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Corona Hoax!?, Corona Hoax!?, Did You Say, CORONA HOAX!!

Posted By: Swami
Date: Saturday, 9-Jan-2021 07:27:41

Corona Hoax

Watch What This Guy Says on NBC! MSM Getting People in PANIC MODE!!

If officials who are hyping coronavirus doom and gloom are wrong, they can all kiss their credibility goodbye…and that will REALLY be dangerous

Americans already have a serious trust issue with government so let's not destroy what's left of it

Posted on March 15, 2020

By Tank Murdoch

(TNS) It’s hard to know exactly how to feel about government officials and elected leaders who are pushing our society into shutdown mode over a so-far limited outbreak of a common form of virus.

We’re told by every single immunologist and health expert that COVID-19 creates mild to moderate symptoms in more than 80 percent of people who catch it.

And yet, our country is on the verge of government-mandated lockdowns.

Don’t get us wrong, we aren’t saying the virus is ‘nothing to worry about.’ Very professional people with a lot of knowledge appear to be concerned about the virus’ spread. Got it.

But that said, did Dr. Anthony Fauci, who heads the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, really have to say Sunday that “millions” of Americans could die from coronavirus?

Really? Millions?

The reason we question this is two-fold.

First, Fauci is sending dual messages. On the one hand, he’s attempting to get across the seriousness of the virus, but at the same time, he and the rest of the Trump administration are trying to calm the public and stop Americans from panic-buying and other forms of irrational behavior.

Again, we don’t doubt that coronavirus can infect and kill. We’ve seen it already.

But in China, where the outbreak began, even there the numbers of dead were not grossly out of proportion or even large, especially given China’s massive population.

True, the Chinese government did employ mass quarantines, but Wuhan city, where the virus originated, is densely populated (11 million people). If the virus was as contagious and deadly as Fauci appears to believe it may be, how come less than a couple hundred thousand Chinese were sickened and fewer than 6,500 died from it?

Here’s our dilemma: If the people who are hyping the supposed seriousness of coronavirus turn out to have wildly exaggerated its impact on Americans, that’s going to be a problem in the future if a really virile and potent virus pandemic strikes.

Asked Sunday if the U.S. government should impose a sort of two-week national shutdown like some European countries have, Fauci said, “I would prefer as much as we possibly could. I think we should really be overly aggressive and get criticized for overreacting.”

But won’t that lead to massive distrust should the world face a much more serious threat the next time?

Few Americans really trust the mainstream media anymore, so those fools don’t have any credibility left anyway. But a guy like Fauci does, and frankly, we’d hate to see him lose it.

While we don’t want to see mass infections and deaths, we would like to see a little more responsibility in reporting and ‘forecasting’ this virus. Even if Fauci was quoting a worst-case scenario, and he was, most reports in the wake of his statement focused only on the numbers, not the facts on the ground.

Americans have a serious trust issue with government too, especially after the way the deep state attempted to depose a duly-elected President Trump. The fallout from that will last years as it is.

But if government officials think overhyping coronavirus so they can get ‘criticized for overreacting’ later is a better strategy, we’d have to disagree.

There has to be a better way to balance public health and strategy this time around so that Americans are protected and the government is believed for the next time we have an emergency.

Otherwise, what’s left of credibility and trust will simply vanish. And the next time, if the virus or bacteria is particularly lethal but that credibility factor is gone, then scores of Americans will dismiss the warnings as hype and pay for that with their lives.

CORONAHOAX - How To Prepare For What Happens Next

Illinois Gov. Closes Bars and Restaurants; Says No More ‘Time for Persuasion’

March 15, 2020 Associate Editor

‘if you’re healthy, you and your family, it’s a great time to just go out…’

AP Photo: Revelers celebrate St. Patrick’s Day Saturday, March 14, 2020, during an unofficial gathering at Tracey’s Original Irish Channel Bar in New Orleans.

