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*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)

Posted By: hobie
Date: Friday, 10-Apr-2015 17:13:26

Hi, Folks -

Found at


4-10-15 TNT DINAR CC (Notes by Adept1):

Replay 805.399.1500, PIN CODE 409029#

Tony: Good evening, TNT! Today is Friday, April 10, 2015. DC has a whole lot of information to tell you about. It’s a great day and we’re all excited, having fun. Two things have to happen before you get this information : Pam wants to tell you something first…

Pam: Tony and DC, please take your time today because we have a new transcriber doing this Verbatim. If you slow down, maybe we can retain her services. Thanks for doing this and giving Zebragirl a break. The transcripts are on; you don’t have to be a member to read them there. The call info is there as well.

Tony: I will slow down some more; that other guy, I don’t know about.

DC: I don’t’ do that well, but I’ll try!

Tony: We have really good updates, DC will explain it and we’ll go into as much detail as we can. I want to say a couple of things first. This may be the last call before THE call, we might have one more call and there are things I need to tell you. For all our friends and frenemies that are listening, I talked to Okie. He has shingles and allergies and he’s 74, but he’s upbeat and preparing to go to the bank. On our last call, I mentioned something about Poppy3. I talked to him years ago, and Pam connected with him. We were just trying to do a good thing, telling you he is going through a situation, for those who care about him. Somehow, fidiots got upset with that, that we were putting out any information. No good deed goes unpunished; we were trying to do the right thing, hoping he is okay.

This IS about to happen. There are people out there who have consistently tried to get you to do the wrong thing, tried to get hold of our currency, and tried to tell you they know everything or the wrong thing. I have to address this because of what we’ve been doing for the last 4-5 years. Some have only been here for 4-5 months, but my twitter numbers are going up. This guy Mark Mearson used to be called PayItForward, now called Topshelf, and he is putting out emails saying only his group will be paid, that DC and I have been lying to you for the last five years, and the banks will turn you away if you are not in his group. The banks will turn you away because you are not following the correct protocols. His email says DC and I are lying and should sure them. I agree – when you find someone has lied to you, then you should new them. Anyone who told you that if you join this group you are the only one who will be paid, that everyone else will wait for two years and all that BS like paymasters and such. Now that you have money, you SHOULD sue them when they don’t live up to what they told you.

I have a problem when someone has to change their name 2-3 times and then sends you all this BS about their family setting up this bank, and telling you that if you are not part of his group you wont’ be paid. He came to the TNT core group last year, wanting us to be part, and he would give us a percentage and take us to Vegas, and all that. This guy is full of **it, trying to get you to put your money into an investment out the country where you will NOT have control over it. Why would someone do that? Try to circumvent the very country giving you the opportunity to do this, in the very economy that has worked so hard to get this to work out – and you should sue me and DC? What happens when you do exchange at $4 per dinar, and your friends in that group are waiting weeks from now? What happens when he gave you a rate, and you look on the internet or in the bank, and that rate is higher than what he gave you? Who should you be suing then? There are quite a few out there, they have your name and number, and they will try to get your currency and get you to invest overseas, and they will meet you in Belize, or some other country? Remember that?

This is absolutely ridiculous, and they have two-hour calls and people absolutely belief him… amazing. They know nothing about investment or currency, and he is not the only one. And he is telling you to sue US?! We have not promised you anything, signed any contracts, asked for your currency or anything else. We just give you information. There are some legitimate groups out there, but this is a con job.

DC: It will be interesting to see what happens to those people. I understand there are detailed plans, but I’m not law enforcement. I will say this: if you hit me, I hit back; I’m not going to just take it, and much harder than anyone can hit me. That is a warning to anyone who tries to do things to us, to me or my family. Let’ see who wins.

East to West: In Iraq, they have been proceeding at a nice pace with meetings between CBI, Abadi, Defense, etc., plus Council of Ministers and Federation. They are doing that for the RV to go through at all levels, and they are in position to do this at any time. Yesterday a lot of authorization and notifications were given out, in the US and other countries, and in Congress. Rates have appeared where they haven’t appeared ina while, and banks have called in reps all around the world. Instructions were issued from those meetings, and they say to let early exchanges to go through. They have adjusted some more goods and prices in Iraq, and they are supposed to start exchanging groups in the Baghdad area, with cards, reparation payments and police salaries, etc., at the city and province levels. They are cranking that up today through Sunday. They announced that in the news and in the mosques this morning. Friends in Iraq say that they have a lot of frustration there, between those who have not been adjusted but they know people who have. That frustration should be easing over the next few days. There are so many things going on Iraqi television; some are saying “economic reform is completed in the next few day” and some “in the next DAY”, and that Iraq will be the wealthiest country in the region. “The economic reform will conclude in a major economic rebirith for Iraq in the next come days” meaning three days or less. There is a lot of eye-rolling in the mosques, naturally, but they are very ready for this to go through. Everything else is onboard with the entire system getting ramped up in Iraq. My understanding is that Abadi and Shabibi are coming to the US for the 13-14th, or maybe even later next week. On the ISIL front, everyone is ramping up for Mosul and other areas to be retaken.

