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FKTV: "Nuclear Alert: ADTW 20-01-16 Operation Red Snapper"

Posted By: hobie
Date: Saturday, 9-Jan-2021 07:27:47

Hi, Folks -

Most of this is a copy of Anna Von Reitz' post from Fri/Sat:

Anna Von Reitz: "American National Alert and Appeal"
hobie -- Saturday, 18-Jan-2020 00:12:27

I'm posting it as an update on Field himself and also for this closing paragraph:

And by the way, I just recently, in the last several minutes - the time, right now is coming up on High Noon - it'll be High Noon when I hang up, Eastern. And within the last 10 minutes, I have found out that the weapons have been identified and they will be dealt with.

Nuclear Alert: ADTW 20-01-16 Operation Red Snapper

Field McConnell phoned in this report from jail in Florida. It's an alarming report, delivered in the most deadpan manner imaginable, full of cryptic codes and references.

He warns of a nuclear plot on US soil that was set in motion by the late Soleimani and he emphatically warns people NOT to attend the gun rights rally in Virginia this coming Monday.

Throughout the Twittersphere and the alternative media, people are warning of a possible false flag attack to frame law-abiding believers in the Constitution.


This is an urgent update to today's message from the Field Report. The title of this message will become 20-01-16. What that stands for is, "Able Danger: Threat Warning 2020, January 16th."

On January 16th, I had a visitor and based on information swirling around that visit and conversations with people that are related to Operation Red Snapper and Operation Bottom 5%, I just want to publish this national alert and appeal.

I am being told by my intelligence sources and bits and pieces are being confirmed in the news media that rogue elements in Dick Cheney's Department of Homeland Security - which is a private subcontractor and Executive Department, like DOJ - meaning, that they subcontract for our contractors who are also working for Hell's Brigade.

They conspired with other members of the elite transnational mercenary group, which has infiltrated the national militaries of many nations, including Iran and the US to steal two nuclear bombs called "Baby Boomers" that are easily transported via railroad car or shipping container from an arsenal in the Southeastern United States.

The bombs are thought to be intended to stage another, even worse attack than 9/11 on our own soil. The attack would take out the records of so-called "Legacy Trust and Land Office Records" for the past two centuries, which are stored in Kansas, so the vermin could come in and claim whatever they want about who owes our gold and who owns our land.

For my money, call it yet another Papal-British-Zionist collusion scheme and attempt to steal our assets and avoid their own debts, by any means possible.

Colorado would be a secondary target, because that's where the backup records were - were, were - please note past tense - were in storage. Please note: WERE stored.

A team of clerks transported computer data copies of all of our Land records and Legacy Trust data to our safe and humble Patriot Archive this morning - this morning. This morning!

Soleimani, the Iranian who was splattered across the asphalt - I call him "Soul Man" - was involved in transporting and acquiring medical-grade uranium, made in Iran into this country, the United States, via our Southern Border and from there, it would be amassed and used to construct more bombs, on-site in major cities across America.

Iranian and Danish officials discovered the theft of the medical-grade uranium from Iranian facilities and tracked it back to "Soul Man" Soleimani. The Iranian government was afraid of him and what he was doing and ratted him and his collaborators out to the United States.

Now, the hunt is on to locate the missing bombs and the small batch of uranium stolen from the Iranian nuclear facilities by "Soul Man" and crew. The men doing these awful things are driven by hatred and greed and the shared total disrespect for life and truth. They come from all nations and all disciplines and walks of life but have only one true allegiance: to a pagan religion that is called the "Religion of the Dead", which takes its premises from the grimoire of the Egyptian Book of the Dead...

This is the religion of the Nazi SS and also the religion of Aleister Crowley and his Temple of the Golden Dawn, which in its English form is called Thelema and which in its German form is called the Thule Society...

This is very creepy, very polluted, demon-centered magick. The practitioners forget what ends await them. The rumors that Crowley was Barbara Bush's father is substantiated by Crowley's own diary and, together with Prescott Bush's financial support for Adolf Hitler makes a convincing argument that the Bush family was part of an inter-generational cult of closet Satanists.

Do you think this is a coincidence, that GW was reading the nursery story about a goat to children as 9/11 was going down? The goat is the animal totem of the Horned God, Baphomet, the demon these people worship.