(Associated Press) The governor of Illinois on Sunday ordered all bars and restaurants in his state to close amid the threat of the new coronavirus, and officials elsewhere in the country said they were considering similar restrictions after revelers ignored warnings against attending large gatherings.

“The time for persuasion and public appeals is over,” Gov. J.B. Pritzker said. “This is not a joke. No one is immune to this.”

The Democratic governor said he had tried earlier this week to appeal to everyone’s good judgment to stay home, to avoid bars, and not congregate in crowds. He added that it is unfortunate that many people didn’t take that seriously.

The order takes effect Monday night and will last through March 30.

In New Orleans and Chicago, people clad in green for St. Patrick’s Day packed bars and spilled onto crowded sidewalks on Saturday even after the cities canceled their parades.

“I’m not about to put my life on hold because this is going around,” Kyle Thomas told the Chicago Sun-Times. Thomas, a nurse from Colorado, said he had flown to Chicago to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with friends and thought people might be “overreacting.”

In New Orleans, Syd Knight, 86, celebrated despite the public health warnings and the higher risk she faced because of her age.

“The Lord will take care of us all,” Knight told The Times-Picayune-New Orleans Advocate.
Oklahoma’s governor tweeted a picture of himself and his children at a crowded metro restaurant Saturday night.

In the since-deleted tweet, Republican Gov. Kevin Stitt wrote: “Eating with my kids and all my fellow Oklahomans at the @CollectiveOKC. It’s packed tonight!”

“The governor will continue to take his family out to dinner and to the grocery store without living in fear, and encourages Oklahomans to do the same,” Charlie Hannema, a spokesman for the governor, said in an email.

Health officials have advised people to distance themselves from each other socially. Some states have banned gatherings with more than a certain number of people.

Officials in New Jersey are considering a statewide curfew to help prevent the spread of the virus, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy said Sunday.

One city in the state, Hoboken, has already implemented one — from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. — starting Monday. Additionally, bars and restaurants in Hoboken that serve food can only offer takeout or delivery, and bars without food have to shut down, Mayor Ravi S. Bhalla said.

“A friend of mine walked into a bar/restaurant last night in Asbury Park and they were packed,” Murphy, a Democrat, said on WBLS-FM 107.5. “And people are on top of each other. And that’s probably, sadly, at least for the near term, scenarios that we’re not going to be able to abide by much longer because, inevitably, somebody is going to infect somebody else in a situation like that.”

Reacting to the curfew announcement in Hoboken, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said Sunday on CNN that a lockdown in the nation’s largest city couldn’t be ruled out.

Bars and restaurants should operate for now at 50 percent capacity so customers have more space, he told the ABC-TV affiliate in New York.

New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell said it was “unacceptable” that people were ignoring a ban issued by Gov. John Bel Edwards on gatherings of more than 250 people. The violators were “actively increasing the danger to their neighbors and their loved ones,” Cantrell said.

The hashtag, “StayTheFHome,” was trending on Twitter.

Several countries in Europe have closed bars.

The vast majority of people who contract the new virus recover within weeks. It causes only mild or moderate symptoms for most people, but can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia for some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems.

Advising people to completely avoid restaurants “might be overkill right now,” the nation’s top infectious disease expert, Anthony Fauci, said on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” but he added that he wouldn’t go to one himself because he didn’t want to be in a “crowded place” and risk having to self-quarantine.

Republican Rep. Devin Nunes had a different message on Fox News Sunday, encouraging people to go to local restaurants and pubs.

“There’s a lot of concerns with the economy here because people are scared to go out, but I will just say one of the things you can do — if you’re healthy, you and your family it’s a great time to just go out, go to a local restaurant, likely you can get in easily,” he said. “Let’s not hurt the working people in this country that are relying on wages and tips to keep their small business going.”

Celente: Stock Market Crash? EVERYTHING Is Being Shut Down

Italy May Charge You with Murder for Spreading Coronavirus

Sunday, 15 March 2020
Written by Luis Miguel

Italian officials have continued their strict measures to control the coronavirus outbreak in their country, warning citizens that they could face murder charges if they fatally spread the illness to another person after showing signs and refusing to self-quarantine.

