular here. Now add on our thinking somebody like our parents or their parents have already unknowingly contracted everyone’s rights away.

The controllers who promote this belief fraud of lies like to keep the sheeple dumbed down - as it’s good for profit. They con us out of our wealth and use our own money to pay for our leaders and more thugs to control us further. How else could they so easily convince us to send our children into harms way?

This organizing your affairs I am talking about is all purely legal under the Constitution and state laws. One must choose to act for the benefit of all the beneficiaries of the association. Corporation Soles are not solely a human created corporate thing, but act as living breathing Spirit declaring and noticing the public of their intent and claims of right. The declaration is completely legal under our freedoms of speech and right to contract and plainly expressed and encouraged by the constitutional laws and highest courts.

Now, in my opinion, and the law tells us so, it is possible to choose to be mandatorily EXCLUDED from maritime jurisdiction law of thee sea taxation and still remain under the Constitution, and set apart as legal Corporations Sole. Corporation Soles manage property and although their elected leaders may enjoy the use of the property, they do not own it, the association of beneficiaries do. The property is held in trust and managed by the Elder, Minister, or Bishop only as long as he holds the office.

Being excluded means you are NOT in the system trap IN THE FIRST PLACE. The associations do not "have to” do anything because they always have freedom of choice. As long as nothing criminal is done nothing can be taken away. Our freedom to choose is guaranteed by Our Original Source. Authorities cannot judge or investigate without permission, as per the separation of church and state.

The corporation sole can ask the IRS to issue a number via 575E document solely to identify your association in their files under a 501(c)3 law subsection. Banks can use this issued identification form to create an account and follow the lRS law respecting your freedom to associate and your private contract rights. This is an implementation of the 1st amendment “free exercise” clause.

Banks follow the laws because the supreme law of the land, our Constitution, says they have to. The Corporation Sole is based upon being a private contractual association which can elect to be a Nontaxpayer. See Long v. Rasmussen, Montana, 1922, for courts confirming such a classification exists.

Example: Doctors like freedom activist American Naturopathic Association President Dr. George Freibott fought to have Naturopathic healer rights be upheld and respected, & to keep the freedom to heal using Naturopathic ozone safely by using these laws. He helped keep this right of his Naturopaths having the freedom to treat, and to privately associate, and to contract, without any oversight or outside judgment, intact - right up to his physical demise. Same reason why the FDA is hands off of Nontaxpayer non AMA healers using ozone if they do not publicly make cure claims in commerce.

Elite “assuming ownership of you in error” criminals fight our holding onto freedom. Special wording and procedures always apply. This opposition is kept alive because this is how the secret societies have always hidden under their profit making and taking - while gaming the system by publicly claiming to be solely of philanthropic intent as foundations. Because they set the system up this way is why no one violates it.

Special wording and hidden - on purpose - procedure must always be used today in today’s society in order to not step into the king’s sphere so you do not have to defend yourself.

An example of what can happen upon missteps is found reflected in “Doc Mike’s” site. He spent millions and jail time to find this out about what he ALREADY had - but did not have the words for. (Just as in the same way I did – jailed because I was also never trained in the hidden proper administrative procedure.)

By writing this article I hope to help you save your thinking from burdening itself with unnecessary error. The same way our “Flood Your Body With Oxygen” freedom of speech publishing efforts through the Breath of God Ministry and our upcoming “OxyVelocity-Diet” book strive to keep you fully informed about health.

The criminals tried to not respect our rights, and attacked what we knew - but couldn’t yet express properly – because their generation of authority was taught to take it all from us. We were all vulnerable products of their public fool system. WE were not taught HOW TO KEEP AND EXERCISE OUR UNALIENABLE RIGHT TO FREEDOM while operating under the LAW. Or how to help let others choose to do so either. Welcome to modern 3D slavery.

The Pope Gelasius, the first Pope called “vicar of Christ,” described this situation as the two separate but equally powerful “two swords” concept. Still alive in our “equal but separate” phrasing in our Constitution and still fought over today. The eternal war of Good and evil in the duality.
The spiritual obviously must be of primacy over the secular, or nothing would exist. That’s because evil is so bad it destroys itself and it’s own adherents.

According to Robert Morning Sky, who was taught by a crashed Star Elder that this present situation of slavery started in earnest here back in 6,000 BC when Prince EA or ENKI had previously already created Earth. He was now the one who decided to mind wipe and erase the memory of everyone on the planet, his own people, both Annunaki alien friends and foe left over from the space wars alike. We all have Annunaki genes mixed in our DNA, plus 22 other races.

Alex Collier's Andromedans taught him everyone considers us genetic royalty. We can overcrete them all once knowledgeable and healed and freed.

EA and his people genetically had created our ancestors as their slaves and degradingly called us Lu-Lus. “One who had to be watched over constantly” because of our passion and spontaneity together being dangerous to his royal profit. He programmed us all to worship him and manipulated us through his duality judgment.

Two Swords Two Jurisdictions.
Maritime vs ECCLESIASTICAL jurisdictions. Money & Control vs. Freedom. Property is theft. And, freedom can become chaos if not respectful. We must all get along. WE are ALL brothers and sisters. WE are different faces of the same BEING. WE ARE NOT A DUALITY. WE ARE UNITY.

IMO Bank policies “911 know your customer” now make this the way one has to go to interface with them legally and have the same freedom as others to bank. Banking is legally possible as a nontaxpayer if one chooses to use the hidden from us and very legal nontaxpayer status - instead of what the majority choose to do. Proper wording and forms always apply.

God/Source obviously ordains that the freedom to choose and a having way out of here must always exist for us in everything; in all time, space, reality, and dimension, also inter-dimensionally, and above all dimensions in the True Clear Light and Sound Universe WE really come from.

Happy Oxygen!

You Can Choose Active Oxygen For Health

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Articles In This Thread

Expect Big $$$? --- LEGAL Nontaxpayer Status Exists. IRS Law Confirms. (Pt.1)
mroxygen -- Sunday, 19-Jul-2020 05:29:37
Expect Big $$$.... Part 2
mroxygen -- Sunday, 19-Jul-2020 05:29:37

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