Sidebar: the Naval Academy class of 1971 had a member who did intelligence work, who donated five goats to Annapolis. Those mascot goats were billed: 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32.

Back to this message: ISIS was named after the principal goddess, Isis, the Egyptian name of Semiramis, also known as Ashtar, Astarte, Sybil, in Columbia - as in District of Columbia.

The ancient pagan plague came to Rome and became a popular religion after the fall of Carthage and was picked up by the Roman Legionnaires and the Coliseum gladiators. Remember their salute to Caesar: "We who are about to die salute you!" It has continued to be practiced in secret and not-so secret, especially in military circles, ever since. It seems that at least some of those who make war for a living go soft in the head and make a call to die.

So, Hell's Brigade has been summoned to wage an ersatz nuclear war on America. By taking out "Soul Man" Soleimani, we took out the head of the viper, a man who is willing to set up his own country as the fall guy for this plot. As usual, the plotters were aiming for a double score: destroy our Trust and Land records, so we could never claim back what is owed us and at the same time, use this attack as an excuse to attack Iran.

Just like the bogus BS against Iraq and Libya and 9/11, it was set up, executed by the same group of mercenaries, being paid by the same British and Israeli banks, using the same subcontractors to do it - and all planned-out and supported by the name of no-good politicians and industrialists.

Cheney had better hope and pray to God that we find those nukes and medical uranium stockpiles. If we don't and those things actually get detonated on American soil, this mis-named Department of Homeland Security is likely to be dis-constructed, down to subatomic level.

Sidebar: how many times has Field McConnell talked about Michael Chertoff and JM Cohen, as it pertains to not only the attack of 9/11 but the attack - the false leg attack - in Las Vegas in October of a recent year [2017]? And I, personally, Field McConnell have communicated with Chertoff and JM Cohen and I hold them in contempt.

Back to this message, which did not come from Field McConnell but I'm well aware of where this message came from...

As for those people planning on attending any pro-gun rally in Virginia, do not go! Do not go to that Virginia rally!

The governor of a Commonwealth has no power to take the guns of rank-and-file Americans. All you have to do to stop him is make sure that your counted as a rank-and-file American, not any type of "US" citizen - and US is in parentheses or quotes.

For assistance doing that, go to and I hope that people can read that. We will put that in the comment section. Declare your political status and join your State Assembly and you can thumb your nose to all the offers to subject you to gun-grabbing, false-arrest, child-snatching, Federal Income Taxes, political correctness and all other associated evils.

Just come home to America. Stop living in that truck and national doppelganger called the "US" and unwittingly subjecting yourselves to foreign laws and its Commonwealth governors.

The organizers of the Virginia rally need to have the good sense of horses: realize it's just another trap; the vermin trying to get something going, so they have an excuse for killing innocent people - and call it off.

Don't go! Do not go to the Virginia rally!

With all this other crapola in the air and national manhunts ongoing over entire states, this is no time to leave home. It's time to hunker down and help your family and communities and keep your guns safely at home for self-defense purposes.

Finally, we need our prayer warriors and people of God to come to our defense, as a nation that's greatest sin was falling asleep.

Please know that America didn't do these horrible things to the rest of the world, that the Pope's municipal government, doing business as the United States and the Queen's bully-boy, doing business as the United States of America are the culprits and they have been operating in our names and doing evil in our names, like any other criminal impostor.

The Pashtas are needed now for the Search and Destroy mission - and that is from a person who I will identify as 75-64 and I will identify myself to 75-56 and I will update this tomorrow but this has been ADTW 20-01-16, Operation Red Snapper.

And by the way, I just recently, in the last several minutes - the time, right now is coming up on High Noon - it'll be High Noon when I hang up, Eastern. And within the last 10 minutes, I have found out that the weapons have been identified and they will be dealt with.

This is an urgent update from 75-56, also known as 2 Minus.

Running Time 11 mins:


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Articles In This Thread

FKTV: "Nuclear Alert: ADTW 20-01-16 Operation Red Snapper"
hobie -- Saturday, 9-Jan-2021 07:27:47
Reader: "Field McConnell is still being held in Pierce County Jail"
hobie -- Saturday, 9-Jan-2021 07:27:47

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