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"Maybe They're Not Human"

Posted By: RumorMail
Date: Saturday, 9-Jan-2021 07:27:40

“Maybe They’re Not Human”
by Julian Walsh

“Today I would like to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that condones violence under certain circumstances. To this end, we find ourselves going along with the most egregious of things, not least of which is war. Here we find not only a consensus of opinion - but an accepted truth. People kill people. That’s what we do. People have been killing each other over borders, religion, ideology, politics and resources as far back as history will take us. It’s a given that we will continue in this maniacal cycle of war, truce and temporary peace until our time on this planet is through. It’s our nature and so it is our course and therefore our destiny! Or is it?

Of course most people are good-natured, loving and kind, but they are often unaware of some of the more sinister elements in our world. Does our slumber make us a threat to the survival of humanity? If so, can one surmise that our “enemy” might actually be the person we see every morning in the mirror? Are we complicit in some way by simply being oblivious? Is this what the others mean by “sheeple,” those who simply go along to get along and never ask probing questions?

We sit around the proverbial card table and we’re handed the rules. We don’t really question them. The rules are the rules and that’s that! And at the end of the night, should one run out of money because the others understood the rules better, then maybe a moment of truth will beckon. Perhaps one will decide it is best not to bother with the rules at all – and instead seek to unmask the rule maker.

War on Peace: We live in a culture of “political correctness” where people are likely to become more offended by an off-color remark or a waving middle finger than by war. Like with most templates of social order, political correctness is just another illusion, a construct we’ve bought into. It’s there to give the impression that society cares. Society does not care. We are told warm and fuzzy things to make us believe we live in a benevolent culture. We do not! We live in a war culture – we live in a prison culture and we live in a culture of denial. Don’t believe it? Like I said – denial!

At seventeen a child still needs a note from their mother to be excused from a day at school. Well that’s kind of innocent, warm and fuzzy. Six months later they just might shove a rifle into his arms, march him to the front lines and order him to kill. And when that particular son or daughter doesn’t return home, they say “freedom is not free” and that your child paid the ultimate price for the wonderful life we so enjoy today. The wonderful life minus this beautiful child, that is. Give me a break! I cannot stand the Orwellian double speak and propaganda, the hypocrisy that spews from the orifice of the rule maker.

In a war culture you go to “war” on everything. We have the so-called “war on terror” which theoretically cannot be beat. It is impossible to end a war with an “enemy” that is not defined by a border. And so this war will continue not only on foreign soils, but right here in the good ol’ land of the free. The latest buzz is all about domestic terrorism. See something, say something. Well I’m seeing something and I’m sure trying my best to say something.

We love that word war. We must! We have gone to war on drugs and on poverty, war on hunger and obesity. Of course let’s not forget those wars fought with battle armor and guns. We just want to do war on everything, don’t we? And it’s sort of strange, really – you see it’s not just a U.S. thing or a Russia thing. It’s not just the powder keg we call North Korea or the spiraling tension between Japan and China. We’re all into this war thing.

There are considerable agreements made behind the scenes. There’s complicity and cooperation on a level that is mind boggling to the newly awakened. Let face it, often there’s a lot of money to be made on both sides of the war equation. The opium trade in Afghanistan is just one example. Business has never been better or more lucrative since the U.S. loaned its assistance. War is good business for the handful that actually benefit from it. But at what cost?

Psychopaths in Skin Suits: An online dictionary source defines psychopath as: “a person with a psychopathic personality, which manifests as amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, extreme egocentricity, failure to learn from experience, etc. Also called sociopath, a person afflicted with a personality disorder characterized by a tendency to commit antisocial and sometimes violent acts and a failure to feel guilt for such acts.”

That pretty much sums up who’s running our world. Are they entirely Human? To be honest, I’m not so certain.

