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Reader Mike sends - You focus on what you consider bad....

Posted By: Infoeditor
Date: Friday, 10-Oct-2014 13:56:24

In Response To: 1 Yr ago Today - TEAR DOWN THE STATUE OF LIBERTY - PART I - The Difference Between Myths, Santa Claus and The Statue of (Infoeditor)

Re: 1 Yr ago Today - TEAR DOWN THE STATUE OF L....

Jesus Christ! I see the post 1960's rewrite of history has taken ahold of
you. I'm not going to get into the symbolism of that statue, I'm not going to
get into the hope of an entire class of people that statue represents, I'm not
even going to encourage you to help create a future free from such things, I'm
not going to tell you about the uncountable good that stands behind that

You focus on what you consider bad,you dwell too much of what is bad and
I can tell by your post you aren't willing to change it but you are
willing to cry of any destructive acts carried on by a and ignore the

rest of the people who built this nation that statue stands in front of.
Evil people didn't build this country. Hard working people with strong
backs and hope for a prosperous future did. In any generation there will
be problems to fix and carry on. Ours now is to overcome those few who
have failed in every other way to suppress our freedom that statue
represents. Those few are now attempting to destroy our economy and our
self respect as a nation and tear away our belief in our institutions and
hold as spurious our art and artifacts we hold dear.

You, sir, are just forwarding an enemy line. You have taken up the
mantra to destroy America's belief in herself. You are like a father
that constantly criticizes his child and then wonders why the kid went

Destroying the fabric of American culture so Americans no longer believe
in their fellow man of culture is a result of the Soviet Union started in
1947 as the "Ugly American". It is an intentional black propaganda
campaign consisting of just such acts you are guilty of. Either you are
a knowing disinformation agent or you are a useless idiot parroting your
masters who you are oblivious to.

America needs people who will stand up to her enemies and not contribute to tearing her down

But I've gone too far. I doubt you can understand what I'm trying to tell you.



: This article was posted at:
: on Wednesday October 9, 2013, and subsequently posted here at
: RMN which was a year ago today.

: Between Myths, Santa Claus and The Statue of Liberty

: One is free, the other costs taxpayers an unheard-of amount of
: borrowed money at great interest.

: It must have been the older sister who told this editor, a
: little kid, that there really was not a Santa Claus. Being
: very disappointed at first and then feeling very foolish
: later, this editor realized that most older folks and a few
: who were younger had the real truth on the matter while
: this editor had been kept in the dark about the existence
: of Santa. Naturally, like many kids must feel, it was like
: a tremendous joke had been played on the editor over this
: Santa phenomenon of Christmas.

: The Statue of Liberty of Atrocities

: For decades The Statue of Liberty has remained a sturdy
: bulwark symbol of freedom in The United States of America.
: Unfortunately, however, it has continued standing when it
: ought not stand at all. The atrocities against freedom and
: 'We, The Forgotten People', which have largely remained
: uninvestigated as to the real causes, have cut short a vast
: body of freedom and there seems to be no solution - no end
: to the stonewalling or stalling of freedom in America.

: There have been big committees founded with important-sounding
: names such as; 'The Warren Commission', 'The House Select
: Committee on Assassinations' [ Pretty bad when a nation
: must invent special panels to investigate its own killing
: squads and assassins and murders ], that 9-11 Attack
: commission, and all the others. However, those panels did
: not get to the real murderers and culprits behind so many
: atrocities.

: Harry Dexter White's Bunch

: Meanwhile there were ongoing deep-rooted cancers eating away
: at the heart of America which went unreported and were
: covered up like one that cancerated the U.S. Treasury -
: Harry Dexter White's bunch who stole the printing of
: zillions of U.S. Dollars for The Soviet Union after World
: War II under the rebuilding and restorations after war.
: White's bunch furnished the Communists the US Treasury
: plates and paper and ink to print the money! The U.S.
: simply absorbed the inflationary effect upon the Dollar and
: suffered on year after year while the Communists simply
: kept printing counterfeit, but real dollars, for themselves
: long after the correct, allowed quantity of money was
: printed.

: Who paid the real price for it, as usual, while still
: believing in that great 'Statue of Atrocities'? We did, the
: forgotten, but used American People. We paid it every time
: those unlawful dollar bills were circulated back into the
: world markets. That is another example of printing money
: without backing it with anything. You can thank the
: Communists within the State Department for that mad act
: atrocity.

: Were those responsible for that horror ever prosecuted and
: held responsible? Not really. Was it ever reported in the
: press even though some insiders knew about it? No, it
: apparently never made any real national headlines and is
: one of the biggest thefts and scandals ever. This editor
: often wonders if the Communists' refusal to stop printing
: the money eventually led the U.S. to simply start doing the
: same thing and really out-do every other source who tried
: counterfeiting the Dollar.