Tony: Now let’s do the slow-down version… [DC: Hard to be coherent when I’m talking slowly] We heard the cards are all being adjusted to the new rates, and they are planning to load up from the provinces into the center and Baghdad will blessed. Yesterday afternoon, everyone was re-authorized for this to happen and were given some flexibility on what they are able to do. Everyone is re-energized and excited bout that happening. On the television, they are saying that ‘phase four’ is to be concluded in the next couple of days.

DC: In the USA will see a visit next week. The banks are very much on board, and the information flow that we talked about earlier in the week to the Congress people had been diminished, but is now being updated again. They were trying to keep it quiet because they didn’t want any more ‘good ideas’ interjected into the mix. Onward to the banks and early payouts/exchanges. They have been given authorization to start at a certain time. That is not coordinated with the CBI or IMF. Each bank can choose to start after time X. As for the pros and cons of the early exchanges, it is the same as they were doing in Basra, etc.: to lessen the impact of the currency exchanges. They will start out at a good rate of 14-15 thousand through to get people comfortable doing this. The general release should be by the 15th. We don’t know how the lists are created, but it is NOT be calling in, so do not call the banks. The banks are prepped and ready to go, they have been trained and on call, and frustrated like we are. Every person is either in place or on call, and many appointments have been made. We have received private messages about exchanges, and I’m happy for them and jealous! If they are going through at a good rate, a lot of us will be exchanged in this round.

Tony: What we have noticed since Wednesday is that there have been a lot more calls about appointments and/or exchanges. More information is coming out and people are being put on standby. People are given appointments “if everything works”; we are getting more calls and emails and texts, and that tells me our time is coming. The more visible we see it, the happier we get because you know it’s happening. Of course, I want to get my phone call, too!! But we are happy for them.

DC: Bottom line, everyone is geared up, starting to ramp up from Thursday, and they are preparing banks to do early exchanges or a slow roll out for the US.

707 caller: [Appreciation] I’m a newbie since July, but faithful to every call.

Tony: You’ve only been here since July? You shouldn’t even be on this call!!

Caller: I would have thought that the reading on the internet should be more intense.

DC: I don’t go on the internet much, nor on the TNT site unless there are rumblings. I do know there are a lot of articles about deletion of the three zeros, which is part of the RV. You can google those. They are deleting the worn out 25K notes down to 1,000 dinar notes, because it is not practical to use them for business post-RV. There are clear explanations quoting Dr. Shabibi, et al. You can go to YouTube as well to listen to speeches by Dr. Shabibi saying the dinar can support up to a $16 rate. Someone asks if they are revaluing the currency; Shabibi smiled and changed the subject. You can research what they did in Kuwait; there is a wonderful article in the NY Times from 1991, and I think the title is something like, “The lights aren’t on but they’re changing the banks”. There are also historical articles about RVs in Germany and Japan. You can easily find out the value of the dinar in the 1970s. Part of the way people fight wars is to destabilize the currency of their opponents: the Greeks, Romans, and all the rest in the ancient world followed this policy, and it’s easy to find information on that strategy.

Caller: Tony, you mentioned you have access to Iraqi television…?

Tony: There are Iraqis here in the US who get the television feed, and they tell us what they see. It’s usually two days behind what they see in Iraq. So we have them tell us what is on our television and also have the check in with their relatives in Baghdad and Kurdistan. We compare all three television screens and see that comes up. We do the same in the mosques in different areas, and we check that against what the officials are saying. We have people on our site who investigate all the articles out there and send them to us; we read them and figure out what is going on. Often al-Jazeera news will broadcast what is going on in Iraq and in the Parliament as it happens.

Caller: These people who are exchanging by the thousands; they are contacting people now, but what about those who are not being contacted beforehand. Do you have to wait to be contacted or until it becomes public and official?

