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2 of Oceans Surrounding U.S. Dead Now - Atlantic Next? My Suggestion to Use Mothballed Warships to Contain Radioactive Waste Material

Posted By: Infoeditor
Date: Tuesday, 14-Apr-2015 22:19:01

In Response To: Mysterious Blob In Pacific Ocean Is Fukushima Death And It's Coming For Us All! (Lymerick)

April 14, 2015

2 of Oceans Surrounding U.S. Dead Now - Atlantic Next? My Suggestion to Use Mothballed Warships to Contain Radioactive Waste Material

In short, if the oceans die, we die, too. I had left condolences to Fukushima victims and some posts here on RMN before the hacking attack and deletion that governments should get it together to use some of those outdated, mothballed warships to put the serious radioactive waste from Fukushima into and tow them to a large expanse of land to bury or otherwise store. There are plenty of robots that could handle the job of transferring the hot materials.

Instead of doing that they are building robots to help capture and kill 'suspects' instead of using them for the purpose of that Fukushima cleanup and some of those outdated warships have been sold to private interests for a penny each or a dollar or whatever the amount was - a token sale amount. So, people are definitely looking the other way. By the time some of those greedy corporate business interest start to consider doing something they will likely be glowing, but it will end for them soon after that.

In addition to that RMN was taken down, also, with my excellent suggestions on that matter! I guess the powers-that-be didn't like my idea. What will they do with "no place". The Holy Bible speaks of "no place". As a matter of fact when homeless folks are bullied into 'moving on' they have to vacate their spot and avoid loitering, etc., and they know, full well, the meaning of "no place". Soon those business interests and hotshot cops will share their fate with "no place", also.

When these oceans like The Gulf of Mexico and The Pacific Ocean die the oxygen depletion will begin to kill off life on the planet. Without oxygen on the surface of our planet the remaining dying life may begin to expire faster than it can scrap up and bury what is dying! Can you imagine such a planetary holocaust?

And some folks wonder why NORAD went to Cheyenne Mountain? That's pretty far and high above and from the oceans and there are still some forested areas around there for, at least, some oxygen. I could swear that at times there doesn't seem to be a breath of air good to breathe, even outside in the yard, at times. This is something I've experienced since The B.P. Gulf of Mexico Disaster.

Don't The Holy Bible scriptures discuss a day when they will cast their money out in the streets or cast it away? Now what condition would have to exist for money or gold or silver to be thrown away as an undesirable thing? Can you say radiation?


The Oceans are Dying: Oxygen is Depleting, Acidity Rising at Fastest Rate in 300,000,000 Years

If the Oceans Die - We Die


In addition to:


: April 11, 2015
: Mysterious Blob In Pacific Ocean Is Fukushima Death And It's
: Coming For Us All!

: By Stefan Stanford - All News Pipeline - Live Free Or Die

: For the past 4+ years while the US government and the
: laimstream media have downplayed the devastating effects
: that the Fukushima disaster has had upon our oceans and our
: environment, the alternative media has consistently issued
: warnings contrary to what the msm has been telling us and
: with this latest Daily Mail story called 'Mystery Blob In
: The Pacific Ocean Could Be Causing California's
: Mega-Drought' sharing with us that experts have NO IDEA
: what is causing this mystery that has been here since 2013
: and is 'driving sea creatures away', we have to ask if they
: are really THAT ignorant and if this is the reason why
: there will soon be 240+ million LESS people living in the
: US in 10 years than there are now?

: We're thankful for outlets such as ENENews for putting out
: 'life or death' stories such as this recent one that
: contains a warning from government experts that there is
: now an 'astounding level' of radiation in the US from
: Fukushima, measuring '500,000 times' the normal levels and
: the video below with Alex Jones and Fukushima expert Jerry
: Petermann who tells us that Fukushima will affect the
: health and well-being of the next 700 generations.

: While countless Californians are now dying unexplained and
: mysterious deaths while starfish are melting and millions
: and millions of sea creatures die, is humanity now really
: so far GONE that we can no longer put two and two together
: to come up with the inevitable answer of four or is this
: ignorance all part of the common core agenda, the MASSIVE
: dumbing down of the American population so that when they
: get smacked in the face with death, they'll have no idea
: what hit them?

: Sadly we'll have to say, if we as a population are really as
: ignorant as we appear to be, then we deserve every little
: bit of what's coming our way. If we have forgotten that
: mankind is merely a small strand in the web and mutually
: dependent upon the entire web for our survival, then we
: deserve to learn the hard way that whatever we do to the
: web, we do to ourselves. Though we'll feel sad for the
: millions of innocent lives that will be taken in this
: nuclear war upon America without the war, due to our
: ignorance and flippant ways, we deserve what's coming for
: what we've done to the web of life.


If the Oceans Die - We Die

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Articles In This Thread

Mysterious Blob In Pacific Ocean Is Fukushima Death And It's Coming For Us All!
Lymerick -- Tuesday, 14-Apr-2015 17:29:06
2 of Oceans Surrounding U.S. Dead Now - Atlantic Next? My Suggestion to Use Mothballed Warships to Contain Radioactive Waste Material
Infoeditor -- Tuesday, 14-Apr-2015 22:19:01
Reader h9 sends - Emergency Closure of Fishery - Link
Infoeditor -- Thursday, 16-Apr-2015 19:47:16

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