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exercise U.S. patriots launch 'Counter Jade Helm' protests in 15 states..."You Wanna Play? Deal Us In...

Posted By: Watchman
Date: Friday, 3-Apr-2015 15:20:20

In Response To: 25 Retired Seals, Delta and Rangers Launch OperationTyranny Response On DC To Counter Jade Helm... (Watchman)

(NaturalNews) A U.S. military exercise involving hundreds of special operations forces including Navy SEALs and Army Green Berets that is set to kick off in a number of states around the country and focus on the South and Southwest is prompting a number of patriot organizations to man up and launch what they describe as a massive "counter surveillance exercise."

In response to these covert domestic military exercises, activists have launched a Facebook page titled "Counter Jade Helm Exercises" that is hosted by Pete Lanteri, former president of Icon Tactical Industries.

"Since the military wants to infiltrate our towns for practice, then We
the Patriots should use this as a counter surveillance exercise!!"
states the page's description. "I'm calling on Militias and other
Patriot groups to counter this
exercise with surveillance of the military's attempt to infiltrate US
towns!" Citizens concerned with increased domestic military activity can join the Facebook group to get involved in the counter-surveillance exercises and help safeguard our liberties.

A Department of Defense PowerPoint presentation posted online describing Jade Helm says that about 1,200 exercise participants will engage in eight-week "unconventional warfare" training with local officials.

"JH is a challenging eight-week joint military and interagency (IA) Unconventional Warfare (UW) exercise conducted throughout Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Nevada, Utah and Colorado," says the PowerPoint proposal, adding that its aim is "to improve the Special Operations Forces' UW capability as part of the National Security Strategy."

The presentation describes the exercises as "Realistic Military Training," which it defines as taking place outside a federal military base or other federally owned property and being "designed to ensure proper coordinate between DOD [Department of Defense] and local and regional authorities." The exercise is scheduled to run from July 15 to September 15.

In addition to SEALs and Green Beret troops, other forces involved in the exercises include U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command, USMC Special Operations Command, USMC Expeditionary Units and elements of the 82nd Airborne Division.

Increased military activity on the ground and in the air

A Facebook post from a 2012 GOP congressional candidate from Georgia, Greg Pallen, says he has information from "a reliable, well-connected inside source" that "militias are on high-alert" over the exercise.

Pallen's post also included a Jason A video discussing the exercise as a possible prelude to martial law, given that the troops are special ops forces, not just regular forces, and that they will be operating among the civilian population, at times wearing civilian clothing so they can mesh with locals, rather than on a military base.

Training for unrest in America?

For its part, the military says the exercise is necessary because the special operations forces need to train amid a changing threat environment. The concern by some is that the special ops troops are focusing on a changing American threat environment, given that some of the states involved in the training, like Texas, New Mexico and Utah, are deemed "hostile."

Also, it's important to note that, in preparing for Iraq and Afghanistan, U.S. forces trained with actors who pretended to be Iraqi and Afghani nationals; in some cases, actual nationals from those countries who had been hired by the Defense Department to assist in the training were used.

In addition, as noted by the Jason A video, so-called "urban" training by U.S. military aviation and ground forces has been increasing over the past several months. In some scenes, military Blackhawk helicopters can be seen landing in an urban environment, as if dropping off/picking up forces. Also, mock internments of citizens are being rehearsed.

In the video, it is unclear whether the military units involved are regular active duty forces or state National Guard units, the latter of which are often seen on civilian highways and in the sky.

To learn more or join the Counter Jade Helm Exercises, visit the Facebook page here.


: With increased military helicopter activity now being seen
: from coast to coast as seen in the 1st video below, US
: Special Ops Veterans have announced 'Operation Tyranny
: Response' in opposition to Jade Helm 15 and the recent
: martial law exercises in Fort Lauderdale as shared in an
: email sent to All News Pipeline republished below. We also
: learn of 'Operation Homeland Hawkeye', a newly launched
: website in which Americans can send their own pictures or
: videos of martial-law style military events in their own
: hometowns.

