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Repost - Surveillance Torture Frequencies are Sending Us Back to 'COLLINWOOD' - PHOTOS

Posted By: Infoeditor
Date: Friday, 10-Oct-2014 22:11:06

This article first appeared on the internet at and is an original composition and comment. It is especially re-posted here during the month of Halloween.

Original link was -

www DOT rumormillnews DOT com/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?read=263494

Surveillance Torture Frequencies are Sending Us Back to 'COLLINWOOD' - PHOTOS

Within the experience of reading Edgar Allan Poe (1) is the eerie solace and isolated melancholia which can manifest from some of those works. Proceeding fully into Poe's writings may generate feelings of hopelessness, mayhem, utter despair, and possibly a resignation of doom.

On the positive side of reading such works is the benefit of feeling detached from the modern world of such horrors as surveillance frequencies, artificial foods, insane vaccinations, etc., and massive hypocrisy.

We live in an age of such an abundance of hypocrisy it staggers the imagination. For example, the hellish surveillance frequencies which are applied to citizens are believed to come from authorities; NSA, law enforcement, intelligence agents, mental health workers, and also perps. Many of these officials wil give Christmas gifts to one another, to their kids, spouses, friends, etc., and still believe in holding Christmas, complete with Christmas trees, lights and ornaments and all, yet as they go about applying hellish surveillance frequencies to "We, The Condemned People", they cause many of us to suffer complete loss of; hope, good attitude, love, tolerance, and loss of health, too.

The contrast is remarkable. The hypocrites go about receiving their paychecks for radioing the hell out of "We, The Forgotten People", then they feel dejected and sorrowful when their children are murdered in the government hellhole schools they send them to. And yet, those who really do believe that Christ is Christmas, or is in Christmas are taught to believe that they should do unto others as they would be done. Applying surveillance frequencies and/or psycho-acoustics to people can apparently cause some persons to lose their minds and commit acts of madness.

It wouldn't appear that causing a fellow American to lose his/her mind and/or life is the definition of "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you", yet those in the cop and mental health ZIO-CON seem to think it's okay as long as it's someone else getting 'radioed'. George Carlin is so right...."They don't give a fxxx about all".

Photo - Carey Mansion as Collinwood Mansion (2)

{{Information| |Description = Carey Mansion, Newport, Rhode Island |Source = self-made |Date = 1999-06-17 |Author = Jim McCullars ~~~ |Permission = May be used freely as long as attribution is made }} {{cc-by-sa-2.5}}


The surveillance torture frequencies, including brainscanning, are a complete violation of basic human rights and rights under The Constitution, and The Bill of Rights. These hellish frequencies are an invasion of privacy and a violation of search and seizure laws, yet those Christmas gifts must be bought and usuriously high mortgages must be paid so on goes the radar, microwave, infra-red, infra-red laser, and the phony war on terrorism, guiltily applied to unsuspecting citizen-victims - sometimes even applied by Christmas lovers.

It's about enough to send folks clear back to 'Collinwood', a place of more rustic times, isn't it?! Send folks back to 'Collinwood'? Isn't that the dreaded place of fictional 'Dark Shadows'? Isn't that a bit of a doomsday ambiance compared to all the bright modern lights? Yeah, but who the hell cares for the bright lights considering all the crap that goes along with them?

'Lessee now' more rustic times there were not any surveillance torture frequencies, and there's probably not so much predatory property tax. There's also not necessarily compulsory, forced vaccinations, and maybe not an I.R.S., either. Maybe a few real vampires, werewolves, ghosts, apparitions, warlocks, but hey,...what the hay, look at all the negative stuff to lose if America can be driven back to a more ancient and basic standard. Maybe even chivalry could experience a revival and without soybean products and antibiotic food women would look more like Rita Hayworth instead of 'Jan the Man' Napolitano or 'Billary'.

You could then probably send your kids to a basic school to learn readin, writin, and rithmatic, instead of how to turn gay and ignore The Constitution. Then, without all the DARPA frequencies the kids might even be safe from mad shooters.

Yes sir, give me 'Collinwood' any day over this U.S. corporate piece of ZIO-CON crap and lose the ZIO-CON t.v. and media as well. Send a Paul Revere messenger around to 'Collinwood' and all the other American homes that wanted some 'news' and revitalize those famous calls to end more taxation.

You're afraid the power will go off??! Hell, turn out all the lights and light the candles for a change, skip mass and have a slug of champagne, or maybe even scotch, and admit to yourselves that the better days of America are gone and we are headed backwards as far as progress is concerned.

All these so-called churches in society and yet we haven't managed to throw off these damned government goons and cons and remove the ZIO-CON? Why the hell go to church anymore for another useless lesson partly programmed by the I.R.S., when lots of us can get a real good headful of microwave and radar buzz just staying home? Ain't life grand? The government bastards have robbed The People of nearly everything sacred.

At the rate the overdeveloped corporate U.S. bureaucracy is headed it is sending millions of souls back to 'Collinwood'. They are seeking something more rustic now. Think of how many U.S. souls today are going back to 'Collinwood', if for no other reason, just so they can avoid the arrival of one more thing considered a modern invention.

Might as well get into something real wild for a change since being a good person doesn't necessarily get you anything these days. Losing my faith? Hell, I'm beginning to think I lost that when they started radioing me half to death. You're afraid you say? Why hell, that cop at your next traffic stop will probably kill ya!


Photo- Jonathan Frid as Barnabas Collins (3)

This work (photo) is in the public domain in that it was published in the United States between 1923 and 1977 and without a copyright notice.

'Dark Shadows' is an American soap opera which ran from June 27, 1966, to April 2, 1971 on ABC Network, and all titles of 'Dark Shadows' belong to respective owners. (4)





Dark Shadows

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Articles In This Thread

Repost - Surveillance Torture Frequencies are Sending Us Back to 'COLLINWOOD' - PHOTOS
Infoeditor -- Friday, 10-Oct-2014 22:11:06
Reader srdst sends - Yes, I think the old ways were way better
Infoeditor -- Saturday, 11-Oct-2014 03:01:03
Infoeditor - Amen, bro - lots of folks would go back. People everywhere are mad as hell.
Infoeditor -- Saturday, 11-Oct-2014 03:26:39
Reader mm sends - Wait till the MEGA MILLIONS OF CHINERS START POURING IN..
Infoeditor -- Saturday, 11-Oct-2014 13:56:39
Infoeditor - so they get fried with the rest of us?
Infoeditor -- Saturday, 11-Oct-2014 14:05:23

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