DC: Some banks are not taking part; some are cranking it up. Each bank has its own choice or process and also which customers they want to exchange first. They may know who has currency because there is an existing relationship with a wealth manager or bank manager. When it is announced officially, we will point you towards the banks and other institutions that will do exchanges. If you are paying attention, you will get in promptly. Right now, the general estimate is who they have on tap right now will last half a day – so who will they call next? They will have to go through different websites to funnel that early exchange process. If so, we will be involved somehow, and give them numbers or emails that we have. Once they let it rip and go, then that is straightforward; we will make a call. If there is going to be an early exchange process, we will be involved with that. We will tweet out the info just like a call, and if you are paying attention, you will know this first.

Caller: Why don’t you invite someone who has exchanged onto this call? It would help.

Tony: Most are saying “my brother/sister/friend just got an appointment”. I did bring one guy on the call, but I don’t want to give out their location or bank, because then that bank will get mobbed with a line five blocks down the street. The people who have exchanged have put it out on our chat room or tweeting it, or texting Pam to death.

Caller: Personal plea to Pam… please can I get on the forum? Give her my number? The gal who got me in won’t even let me use her access code.

Tony: I’ll give her your number.

DC: Everyone that I’ve known who has gone through has had to sign an NDA before exchanging. However, they will mention it to a friend and ask them to send the message to us. It’s irresponsible to ask someone to risk what they have just done by getting them on the phone. However, we do get messages that friends have gone through and now they are driving a Jaguar or Bentley when they didn’t have that money before. That at least lets us get excited because this IS happening.

Pam has the names of those who won the ‘Rich as Croesus contest’. Congratulations, and I hope every person understands the message behind it.

617 caller: Why don’t they let you use your list, Tony?

Tony: It’s available if they ask for it. I don’t have a group; we were offered to put one together a year ago, but if they need names, I can give them a list really quickly.

Caller: I found the chocolate macadamia nuts and you can expect them today. DC, you can have some too, if you like… Take my number and tell me where to send them.

DC: I’m allergic to chocolate, but my wife loves those.

347 caller: You were saying ‘between today and the 15th’’…

DC: They are saying that from last Monday to the 15th, they have everyone on call and ready to do early exchange and the full RV. They told the US banks to be ready for both of those; they are authorized and free to do what they want (early exchanges).

Caller: So they may be doing this while Abadi and Shabibi are over there in the US??

DC: My guys are saying that this US visit should be a victory run. But it can change, and it may end up being a preparatory visit.

Caller: Are there groups in Baghdad that have got paid?

DC: That’s right, certain groups have started to be paid. Some it’s for reparations, some salaries and pensions. They restarted that on Thursday and are cranking up over the weekend.

Tony: They got paid on the Qi cards like everyone else, since January. They didn’t have access to those funds, but they could see them on the cards. Starting on Thursday, those rates were being adjusted to the new rates. At first they paid them to keep people calm, then they started adjusting to the new rates. I don’t think they will wait another two months for that to be public. That was only for special government groups, and when this gets to the public, they will do a public announcement.

DC: Concrete actions are pointing to this being DONE by the 15th. We cannot say for sure, but that is what it looks like. They have removed 97% of the older currency; you can find that on the CBI website. They also give information when the older notes will be retired, such as the 50 dinar notes by the end of April, and the three zero notes by November 2016.

Tony: People are seeing the titles of the articles and getting scared, but this is because the new rates will make the old currency unusable. The people who had appointments still have appointments lined up for today. We saw the rates were faded out for a while, but they are now back on the bank screens. That’s why we think that this time it will go. That’s why the banks are saying “don’t go anywhere; we’ll get this done”.

Caller: When you say things are on lockdown, what’s your interpretation of that?

DC: That can mean many different levels. If the CBI is locked down, that means guards at the doors, only a new techs can get in, and there is someone in the building at all times, but with restricted communications. In the US, at an exchange in (say) Dallas or Atlanta where there is a lot of currency holders, those who will handle the exchanges themselves, the actual person who has been trained to do these exchanges, those people are then in a secure location without phones or internet use. Some are actually sleeping on the premises. They have done that at law enforcement agencies assigned to these duties, folks at the UST, the Fed, IMF and BIS. In that case, they have locked them in and they can only move with an escort. What amazes me is how many bankers and how long they have put these folks in those conditions. In the armed forces, you expect this kind of things, but bankers do not. You go into banking because you like the pay, the hours and the lifestyle, so being locked down by the military/police is not what you signed up for. Bankers are being compensated, but it’s not standard operating procedure for bankers.

