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Addendum: You Are Your Ruler....

Posted By: Watchman
Date: Friday, 10-Oct-2014 11:25:28

In Response To: Open Letter to the "Elite" Rulers "Elites:" This Letter Is Real, Your Attention Required (Lymerick)

One's *ruler* is a figment of their own insecurity, the fantasized *help* you lazily wish you had.

The stark reality is that one's *ruler* is (should be) their own mind.

When one tacitly surrenders to the premise that a *ruler* actually exists, by insinuating that a *good* ruler is somehow benevolent to one's personal life, as for example giving them free stuff that has been plundered from other individuals.

Acknowledging that someone or some collective has greater power and therefore the *right* to rule you is effectively declaring them "GOD", and granting them the right to control your actions.

Yes...of course God exists.. God is in your mind. You have made it so.. Your *ruler* is your 'god'.

Deny them. Mentally deny them. Continually. Build up mental barriers. Deny any and all personal contribution which makes it easier for the self-declared *rulers* to control anyone.

Obfuscate them with paper, deny them access to your personal details. Transpose letters and numbers. Make it your goal to control them by wasting their time on triviality.

Above all, physically deny them any access to your mind, your true love, your true purpose.

Deny them any access to your property with every means at your disposal.

Do your part.

Your mind is a precious thing, and you should take responsibility for its control.

One caveat follows. Remember that your rights end where the rights of someone else begins, else violence ensues.

Violence can be a good thing, and is given for you to protect your own.

Violence instigated to control someone else is not beneficial, and will always eventually be corrected and the *rulers* deposed.

Call it Karma if you wish, but it is surely very real.

: Open Letter to the "Elite" Rulers

: "Elites:" This Letter Is Real, Your Attention
: Required

: Brothers and Sisters of our ruling class, Royal Family
: members, Bloodline Family members, Heads of State, Heads
: and High Officers of Multinational Corporations, High
: Officers and Heads of Banking Organizations, to you all,
: Greetings!

: The multitudes of the world look at you with awe and wonder.

: They believe what you have taught them to believe, that you
: are benevolent people, always on guard to protect our
: welfare and to decide and do what is best for us.

: They see you as beautiful, powerful, and mysterious, they
: believe that your appearance, your facade that you show to
: the public is who you really are.

: The media, which you own and control, and to whom you dictate
: the "news" and the values to convey to the
: people, that media puts your faces on the covers of
: magazines, your regal presences looking down on us with
: compassion and wisdom beyond what we can understand.

: So the public celebrates the birth of royal babies, the
: inauguration of presidents and prime ministers, the
: choosing of central bank spokespeople, and the coronation
: of kings and queens, the heads of government agencies.

: They are grateful that you and your staffs, your brilliant
: scientists and your insightful economists are there to
: preside over so many aspects of our lives that ordinary
: mortals can no longer understand or properly manage.

: They are grateful as you allocate resources, or tell us how to
: use and conserve ours, to save us from the plagues and
: shortages that only modern medical and economic science can
: overcome or prevent, and they cheer as you decide for us
: where our military protectors should be sent to save us
: from the invading and violent savages who might attack us
: at any moment.

: You are indeed celebrated and revered by our masses like gods
: among us, given the power of life and death over us, along
: with free reign to use our assets as you see fit, to
: protect us now and our children and descendants into the
: future.

: Millions idolize you and long to rise even to positions of
: your minor servants, and thus share in the aura of your
: power and mystery, as well as the physical wealth. But in
: all this glory of your status among us. There is one
: problem.

: It's What You Do

: That problem is your actions, the realities behind the masks.
: Your camouflage is sophisticated, complex and layered. But
: there are those among us that see through at least some of
: the layers.

: They see the Royal Family members, attending polo matches and
: other high society affairs with the most meticulous of
: mannerisms suitable to the upper class, but they also see
: those same family members hiding child kidnapping, torture
: operations and eugenics plans in the shadows beyond the
: reach of the limelight.

: They see heads of international pharmaceutical companies,
: backed up by prestigious medical organizations, announcing
: plans to cure disease with the latest miracle drug or
: vaccination, but they also see the numbers of deaths these
: miracle drugs and vaccines are designed to cause already
: calculated for each area of the world and each demographic
: group to whom they will be promoted.