: NSA and Telecom Act Above the Law

: Time and again the National Security Agency and the telecom
: companies have witnessed federal courts order that the
: warrant-less electronic eavesdropping and spying be
: stopped, yet they continue their unlawful spying in spite
: of these legal rulings as if there is no law and they are
: above the law. So-called 'Lady Liberty' still holds the
: lamp up right through the debacle, as though nothing's
: changed, despite the criminals in government making a
: mockery of freedom.

: 9-11 Investigations

: Notice how long it takes to get members of Congress and The
: Pentagrom, er Pentagon and military investigated? Issa's
: panels are still ongoing, reminiscent of some old H.U.A.C.
: panel or other, but at least it appears that some
: investigations into government wrongs are being done. These
: long, long-winded panels of investigations appear to
: replace actual Department of Justice actions of
: enforcement. Why? If you or this editor were accused,
: wouldn't they simply send over the gendarmes, etc. and just
: bust the hell out of us for, probably, some victimless
: crime or statutory infraction, etc.? But, there are those
: tied to the nation's purse strings who appear to be rather
: slick and untouchable. On and on with more inquiries -
: "Well, we'll look into it", etc., etc., ho-hum -
: no real enforcement on The 9-11 WTC & Pentagon Attacks
: - just as no real enforcement in the JFK Assassination,
: etc..

: Instead of going straight to the issue and forcing the media
: to tell the truth and report on the controlled demolitions
: of The WTC, there is a stonewalling effect about the
: takedown of the WTC Buildings and you see those who were on
: duty, even generals, now dying in strange train wrecks and
: such 'accidents' while the stall goes on long enough to get
: the important witnesses dead. Remind you of another period
: in time in the U.S. after the Kennedy Assassinations?
: Stall, stall, stall, government shutdown cause, er, uh
: "We're short of money"? Well surprise, surprise,
: surprise, but you don't see the neighborhood watch perps
: and snitches suffering from the 'shutdown' do ya? No,
: they're there in place waiting for .....'that day'.

: The Biggest Lies in History Covered by Monuments

: So the biggest lies in history continue amidst the BIG STALL,
: all rather covered by so-called 'Lady Liberty' which is now
: a 'STATUE OF ATROCITIES' for it resides in a land of mass
: denial, government thefts, lying medias, countless murders,
: and a population of literal denial addicts who seem to
: still want at least some memory of freedom, but at
: humongous expense to the taxpayer. The monies used to keep
: such monuments open are borrowed from a foreign source to
: fund the so-called U.S. government, and the great, usurious
: interest charged to "We, The Forgotten People".

: There is a Limit on How Much to Bilk The People

: Just as false advertising has been condemned and can be
: punishable by law - so. too, should falsely advertised
: American freedom be disallowed. It is displayed in public
: view in a shameful land full of traitors and those who
: continue bilking the public for its keep and maintenance.
: It should not be there costing the victim-taxpayers
: borrowed money at great interest when the freedoms it once
: represented no longer exist.

: Those With Vision Can Still 'See'

: You know what? When those of you who moan to quit bashing
: America, as it were, etc., those who can see without scales
: upon their eyes are going to just keep doing the same old
: thing, keep telling people the truth about how a bunch of
: murderers and coercive banksters robbed this country blind
: and hold it captive by hiding behind images and phony
: monuments of freedom which are now vast relics of freedoms
: of the past.

: The Statue of Liberty, a phony relic, is no longer valid and
: is outdated due to banksters, the inactions of feckless
: justice ministers and due to greed and immorality. It has
: now become a 'STATUE OF ATROCITY' where billions wish for
: the return of real freedom, but have been unable to effect
: it. If the D.C. CONS won't return the freedoms and monies
: stolen then just knock it down, especially since the
: so-called shutdown government can't afford it. Otherwise,
: just replace the lamp and writings with a hammer and scythe
: and an explanation that free America is no longer on this
: soil. And by the way, stop charging 'We, The Forgotten
: People' for such sham monuments.

: Infoeditor


Queen of Babylon and New York City

RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

1 Yr ago Today - TEAR DOWN THE STATUE OF LIBERTY - PART I - The Difference Between Myths, Santa Claus and The Statue of
Infoeditor -- Thursday, 9-Oct-2014 20:04:00
Reader K sends - 'Lady Liberty' never had anything to do with freedom. Quite the opposite
Infoeditor -- Friday, 10-Oct-2014 13:44:41
Infoeditor response - My sentiments, exactly! Thank God someone out there is AWAKE!!
Infoeditor -- Friday, 10-Oct-2014 13:50:02
Reader Mike sends - You focus on what you consider bad....
Infoeditor -- Friday, 10-Oct-2014 13:56:24
Infoeditor -- Friday, 10-Oct-2014 14:04:09
Re: Reader Mike sends #2 - You focus on what you ....
Infoeditor -- Friday, 10-Oct-2014 22:39:42
Infoeditor - You just cannot stick to the subject of financing the outdated
Infoeditor -- Friday, 10-Oct-2014 22:44:19

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