Tony: You know it’s driving them and their families crazy!

Caller: So are we expecting another lockdown over the weekend?

DC: The ones that choose to take part are already in lockdown… the people who are involved in the exchange process, and that’s a bank-by-bank decision.

323 caller: It’s wonderful news today. I have always thought that is Forex doesn’t show the rate, how does the bank quote your exchange and give access to the funds?

Tony: They put the rate on the bank screens and they go by that rate.

DC: Those rates are direct from the CBI to the Fed. Forex is a different system. Those who have made direct contracts with China, say, will get those rates directly.

Caller: So these early exchanges, are they for dinar only or for other currencies? So these other countries are contacting the US bank??

Tony: Let’s say the CBI rate starts at $4. That came from the CBI to the banks directly, and it stays there. Eventually it shows on Forex, and it’s public. The rate might go up to $5 because that is the market demand. They then adjust the bank rates according to how that bank operates – once a day, three times a day or whatever.

DC: It will probably go on Forex within 48 hours, but it will be fixed rate for a while, probably. It will be a pegged rate, and the question is when/if they allow it to be unpegged, and then it will fluctuate as a free-floating market rate.

Caller: Have you verified for yourselves what the first basket is?

Tony/DC: Yes, we know what’s in the first basket. I don’t know everything about anything, but we do know what our sources are feeding us and what we are able to confirm. We know what’s in there, the rates on the screens and their plans for the next couple of days. We also have a sense of what will happen to those currencies after all this.

Tony: There are four currencies that we have always anticipated, and two of those rates have gone up. There is a fifth currency that we don’t want to talk about because we don’t want it to go like the zim. It will be good for that country, though.

DC: I think there is a misunderstanding about the Global Currency Revaluation (GCR). It is not totally changing the financial market in a single day. That would been too upsetting for the markets. We are simply talking about adjustments to the currencies following the RI/RI of the Iraqi dinar and the other 3-4 currencies and those they do the most business with. It will be a huge change for those currencies, but a minor blip for the US dollar, euro, etc. The Iraqi dinar is like a canoe being thrown about by a 5’ swell. The US dollar is like a super-tanker, and that 5’ swell will barely be felt.

Tony: One other thing this will affect is the bond market. There is great news today about the bond market; Iraq will issue some bonds right after this, global bonds we have been hearing about for years, and we have a schedule on Monday for bonds on levels 1-4, and the rates, and we have been notified; we have confirmations that they are being paid out and following that schedule.

252 caller: In 1938, Orson Welles broadcast The War of the Worlds and many people were listening and believed it, or asked if it was really information.

DC: They didn’t have television, so after the radio show, people were getting out their guns, hiding in basements, calling the local police, etc. Then they got angry when it turned out to be fiction.

Caller: You said that the rate went up…?

DC: I think everyone will be happy with all the rates; if not, you have a gratitude issue.

Caller: People seem to get upset about people exchanging, and I get that, but I wonder what legal accommodations have been made to protect banks and early exchanges.

DC: The bankers have the raw end of the PR deal on this, deserved or not. I get all that. The banks have scrutinized this and have decided to stay out of this because they don’t want to take the risk. Some have stayed onboard after discussion of the risks. The banks have required some guarantees, and those have been reasonable requests. The banks have to cover their own backsides, obviously.

Caller: When these windows have passed, I’m sure you discuss the situation in the TNT intel team. What are the top 2-3 things preventing this reaching the common man?

DC: We have that conversation with our intel group, with nearly every source and family members and friends. Sometimes it’s understandable, and sometimes it shocks the hell out of us. For example, what happened in Tikrit, that really shocked all of us. So there are a lot of times when those reasons come up. Also, these are all humans, each with their own style, and they are tired of being criticized, plus there is tremendous scrutiny so they want every I to be dotted. There have been negative and subversive issues, but there has been over-cautiousness as well because they want this to be perfect.

Caller: There was a speech yesterday about Iraq being a sovereign nation…

DC: It IS a sovereign nation and they can do what they want to do, but on some issues they have to coordinate with a lot of other countries and conditions.

219 caller: I’m a first-time caller. How will dong be accepted, 500K, 100K, and 100K? Will they still be valid a year from now?