: And they see that the more drugs and vaccines and invasive
: "therapies" are used by the people, the sicker
: everyone gets, the more rampant is medical drug addiction,
: and the more income flows to the health care system as the
: population sinks farther into disease and an unnatural,
: torturous process of contrived "aging" which we
: are told is inevitable.

: They see presidents and prime ministers take solemn oaths of
: office after long campaigns full of lofty promises and the
: promises and oaths are broken with disdain immediately
: after taking office.

: They see the high level global banking representatives
: promising to save the world from economic downturns,
: followed by not only downturns but disasters and
: progressive loss of value as wealth is transferred step by
: step from those who earn it to those who play the game of
: the banking scam, manufacturing pretend wealth out of
: nothing.

: They see the armies of your servants, scurrying about
: following you direction to craft laws with language so
: deceptive as to be unintelligible to the average person,
: yet full of more and more infringements of the rights all
: people are endowed with at birth, those rights which
: governments can at best recognize and affirm, but which
: come to all people from their Creator, not from any head of
: state.

: Deception and Assault on Us From Multiple Directions

: And these people see the skeletons in your closets, the dark
: side of your activities that show you may

: pretend to be our friends but are really working as our
: enemies, and deadly ones at that, bereft of remorse or
: compassion, taking enjoyment from our pain. Growing numbers
: of us are waking up to what you are really doing to us and
: our world. Which you think belongs to you.

: We see that you have been systematically destroying us
: economically and stealing all of our hard earned resources
: by way of financial tricks. One of the most prominent of
: these tricks is the scam of central banking.

: You have used this maneuver to take over countries and wreck
: their economies, including the U.S. and many other nations
: around the world. It is a simple trick, yet your deception
: and skillful promotion are so subtle that the majority of
: people still don't understand how you do it, or that you
: are doing it at all.

: Your modus operandi is to cone into a country, like you did in
: the U.S. in 1913 and make a deal with those in power, who
: are usually quite open to the usual bribes and threats, the
: carrots and sticks that you use. You set up your own
: company and give it the right to issue the country's money
: simply by printing it or entering numbers on a computer.

: You get the legitimate government to give its sole right to
: this function to you in exchange for whatever payoffs are
: needed to but the votes. This takes the country into debt
: as the government borrows its money from this new exclusive
: money issuer called a "central bank".

: Once the process starts, the economic fate and destruction of
: the country are assured, unless the central bank is
: abolished in time, which rarely happens. New taxes are
: instituted to pay your central bank for the borrowed
: currency and even then, when the inflow of new money and
: its associated debt outpaces the taxes and un-payable
: obligation is predictably created and you own the
: government which agreed to this scandalous deal.

: Deceptively labeled "free trade" agreements at the
: same time guarantee the death of the very industries that
: keep any country strong and in the U.S. this has turned a
: once strong and independent nation of free people into a
: subservient land of slaves with no way to earn our own way
: as a nation or to reclaim even a piece of real national
: security, dependent as we have now become on industries
: outside our borders, giving the rulers and bankers of other
: nations the license to dictate our terms of life.

: And since government uses force to control the people of the
: country, you own the general population too. If the U.S.
: government had been honest and not receptive to bribery or
: threats, you central bank here could never have gotten
: started.

: If the people of the nation had been awake and aware of the
: incredible danger of allowing a central bank to exist, you
: would have been quickly thrown out of the country, perhaps
: indicted for your attempted financial coup which
: unfortunately has become reality.

: But neither of those conditions existed so you and your scam
: got in and took root. The same scam in some variation is in
: play in every country with a central bank in your system is
: issuing the currency. This is exactly why Mayer Rothschild
: famously said "Give me control of a nation's currency
: and I care not who makes its laws.

: How Will You Kill Us?


RMN is an RA production.

Articles In This Thread

Open Letter to the "Elite" Rulers "Elites:" This Letter Is Real, Your Attention Required
Lymerick -- Friday, 10-Oct-2014 02:15:03
Addendum: You Are Your Ruler....
Watchman -- Friday, 10-Oct-2014 11:25:28

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