Italians must self-isolate if they exhibit symptoms of COVID-19, such as cough and fever, or else face the possibility of prosecution for causing injury.

Should an elderly or at-risk person get infected and die due to a person’s refusal to undergo quarantine, the offending party opens himself up to charges of intentional murder, which carries a minimum sentence of 21 years in prison.

The penalty may also be applied in the case of those who continue to attend social events after learning they came into contact with someone who tested positive for the virus.

Anyone who lies to authorities about having to travel amid the countrywide shutdown may face a prison term of one to six years. Those who break travel restrictions, which involves filling out a government form asking permission to leave one’s home, could be slapped with three months behind bars and a €206 fine.

Criminal charges for spreading coronavirus will follow principles similar to the knowing diffusion of HIV.

Italy has been the European nation hardest-hit by coronavirus, with over 15,000 confirmed cases and over 1,000 deaths.

The country’s government has taken tough measures to contain the spread, closing all stores, schools, nightclubs, museums, swimming pools, and other public spaces. Only food stores and pharmacies remain open.

The shutdown is expected to last until March 25. In a televised address to the nation last Wednesday, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said that the “effects of those measures will be seen in a couple of weeks, so cases can still increase in coming days.”

Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who is currently in Italy, has called on the American government to act decisively to stop coronavirus’ spread.

The outbreak has taxed Italy’s healthcare system, provoking a rationing of care, with an emphasis on treating the younger rather than the elderly.

“If someone between 80 and 95 has serious breathing difficulties, you probably don’t proceed,” a local anesthesiologist told The Times.

Infection and death numbers have varied significantly among European nations. France and Germany have more than 1,000 confirmed coronavirus cases each. France’s death toll is more than 30, while Germany has seen only three deaths.

One factor affecting a country’s percentage death rate is the number of people tested. Because approximately 80 percent of those who contract the virus only get mild symptoms, and coronavirus causes similar symptoms to the flu and cold (it belongs to the same family), many cases are misdiagnosed.

As a result, often, only those who end up seriously ill are tested, which skews the numbers toward a high death rate. In countries that have a more widespread testing system, the death rate tends to be lower.

Coronavirus appears to most severely affect those who are elderly and whose immune systems are compromised due to preexisting conditions. As France’s The Local notes, Italy’s “average age of those who have died is 81 and in more than two thirds of cases patients had three or more pre-existing medical conditions.”

Moreover, “EU statistics show Italy has the oldest population in Europe by almost any count. It has the lowest percentage of young people, and a higher percentage of those aged over 65 (22.6 percent as of 2018) than any of the other member EU states.”

The healthy, particularly the young, are at lower risk from coronavirus. In China, where the virus was first reported and which has been the most affected so far, no children under age nine have died from the infection. Developed nations such as the U.S. have seen no deaths of minors.

A Scottish man in his 50s who described himself as in good health recounted his experience contracting coronavirus to the BBC.

The man, who became infected while on a trip to Italy, said the illness was “short-lived and you can recover from it fully. That's how people should be viewing this.”

He recalled:

I felt no symptoms. I was completely fine and went to work on the Wednesday and Thursday. Later on the Thursday evening, I started to feel a bit of a flu coming on. I had a mild fever, I felt shivery but the biggest symptom was aches and pains, particularly in my legs.

I was feverish — that continued through Thursday night and I didn't sleep too well.

The man explained that he followed government guidelines and reported to a hospital for testing.

That was returned as a positive test on the Sunday evening (1 March) and I was hospitalised. From that point on I was subject to daily blood tests and throat and nose swabs. …

By the time I went to hospital, I was feeling fine. The mild flu symptoms quickly dissipated, I had no leg pain, no fever, no cough and no shortness of breath.

He explained that his symptoms “seemed to have gone within three or four days,” and concluded:

“The vast majority of the population will experience what I have experienced.... For many, it is nothing more than a bad cold, really.”

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