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The Real Story Behind Benghazi

Posted By: Liberty_Lady
Date: Wednesday, 8-Apr-2015 20:56:01

This is the story that just won't go away, as some of my more liberal friends are complaining about. That's right, because the truth will come out eventually. Just like most bodies that are hidden will eventually surface. The truth has a way of working itself into the open. People who at some level know at least part of a story will not be able to keep it to themselves. Documents come to light. This administration, specifically Obama and Hillary aren't going to be able to keep this story buried forever in spite of their efforts.

From the very day of the attack, I had questions. I wasn't seeing any answers that made sense to me. Like what was Stevens doing in Benghazi in the first place? I was pulling my hair out listening to the Lame Stream Media call Benghazi first an embassy, it isn't and then a consulate, which it also isn't. It wasn't much of a safe house either in light of the events of that night.

By the next day, reading between the lines, I had a pretty good idea of why Stevens and the top military guys with him were there. (Seals, for God's sake?) It was during the time of our involvement in the Syrian uprising. I concluded that Stevens was running guns to the Syrian rebels on the sly. In fact, I wrote a letter to my senator a week after the incident asking that very question, “What was Stevens doing in Benghazi, running guns to the Syrian rebels?” Not that I expected a reply. But these people in DC need to know that Americans aren't as stupid as they would like to believe.

If an elderly woman living in the Midwest can use common sense and critical thinking to come to this conclusion a week after the attack, I'm pretty sure any other thinking person would be able to do the same thing. Which is partly why this story refuses to die. People started to question the 'official story' on the nightly news right away. Remember, 'garbage in – garbage out.

Of course, the same could be said for the Germanwings jet that crashed, killing 150 people. Either the co-pilot was on some heavy duty mind altering drugs, which we will likely never hear the straight story about or the war games we and NATO were playing in that vicinity brought it down. Also not something you are ever likely to get the straight story on. My question would be, what happened to that sophisticated ACARS (Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System) that Lufthansa paid a small fortune for? They are extremely safety conscious. Their aircraft are monitored constantly. Any deviation from the regular flight plan would have been noted and control taken over from the ground. But if the plane exploded in midair from some outside influence, there wouldn't have been time. And that is exactly what the debris field looked like.

The point of this and getting back to Benghazi is, let's not be so quick to swallow the 'official and sanitized version' of events. Anytime I hear or read a story in the media, even the alternative sites, I immediately ask myself, where did this story come from? Is there any corroborating independent proof this is true? Who stands to gain from this story or this version? What could someone possibly be trying to cover up.

I never believed the 'spontaneous rioting over a video' story. They were pushing it too hard. So, what was the real story? Beyond checking the State Departments website and several alternative sites, I had little to go on except a gut feeling that this was a cover up. That was the reason this tragedy played out like it did. I put several things together and came up with an obvious conclusion. We were trying to topple Assad; we were therefore arming and training the rebels; we were embarrassed at Putin slapping Obama down over our attempt to turn Syria into another Iraq; and most importantly, the 2012 elections were less than two months away. Obama couldn't allow any more scandals to attach themselves like barnacles to his behind. This isn't rocket science folks. It was an obvious conclusion for me. Although I am always aware that I can be wrong (and often am) on a drawn conclusion, to me this was the most likely scenario.

My final question is, what in the hell was a United States ambassador doing running guns? Doesn't the State Department have flunkies further down the totem pole for these operations or military who are better trained? I was even unkind enough to wonder if Stevens was set up to get him out of the way for some nefarious reason. These clues lead me to conclude that this directive and mission came from the highest positions, which leads right to the Oval Office. Can anyone say Reagan/Iran Contra? Sorry, that was another question. And the fact that there was no real rescue attempt made? We have the finest military in the world. Our troops are stellar. No way could that attack have continued if they'd been allowed to go to the rescue. That was even more verification that this administration wanted this swept under the rug. They hoped that this incident and the surrounding investigation would never attach itself to the White House or to Clinton if they could pass it off as crazy Muslims out of control.

Anyway, I have not read Aaron Kleins book yet but I can't wait. It's called “The Real Benghazi Story”. I know he has far more sources than I could ever hope to acquire. Just from reading this article, it looks like there is a lot more to this story than I had ever imagined. But I always keep General Wesley Clark's seven country agenda in mind any time we are involved in any activity in the Middle East. Of those seven countries we were going to invade/take down in five years, only Syria and Iran are left. And between Benghazi and the Seals who supposedly killed Bin Laden (a man who likely had been dead for some time) 'accidentally' dying in a copter crash later in Afghanistan, well I'd be a lot more careful about doing the bidding of this administration, no questions asked. Does Obama have it in for the Seals because they are real men or does he look upon military people as Dr. Kissinger does, “Dumb Animals”?

For the full article go to:

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Articles In This Thread

The Real Story Behind Benghazi
Liberty_Lady -- Wednesday, 8-Apr-2015 20:56:01
Reader: "Just a note to say how much I enjoy reading Lady Liberty's posts."
hobie -- Thursday, 9-Apr-2015 17:05:29

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