Tony: We have heard nothing coming out Vietnam, even less than about Zimbabwe. We used to talk to some people who are connected there, and that’s how they were getting the information out. They were only giving it to the wealthy, not telling their general public. We’ve wondered for years who they are going to do this, new coins or notes or whatever. I’m seeing the rates and I know people have exchanged. Five years ago, the rate was five cents, and now it’s over a dollar. I love it!

DC: With the dong as with the zim, they had a general plan that included rebuilding the infrastructure, like in Iraq. Now, Iraq is now running 7-8 years late in this process, and they have to go first, but they have bumped into dong and zim on the way. They really didn’t anticipate as many people finding out about this revaluation, especially for dong and zim, and that really changes the complexity and system of what they are doing. That ‘s why we don’t detailed reports from those countries, because their whole system has been rushed and adjusted. I would not hold onto your denominations for a year. You might want to talk to tax accountant about holding onto your currency to get it past the one-year mark for long-term capital gains. You might be able to get it into an MCA and keep the same denominated value. Those are attorney questions.

310 caller: Some people are saying they can exchange faster in private group…

DC: They will all go at the same time. I believe most people who are paying attention will get through in 24 hours or less, maybe 2-3 days in Atlanta or Dallas. The groups will probably take longer. The Iraqi dinar is the foundation for all of this, and the bond follow the revaluation. The RV has to happen first, and we know that those bonds are being paid this week.

Caller: If you exchange in a private group, will you use a paymaster?

DC: It depends on how your group is set up.

Tony: I don’t like groups because of the people who are in charge and the fact that they were using fear tactics to get people to sign up, plus they were getting overrides on all that money. I know the paymaster of a group, and he’s said he is not giving anyone more than 15 million. I don’t like groups telling people they will move money overseas, or they are paying people over five years so that they can use the interest for other purposes. Some told their people they will give them $8 or $20, five years ago. I do know a group that did get $20, and if you like it, I love it. But there are reasons I do like groups, although we know that there are legitimate groups. I’m not talking about any particular groups, but there are negative things out there. If a guy changes his name 2-3 times, using fear tactics, saying if you don’t sign up with that group you won’t get paid, or not for two years… that is all BS, and that’s why I don’t like groups.

281 caller: It’s the man from Texas. [chitchat] One of my really close friends is tied to the bond things you are talking about, and confirmed that information, that they should be paid next Monday. [Appreciation]

574 caller: [chitchat] I have one question. Last night we had a cell phone issue and we couldn’t do our taxes. Will I have time to do my taxes before the RV?

DC: It depends on how complicated your taxes are. The timeline is until the 15th, and everyone is on lockdown. We have been here before, but owing to the sincerity of our sources, I do think it will work out this time.

Caller: I may have to file an extension, but I’m getting a little worried here.

DC: Bottom line is that we expect this to happen before the 15th. We told you about the actions taking place all week, which we are grateful for. Hopefully this will happen this weekend or at the latest by Wednesday. Please do NOT buy currency. All the rates are wonderful and we expect great things.

The contest we had last call about ‘rich as Croesus’; the lesson is that for a few lucky folks, Croesus passing out these gold coins was great, but then they paid too much for houses, dinners, etc., and it led to hyperinflation. A small percentage turned that into fortunes that lasted for generations. So think about that, be conservative about this, and be an adult going through this. Have a great weekend!

Pam: I want to read that message from Golden Girl again, offering love and gratitude. We all feel the same way, and I think her for writing that so eloquently.

Ray: This is Find my Funds Friday; sit back, and we are on the way.

Tony: I’m sorry you had to get the negative part today. I don’t know why they think they can say things and we won’t find out, or maybe they wanted 15 minutes of fame on our call. Pay attention to the details. If it doesn’t make sense or you don’t understand the details, if it sounds crazy like giving someone on the internet your currency, then don’t. If in doubt, don’t. Information from all directions are super-positive, will cards being loaded and banks authorized to exchange starting at a certain time today. That tells us we are closer than ever. DO NOT buy any more currency of any kind! You have what you have. We are not giving you information to hype you up for the weekend – this is the information that is up right now, not a guarantee but the plan as we know it. It’s a good plan and many are excited about it. Enjoy the rest of your day and weekend, and I would like nothing better than to do this call tomorrow!


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Articles In This Thread

*** Iraqi dinar, recently being said *** / TNT Tony's conference call (long)
hobie -- Friday, 10-Apr-2015 17:13:26
Reader: "I feel positive about the RV this time around."
hobie -- Friday, 10-Apr-2015 23:19:21

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