I have difficulty defining the Human species without considering our remarkable propensity to love and be loved. But there are those that do not love or care for others and one must wonder just what planet they’re from. Perhaps we can generalize and simply call some people psychopathic. They might as well be lizards in skin suits so far as I’m concerned. To call them Human seems a stretch indeed. But they walk the walk and talk the talk. We get tricked by these tricksters – they’re good at their game and they know it. They’ve had plenty of time to really get it all honed down good and tight.

The Rule Makers: Back in the 1960’s when the so-called counter culture or “hippie generation” emerged onto the scene, many began to question whether what they were told about the JFK and Dr. King assassinations was true. The Vietnam War only served to galvanize this awakening. Back in those days, news outside the mainstream channels came mainly through relatively obscure articles, books and by word-of-mouth. The energy of this movement was captured in a big way, however, through the music of that era. We don’t have Janis Joplin anymore, but we do have the internet, and this has greatly contributed to a mass awakening and the unstoppable momentum of the “truth movement.”

People who “run” the world do not necessarily have any allegiance to a particular country or party, yet they make decisions based on their one-world governmental view that affects you and me on a daily basis. Where do they get their power? Well, ultimately their power comes from their ability to manage all of us.

And where are the clergy? Why have they not been calling for an end to all the rampant bloodshed in these trying times? That’s right – they’re not allowed to discuss politics. It violates their 501(c)(3) pact with the government. That’s another way of saying they’re taking “hush money.” Don’t talk about war and politics – and get a nice little break from the taxman. This gig is rigged! Say one thing and do another – that’s the name of the game. They’ll preach platitudes of love and peace but they’ll never preach the horrors of war and bring the message to the street.

Final Thought: In 1988, director John Carpenter released a film entitled, “They Live.” It follows a drifter referred to as “Nada,” who discovers that the so-called ruling classes were in fact malevolent entities masquerading as Human. They manipulate people into spending money, breeding and accepting the status quo through the constant bombardment of subliminal messages via mass media. Some might feel this was more of a documentary than a sci-fi thriller.

The film is famously remembered for its five-and-half minute alley fight between the actor that was able to “see” these entities (Roddy Piper) and the actor that would not see (Keith David) because he wasn’t willing to put on the special glasses that permitted this ability. Carpenter drags the brutal fight scene out for an almost comical duration. After watching the scene, I realized he was really trying to convey the frustration and difficulty involved in trying to wake up a fellow Human. Just put on the damn glasses and take a look! Nope – won’t do it!

A musician friend of mine whose band saw considerable success in the late 1960’s always ends his conversations by saying, “keep it real.” Keep it real! Well that’s what I try to do. But it just isn’t always that easy. There are unseen forces at work trying desperately to keep us apart and in the dark. The tension building in Russia is yet another chapter waiting to explode. It might even be the final one. Never has there been a more urgent time for the Human race to start behaving as “Humans” again. We need to pull the rubber masks off those who claim to be serving us and realize they would rather “serve us” with a sprig of parsley and mash potatoes on the side.

Are these people Human? Those who feed off of war and profit from death and destruction seem to fit rather nicely in that shape-shifting, lizard category I’d say. So who are they – what are they? That’s a question I continue to debate. On the plus side, this awakening movement keeps getting stronger by the day. I’m optimistic that despite some of the more grim forecasts out there, we still have a pretty decent chance of turning our situation around. It only takes a motivated, three percent of any population to effect major changes in policy and direction. I think we’re nearly there.”

What if? What if the world is not what it appears to be, not what you’ve been conditioned to see and believe? No, I haven’t lost my mind quite yet (depending on who you talk to lol), but if you can keep an open mind – a very hard thing to do, granted – then download this book, and decide for yourself…
Freely download “The Biggest Secret”, by David Icke, here:

And what if it’s true? Ahh, then what?

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"Maybe They're Not Human"
RumorMail -- Saturday, 9-Jan-2021 07:27:40
reader: THIS IS A GREAT PIECE!! I encourage everyone to take a few minutes and read it
RumorMail -- Saturday, 9-Jan-2021 07:27:46

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