: 10353565_725162914228441_3687918955892450003_n.png

: In great respect and honor to America's Special Forces,
: especially those who gave their own lives to preserve and
: protect the Liberties that their children, grandchildren
: and great grandchildren may never have the opportunity to
: experience with America on the brink of destruction,
: Americans are now speaking out en masse against a potential
: martial law takeover of America, whether due to economic
: collapse, World War 3 or the onset of a 'New World Order'.
: What would martial law in America look like? From End of
: the American Dream.: First thing that you need to know is
: that the U.S. Constitution would be “suspended”.

: In other words, you would suddenly have no rights at all.

: There would be no freedom of speech, no freedom of the press,
: no freedom of assembly and you could be arrested at any
: time for any reason whatsoever.

: For the duration of the “emergency”, the military would be in
: control. There would be troops in the streets, a curfew
: would almost certainly be imposed, and armed checkpoints
: would be set up.

: If the “emergency” lasted long enough, we would probably see
: authorities go house to house confiscating firearms,
: ammunition and food supplies.

: And perhaps most troubling of all, “dissidents” and
: “subversives” would likely be rounded up and imprisoned.
: Well, we do know that this is precisely what the FBI had a
: plan to do in the 1950s from a recent RT article…

: The best chance that Americans have to end martial law in
: America before it begins is to let them know that WE know,
: that we can see the preparation taking place by the
: government and by the military for a huge, as-of-yet
: unannounced event. Anyone can contact the White House at
: 202-456-1111 and/or their Congressional Representatives
: here to voice your own opinions.

: Email from a United States Special Ops Veteran on 'Operation
: Tyranny Response': Dear Patriots across America,

: In response to the alleged "Martial Law" drills
: conducted by the Pentagon in Fort Lauderdale Florida (under
: orders from the Communist in the White House) I responded
: thus.

: I called the Chief of Police in Fort Lauderdale and left a
: message with questions as to why he allowed US military
: Black Hawk's to use his town as a military staging area and
: allow civilians to be rounded up and herded like cattle as
: if under arrest by the US military. I saw the video now
: taken off the Blaze. His phone number is 954-828-5590 No
: response back.

: I then called the special operations team in the Fort
: Lauderdale Police department and spoke to Captain Gillis.
: He also returned my calls and left me a voice mail passing
: the buck to Captain Swisher the man in charge of SWAT teams
: and tactical operations. Captain Gillis phone number is
: 954-828-5484. Captain Swisher has returned my call and
: stated the training is for overseas contingencies. His
: phone number is 954-828-6651. I have voicemail as evidence.

: I then called Central Command at MacDill Air Force Base but
: apparently everyone is too busy to answer the phone they
: must be invading another city maybe Daytona Beach is next.
: I then called the Pentagon and left a message at
: 703-571-3343 press # 5 and told these folks if they choose
: to use American cities to practice rounding up Americans, I
: am now deploying 25 retired Navy SEAL, DELTA and Rangers
: into the Capital to practice "stuff" too. If they
: can practice we can practice. Lastly I called Governor
: Scott and let him know what was going on and to remind him
: of his authority to implement a militia to protect the
: citizens from a federal Martial Law attempt.

: Operation Tyranny Response

: 25 highly trained retired military special operations folks
: who have vowed not to shoot on American citizens will go to
: Washington DC on tourist visa's visiting the formerly
: Communist controlled Capital building. That is all I will
: say on that.

: They will wander around and be tourists. They may pop in and
: visit a few Congressman or maybe they won't. Or, maybe they
: will. The 1st Amendment is about to be exercised. Body cams
: in place.

: They practice we practice. We all practice. They visit us. We
: visit them.

: Senior Chief Geoff Ross
: United States Navy Retired
: Navarre Florida
: Santa Rosa County Militia

: more at link:

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Articles In This Thread

25 Retired Seals, Delta and Rangers Launch OperationTyranny Response On DC To Counter Jade Helm...
Watchman -- Friday, 3-Apr-2015 15:11:46
exercise U.S. patriots launch 'Counter Jade Helm' protests in 15 states..."You Wanna Play? Deal Us In...
Watchman -- Friday, 3-Apr-2015 15:20:20
This is the Reason that so Many SEALS and Special Ops Guys/Gals are thrown in Prison
Rayelan -- Friday, 3-Apr-2015 15:46:14

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