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JIM STONE: They are bug-fixing CORONAVIRUS in a lab somewhere since VERSION 1.0 was a HOAX and a DISMAL FAILURE

Posted By: NaturalWisdom
Date: Tuesday, 19-May-2020 13:43:24

In Response To: SORCHA: "US Hospitals Have No More Coronavirus Patients—Hysterical Media Doesn’t Tell American People" (MrFusion)

Fool me once, shame on thee; fool me twice, shame on me...

Jim Stone, Freelance Journalist


Stage one of the Corona show has failed. And we are now in the waiting period to see if Gates&co have something bigger and badder planned. They failed with terrorism. They failed with this virus. But they have not ultimately failed until they actually give up, and they will not give up. So here's a little advice:

When this corona show finally comes to a close, don't fall for the next scam. We all got suckered by this hook line and sinker, including me. I actually thought there was something bad going around that was going to kill lots of people. I actually thought rents and property values were going to drop because there would be so many dead. I figured I'd get through it, but I also thought I'd see people die because they did not listen to advice on how to survive. AND I WAS A FOOL. I GOT SUCKERED.

If I was thinking evil, here would be my next play: I'd release an upgraded version and call it the same thing. You know, sort of like Dos 6.0 where it said "stacker, by Stac Electronics" when you typed "DBLSPACE" suddenly replaced by the next version of dos where that mistake was cleaned out a week later. Tell people how gracious you are for upgrading them for free while you really send a product out that only has that one blooper removed.

MAKE BETS: They are troubleshooting this virus in a lab somewhere, trying to figure out where it went wrong. The problem is probably as simple as removing one little "DBLSPACE" mistake and then they'll graciously release it, and scream "HEY LOOK, WE WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG, IT REALLY IS BAD." Only this time, they have a population that is pissed off over the first failure because it was a failure. We did not get our money's worth out of this, and somebody aims to please. They will fix it. What happens when they do?

We'll have to all get popcorn for the next one, but I'd say accepting the consequences of non compliance will be far better than complying and waiting for a jack boot at the door.

We all know where they wanted to take this now

Cuomo putting coronavirus patients in nursing homes where they'd have the most death impact proves they want the fatality rates high. They really did want a big killer. Other jurisdictions wanting to take kids from parents just because parents or kids "got infected" as determined by a test where fruit "tests positive" for the virus proves they wanted to split families up with this, which is something communists love to do. There is no coronavirus test, it is all a hoax. If in Africa fruits, birds, and goats all test positive the test is a HOAX. And they wanted to use that hoax to split families up with B.S. testing where anyone they wanted to target would be positive.

They wanted to wipe out the economy and put their globalist "everyone now has to live with less" mantra in, that they could not get after their "climate change" scam failed. They wanted everyone out of their cars, sitting in their homes waiting to be picked off by storm troopers (when the time came, it now will not come for this particular event) while a 5G system was put in that can track everyone without the use of GPS provided they "social distance" and never get within six feet of each other.

Why did they massively accelerate the installation of 5G during all of this? Was 5G, a system no one asked for, really "essential"? To the plan perhaps, but not to us.

We all know what they wanted with this failure. WE HAVE BEEN WARNED.

"Covid-19" - A stealth virus that takes weeks to incubate. And when states decide to start opening up, it takes 5 hours.

Folks, there is no virus. It is getting to the point where it is safe to say that either nothing was released, or a failure was released. With San Diego authorities coming out yesterday and stating that there were not 190 deaths as stated, it was only 6, and many others blowing the whistle in the same way, it is now obvious we are looking at a chest cold which according to San Diego authorities likely killed less than 3,000. And that's about right for a cold - a mortality rate that is right around 5 percent of the seasonal flu.

So if there was no outbreak, what was there, REALLY? A Coup d'etat. Look at what they accomplished: A devastating economic shut down (A primary goal of a hot war) and widespread, massive house arrest of enormous sections of the population (A goal of war, if it is communists that declared war).

Here is what I am already doing:
I am boycotting all stores that are playing the Corona bullsh*t. I'll go in with a mask, but if it is this crap with "one person per family only" they can stick it, I am DONE WITH THAT, I'll go to the little mom and pop stores instead. This "one person per family B.S. is probably an echo of the food lines in Russia, and social distancing is for ONE THING: The 5G tracking system which can get confused when people are within six feet of each other. That's all there is to this, it is time to just say no.


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Articles In This Thread

SORCHA: "US Hospitals Have No More Coronavirus Patients—Hysterical Media Doesn’t Tell American People"
MrFusion -- Tuesday, 19-May-2020 17:43:22
JIM STONE: They are bug-fixing CORONAVIRUS in a lab somewhere since VERSION 1.0 was a HOAX and a DISMAL FAILURE
NaturalWisdom -- Tuesday, 19-May-2020 13:43:24
San Diego official reveals only six of county's nearly 200 COVID-deaths are 'pure, solely coronavirus' deaths
NaturalWisdom -- Tuesday, 19-May-2020 15:35:20
TWEET: Based on this data (comparing the flu season to Covid-19), this pandemic appears to be propaganda and little else
NaturalWisdom -- Tuesday, 19-May-2020 15:35:20
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to His Critics: Since Florida entered Phase 1 on May 4, ICU Hospitalizations From Coronavirus Are Down 21%
NaturalWisdom -- Tuesday, 19-May-2020 17:43:22

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